Suggest correction - #8268 - 2020-10-28

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    $1000 18
The functions of a liver cell can be split into 5 major categories, one of which is changing fat & protein into this

Show #8268 - Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Jennifer Spinos, a third grade teacher from Las Vegas, Nevada

Scott Shrum, a digital marketing executive from Westlake Village, California

Brian Adams, an educator from Big Bear Lake, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $44,901)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with an "S" and end with the letter T.)
    $200 26
Curtis Sittenfeld's fictional novel "Rodham" asks what if this real-life woman didn't marry her current husband
    $200 11
Collective term for the workers on a ship or a television show
    $200 5
After a decree from the federal govt., from 1891 to 1911 this Pennsylvania metropolis had no "H" at the end of its name
    $200 20
In 1968 Congress passed the Fair this act, a word also in the name of a then 3-year-old cabinet department
    $200 25
Allergy sufferers dread late summer when ragweed pollinates, causing this "fever"
    $200 10
Taking this is one way to move up the standings in a marathon, but not for long
    $400 27
This title of a 2020 Stephen King novella collection is the first part of a TV news adage that ends with "it leads"
    $400 12
At any given time Google has hundreds of jobs open in I.T., short for this
    $400 1
The spot "Where Montana Began" in 1841 is St. Mary's, this type of Catholic settlement also big in 18th century California
    $400 19
In the 2010s LoL, this multiplayer game, surpassed WoW as the world's most popular video game
    $400 21
With these growing as long as 14 feet underground, bindweed is especially tough to get rid of
    $400 9
Similar to caulk, this type of product that fills cracks is usually made of silicone
    $600 13
A pilot is the person controlling an aircraft, or in the case of the book "Life on the Mississippi", one of these
    $600 3
The Hood Art Museum is an attraction in Hanover, a college town in this state
    $600 16
Don't struggle clumsily in naming this flatfish, be it European or starry
    $600 22
The puffy seedhead of this weed of the genus Taraxacum is known as a blowball
    $600 6
From the French for "to know", it's a scholarly person
    $800 14
It's a medical practitioner who specializes in the treatment & prevention of diseases of the foot
    DD: $1,000 2
Major cities that share this name lie on the Kennebec River in Maine & on the Savannah River in Georgia
    $800 17
About 98% of Iran's people are Muslims & about 90% belong to this branch of Islam, Iran's state religion
    $800 23
This weed with a crustacean name is the bane of lawn owners everywhere
    $800 7
A key to the early success of Apple was VisiCalc, the first electronic this
    $1000 15
Not taking risks, but calculating risks & setting premiums is the job of actuaries, who mostly work in this industry
    $1000 4
This state's state bird, the cactus wren, often builds nests in the saguaro cactus, unique to the Sonoran Desert
    $1000 18
The functions of a liver cell can be split into 5 major categories, one of which is changing fat & protein into this
    $1000 24
Larvae of monarch butterflies eat this "weed" that gets its name from its cloudy white juice
    $1000 8
Medieval knights wore this outer tunic over their metal armor

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Scott Jennifer
$2,400 $2,800 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Scott Jennifer
$3,200 $6,000 -$400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
The Strokes led the "revival" of this raw type of rock named for a good part of the house to practice
    $400 27
Copyrights, patents & trademarks are all part of this type of law
    $400 1
In "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", Maya Angelou lives in the small town of Stamps near Texarkana in the SW corner of this state
    $400 10
This "fermented cabbage" goes great on a sandwich
    $400 23
December 31, 1999: "Little fallout from" this "glitch"
    $800 13
The poet Lucan didn't sing the praises of this infamous emperor, who forced him to commit suicide in 65 A.D.
    $800 20
The Black Eyed Peas were 7 years in when this woman joined the group in 2002 as they went in a poppier direction
    $800 11
"Two households, both alike in dignity" is an example of this poetic pattern
    $800 5
Owen Wister's "The Virginian" is set in cattle country in this "Cowboy State"
    $800 6
This little breed is a "badger dog"
    $800 15
April 19, 1923: "74,200 see Yankees open new stadium"; he "hits home run"
    $1200 14
This biographer was born in 46 A.D. during the reign of Claudius but didn't include him in "Parallel Lives"
    $1200 19
This 3-word title by The Killers precedes "that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend..."
    $1200 12
Dr. Robert Wang helped create this brand of multicooker whose name implies speed
    $1200 2
This author based the novel "The Magic Mountain" on a trip to Davos, Switzerland to treat his wife's bronchitis
    $1200 8
In the mountains enjoy these "noble white" flowers
    $1200 16
April 19, 1978: "Senate votes to give up" this waterway
    DD: $5,000 17
Jack White has had some conflict with Dan Auerbach of this band whose name oddly mirrors The White Stripes'
    $1600 25
Inadequate defense is a problem encountered by this group that works to exonerate the wrongly convicted
    $1600 3
Centennial, a suburb of Denver, is named for the title town in this man's 1974 novel "Centennial"
    $1600 7
None of this "whirlpool" pastry for me--I'm dieting
    $1600 21
From April 1955: this man's "polio vaccine proves success; millions will be immunized soon"
    $2000 18
This hit by Panic! at the Disco had no fewer than 9 writers; Tayla Parx contributed the "mama said" part
    $2000 26
He's the beloved virtuoso seen here
    $2000 4
Many think Frances Hodgson Burnett based the overgrown wild of this 1911 novel on Great Maytham Hall in Kent
    $2000 9
A book about the hero's formative years is this kind of "education novel"
    $2000 22
April 20, 1993: "Death in" this Texas city; "scores die as cult compound is set afire"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Scott Jennifer
$12,000 $17,800 -$400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He used his 1983 Pritzker Prize money on a scholarship fund for Chinese students to study their profession in the United States

Final scores:

Brian Scott Jennifer
$20,000 $24,100 -$400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,100 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Scott Jennifer
$13,000 $14,400 -$400
18 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
3 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $27,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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