Suggest correction - #8312 - 2021-01-12

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    $1600 20
12 years after the Silver Star, this metal medal was established in 1944, retroactive to December 7, 1941

Show #8312 - Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Lucy Ricketts, an illustrator originally from Atlanta, Georgia

Dusty Smith, a former movie executive from Corvallis, Oregon

Tanay Kothari, a business operations associate from Oakland, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
This 2-word term is used to describe animals like poultry that have been raised in natural conditions
    $200 6
A city of 7 hills, it's known for its sound, namely Puget--but also grunge
    $200 22
To pull, or a big clumsy oaf
    $200 1
This ex-first lady was part of the Tractors for Freedom Committee to pay a ransom for prisoners taken at the Bay of Pigs
    $200 9
This can be a circumnavigator of the waist or a shot of liquor
    $200 21
Roberta Flack & later the Fugees sang about a man "strumming my pain with his fingers", then committing this title crime
    $400 27
Freestyle swimmers use this stroke that ironically doesn't sound very fast
    $400 12
The Magic Kingdom south, it was once known as Jernigan but got a name change in 1857 & a Wet 'n Wild water park, a bit later
    $400 26
When you disengage mentally, you do this 3-letter verb--no broccoli or cabbage required
    $400 2
In the 10th century the hajj was suspended for some 20 years after the theft of the black stone from the Kaaba in this city
    $400 13
The OED calls this, named for an atoll, "a scanty two-piece beach garment"
    $400 20
In "A Clockwork Orange", the Droogs were up for "a bit of the old ultra-" this; Lana Del Rey sang about it in 2014
    $600 28
The first freedom mentioned in the Bill of Rights is "the free exercise" of this
    $600 11
Peyton Manning repeatedly gave mid-game shout-outs to this city near the confluence of the Missouri & the Platte
    $600 25
This shortened word precedes "league" or "team" when it's a local sports league for fun rather than money
    $600 3
One cemetery holds the remains of the first & the last British soldiers killed in WWI--the latter, at 9:30 A.M. on this date in 1918
    $600 18
Chukkas & Chelseas are types of these
    $600 15
Ask Maverick; Kenny Loggins sang of "metal under tension" & "red line overload" as you approach this "risky" title area
    $800 29
Active from 1848 to 1854, this minor but influential political party opposed the spread of slavery into the western USA
    DD: $2,000 8
A very specific wooden post led to the naming of this southern state capital en Francais
    $800 24
There are more than 40 species of this conifer, including the 200-foot-tall noble
    $800 4
This early 20th century leader advocated a more European & modernized Turkey, including in clothing, as you see
    $800 17
In the 1950s a sexy movie with this infantile title inspired Balenciaga to design a dress of the same name
    $800 14
Call the FBI! This title madman of a Talking Heads song is on the loose; qu'est-ce que c'est
    $1000 30
The port of Freetown is the largest city & capital of this nation of western Africa
    $1000 7
The American Quarter Horse Association is headquartered in this "yellow" Texas city
    $1000 23
To Chaucer it was the belly; now it's the gaping mouth of a hungry creature
    $1000 5
How do you start a Civil War? Agree to the Magna Carta & then turn around & ask the pope to annul it like this king did
    $1000 16
Khaled Hosseini conceived "A Thousand Splendid Suns" after seeing women wearing these during a trip to Afghanistan
    $1000 10
Hall & Oates sang that this title killer will "only come out at out boy she'll chew you up"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tanay Dusty Lucy
$5,200 $400 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tanay Dusty Lucy
$10,000 $1,600 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: In this category, each response will contain a 1-word weather forecast hidden inside the word.)
    $400 27
The recipe for this title Judy Blume "Juice" includes grape juice, vinegar & mustard
    $400 30
When used in ovens, these electromagnetic waves operate at about 2,450 megahertz
    $400 6
A headlining star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in the 19th century, she was a champion sharpshooter at age 15
    $400 1
Frank Sinatra reportedly wanted to play this Clown Prince of Crime on "Batman", but Cesar Romero got to the greasepaint first
    $400 23
2016 recipients of this, our nation's highest civilian honor, included Frank Gehry & Diana Ross
    $400 14
An AC/DC tune, or a word meaning flabbergasted; you've been...!
    $800 11
The Washington Post editorialized that "If You Give a Mouse" this was a criticism of the welfare state
    $800 29
These distinctive carnivores roamed North America for millions of years until about 10,000 B.C.
    $800 7
Dolores Huerta co-founded this migrant laborers association in 1962 & served as its vice president for nearly 4 decades
    $800 2
With his artificial smile, Twisty the clown was just one of the terrors in the "Freak Show" season of this FX series
    $800 22
Artur Avila solved problems in chaos theory & won the Fields Medal, described as the Nobel Prize of this area of expertise
    $800 15
One who never, ever gives up hope is an "eternal" this 8-letter word
    $1200 12
Books about this title simian include his visit to an aquarium & him making pancakes
    $1200 28
This non-imperial measure was originally defined as one 10-millionth the distance from the North Pole to the equator
    $1200 8
She had taken a major role in the family business even before her brother Gianni's tragic death in 1997
    $1200 3
Hooray for Captain Spaulding, the murderous clown in "House of 1000 Corpses", directed by this White Zombie frontman
    DD: $2,000 21
The president of Morehouse College was on the first committee to award the Spingarn Medal of this organization
    $1200 16
Adjective for the nationality of a citizen living in Kharkiv or Donetsk
    $1600 13
The "World's Greatest Detective", this kid, rhymingly "the Great", solves all sorts of crimes, often in a deerstalker cap
    $1600 26
This pea-sized "master gland" produces hormones that regulate many of the body's other endocrine glands
    $1600 9
This temperance crusader gave lectures billed as "The Famous & Original Bar Room Smasher"
    $1600 4
John Leguizamo plays a demon from hell who takes the slightly less creepy form of a clown in this 5-letter comic book movie
    $1600 20
12 years after the Silver Star, this metal medal was established in 1944, retroactive to December 7, 1941
    $1600 17
This bird is famous for its lovely song heard after dark
    $2000 24
A children's literature prize first given in 2003 is named for this Swedish creator of Pippi Longstocking
    $2000 25
Iceland is a leader in the generation of this type of renewable energy, from words meaning "earth" & "heat"
    DD: $9,000 10
The longest-serving female U.S. senator in history, Barbara Mikulski represented this state from 1987 to 2017
    $2000 5
One persona of this "Man of 1000 Faces" was Tito Beppi, a despondent clown in "Laugh, Clown, Laugh"
    $2000 19
Poets like Gwendolyn Brooks who have traveled on less-taken roads can win the Poetry Society of America Medal named for him
    $2000 18
Late 19th century entertainers often toured the country this way, doing one-night shows in makeshift theaters

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tanay Dusty Lucy
$16,400 $6,400 $25,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

When she first came to the world's attention in 1957, she was dubbed "Muttnik" by U.S. journalists

Final scores:

Tanay Dusty Lucy
$12,801 $2 $33,100
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $33,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tanay Dusty Lucy
$15,200 $6,400 $17,400
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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