Suggest correction - #2609 - 1995-12-28

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    $200 21
The Stanford-Binet is this type of test

Show #2609 - Thursday, December 28, 1995

1995-B Seniors Tournament final game 1.


Phyllis Clark, a program coordinator from West Grove, Pennsylvania

Jerry Platzman, a pharmacist and attorney from Monsey, New York

David Cuneo, a former history teacher from Reisterstown, Maryland

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1960s
    $100 6
This governor signed a bill September 2, 1966 forbidding Alabama's schools to desegregate
    $100 7
Nebraska's largest papers include the Lincoln Star in Lincoln & the World-Herald in this city
    $100 10
When you travel by the most direct route, you're going "as" this bird "flies"
    $100 26
The hermit type of this crustacean often makes its home in an empty snail shell
    $100 1
The Benaki Museum in this city has a fine collection of Greek costumes
    $100 21
Hans Conried, a regular on his radio show, later played Uncle Tonoose on his TV show
    $200 9
In 1960 the 1st communications satellite, Echo 1, & the 1st of these satellites, Tiros 1, were launched
    $200 8
In 1948 this newspaper merged with the Chicago Sun
    $200 11
An archaic word for the jaw gave us the phrase "to lick" these in anticipation
    $200 27
While bearing little, if any, resemblance, the okapi is the only living relative of this tallest mammal
    $200 2
It's Lebanon's chief port, as well as its capital
    $200 22
Tootsie Roll was a sponsor of this cop show based on a Chester Gould comic strip
    $300 12
Captured by North Korea in 1968, the crew of this U.S. spy ship was held prisoner for 11 months
    $300 15
Dailies in this country include the Nassau Guardian & the Freeport News
    $300 18
In the 1920s this "feline sleepwear" term described something first-rate
    $300 28
While they're unable to fly, these tall Australian birds can swim when necessary
    $300 3
The copper-domed city hall in this capital of Northern Ireland was designed in the Renaissance style
    $300 23
The Bickersons began as a regular sketch on this ventriloquist's variety show
    $400 13
"You have the right to" tell us the Supreme Court made its decision in this man's case June 13, 1966
    $400 16
Newspapers in this island group include Tradewinds & the St. Croix Avis
    $400 19
This phrase for an easygoing existence stems from a Vaudeville song about a man named O'Reilly
    $400 29
The nubian is the most popular milk-producing breed of this animal in the U.S.
    $400 4
Port-of-Spain is the capital of the island country known as Trinidad and this
    $400 24
Inspector Douglas Renfrew worked for the RCMP & this title sergeant for the earlier NWMP
    $500 14
In 1969 this judge at the Chicago 8 trial ordered Bobby Seale bound & gagged to stop his disruptions
    DD: $1,000 17
This country has Asia's largest English-language press
    $500 20
Latin for "voice of the people", it refers to popular sentiment
    $500 30
Mandrills, the males of which are noted for their striking coloration, are a species of this large monkey
    $500 5
The Ruben Dario Theater in this capital city was named for a famous Nicaraguan poet
    $500 25
From a 1940 serial title, the first name of the woman lawyer who "Faces Life"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Jerry Phyllis
$2,400 $1,000 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Jerry Phyllis
$2,900 $1,300 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
The Stanford-Binet is this type of test
    $200 2
Soon after taking office in 1981, this president lifted the grain embargo on the Soviet Union
    $200 22
This "Starry Night" painter gave up his theology studies in 1878 but became a lay minister
    $200 1
In Norse myth trolls live under these structures, as 3 gruff billy goats could tell you
    $200 7
If you like to boogie, you know boogie is short for this musical style
    $200 16
He reworked his aborted 1940s comic book "Mike Danger" into a novel & created Mike Hammer
    $400 27
In the 1920s Sigmund Freud divided the psyche into these 3 parts
    $400 3
In 1858 this Democrat won reelection to the U.S. Senate from Illinois
    $400 23
In this technique of painting on plaster, softer, less brilliant colors are used
    $400 8
In the Northern Hemisphere, the longest night occurs on this solstice
    $400 9
These small finger-played drums used in Latin American music were embraced by 1950s beatniks
    $400 17
Presidential last name of the Elliott who wrote "Murder in the Executive Mansion"
    $600 28
It's still not known if animals learn by nurture or by this other "N"
    $600 4
In 1842 the U.S. recognized the independence of this Pacific island group
    $600 24
14 years after he painted his mother, he was elected president of the Society of British Artists
    $600 10
This 198-year-old frigate was refloated in Boston in 1995 as part of a $12 million restoration
    $600 13
Preposteros & Stupidas are 2 of the thespians in this British pair's 1871 operetta "Thespis"
    DD: $1,000 18
Title of address for Kienzles Koesler, McInerny's Dowling or Chesterton's Brown
    $800 29
Two-word term for the competition between children for the love of a parent or to gain favors
    $800 5
On Dec. 31, 1775 at this Canadian city, Gen. Richard Montgomery was killed & Benedict Arnold was wounded
    $800 25
In this painting technique, egg yolk is used as a binder for a pigment-water mixture
    $800 11
This man whom People magazine called "popcorn's own Kernel Sanders" passed away in 1995
    $800 14
In 1898 this great Italian tenor created the role of Loris in Giordano's opera "Fedora"
    $800 19
"Polar Star" & "Red Square" were sequels to this 1981 Martin Cruz Smith Russian police procedural
    $1000 30
Caused by tension or anxiety, bruxism is this activity that occurs during Stage 2 sleep
    DD: $2,000 6
This 1765 act by the British Parliament required a duty in the colonies on newspapers & legal documents
    $1000 26
This Cretan spent his last 6 years working in Toledo on 3 paintings for the Hospital of St. John the Baptist
    $1000 12
This chief's Nez Perce name was In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat
    $1000 15
This choral conductor formed his famous chorale in 1946
    $1000 20
Author who began his "Deadly Sins" series in 1973 with "The First Deadly Sin"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Jerry Phyllis
$11,300 $4,100 $3,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Prior to winning a Nobel Peace Prize, she received the Nehru Award

Final scores:

David Jerry Phyllis
$12,600 $5,600 $6,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Jerry Phyllis
$9,900 $5,100 $3,800
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
18 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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