Suggest correction - #1702 - 1992-01-14

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    $400 14
A synonym for onlookers, or the type of white pumps with contrasting trim they might wear

Show #1702 - Tuesday, January 14, 1992


Christine Boyett-Thompson, a college instructor from Houston, Texas

John Ferraro, a landscaper from Rotonda West, Florida

Liz MacGillicuddy-Lucas, an actress originally from Hollywood, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,798)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The dreaded spelling category! You'd think we were in a Teen Tournament.)
    $100 1
The spectacled or Andean bear is native to this continent
    $100 3
The state house in Philadelphia is now called this
    $100 23
This substance is applied to the tip of the cue to keep it from slipping off the ball
    $100 16
Samuel Barber's "Adagio For Strings" was played at the 1982 funeral of this princess
    $100 11
Bracelets shaped like these reptiles have coiled around arms since ancient times
    $100 17
Ms. Foster, who won an Oscar for "The Accused"
    $200 2
Distinguished from its seal relatives by its tusks, it's the largest of the fin-footed mammals
    $200 4
The Chateau Frontenac in this, Canada's oldest city, is a hotel built to look like a French chateau
    $200 24
The spin imparted on the cue ball by hitting it off center is called this
    $200 19
Part of Gyorgy Ligeti's "Requiem" is on the soundtrack of this Stanley Kubrick space film
    $200 12
A glove with a wide cuff above the wrist that you might want to "throw down"
    $200 18
This Smith may not be a TV "Angel" anymore, but she still looks like one
    $300 5
The scientific name of this largest deer is from a Greek word meaning "elk"
    $300 8
The Temple of the Giant Jaguar is part of this civilization's ruins in Guatemala
    $300 25
This is the term for the pocketing of the cue ball
    $300 28
Art Blakey, Gene Krupa & Buddy Rich all played this instrument
    $300 13
The beads hippies wore in the '60s had this "romantic" name
    $300 20
Mouseketeer Annette
    $400 6
This marsupial has 50 teeth, more than any other North American mammal
    $400 9
726 feet tall, this structure stands in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River
    $400 26
The top of a table is often made of this rock & can weigh over 300 pounds
    $400 29
Argentine Carlos Gardel is still considered the world's most famous singer in this style
    $400 14
A synonym for onlookers, or the type of white pumps with contrasting trim they might wear
    $400 21
Late Ballerina Dame Margot
    $500 7
The name of this Tibetan dog is Chinese for "lion dog"
    $500 10
Tyn Church & a monument to reformer Jan Hus are in this Czech capital's old town
    $500 27
For the game of 8-ball, this many balls, not 8, are racked
    DD: $800 30
"Heavenly" keyboard instrument heard in the "Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy"
    $500 15
A reticule is a small drawstring one of these
    $500 22
Last name of the political theorist who wrote "The Prince"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Liz John Christine
$500 $1,000 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Liz John Christine
-$200 $2,100 $100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The famous one.)
    $200 1
Captain Cook's first name
    $200 16
The only home Abraham Lincoln ever owned is in this capital city
    $200 26
The Army bombed lava flows that endangered the city of Hilo on this island
    $200 11
The scientific name for the breastbone
    $200 21
We don't know what year the next star will be added, but we do know it will be on this date
    $200 4
Chapter XX of this novel is "Lorna Begins Her Story"; Chapter XXI is "Lorna Ends Her Story"
    $400 2
On his third voyage, he sailed the Arctic, looking for this
    $400 17
Lying at the southern end of Puget Sound, it was named for the nearby mountains
    $400 12
This cone-shaped tube connects the nose & mouth with the voice box & esophagus
    $400 22
The only time you should display the flag with the stars down
    $400 5
The French title of this Albert Camus novel is "L'Etranger"
    $600 3
He won the Copley Medal for preventing this disease by giving his crew sauerkraut
    $600 18
This state capital is the seat of Leon County, which was named for Ponce de Leon
    $600 13
The trapezius & latissimus dorsi muscles are located in this part of the body
    $600 23
It was first planted in this sea July 20, 1969
    $600 8
His book "North and South" ends with a 1787 antislavery quote by George Mason of Virginia
    $800 6
Cook named the east coast of Australia this after a part of Britain
    $800 19
Sky Harbor International Airport is located in this southwestern capital
    $800 14
Term for the 4 veins from the lungs that supply blood to the heart's left atrium
    DD: $900 24
When Flag Day was made a national holiday, the flag had this many stars
    $800 9
Lady Dedlock disappears and dies in Dickens' novel about this depressing domicile
    DD: $1,000 7
The new U.S. space shuttle is named after this ship Cook took on an astronomy mission in 1768
    $1000 20
Fort Benjamin Harrison, just northeast of this midwest capital, houses the U.S. Army Finance Center
    $1000 15
From a word meaning "tree", these threadlike branches of a neuron carry signals to a nerve cell body
    $1000 25
A flag is flown at half-mast for 10 days on a vice president's death & this long for a president's
    $1000 10
The first line of this Betty Smith novel is "Serene was a word you could put to Brooklyn, New York"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Liz John Christine
$3,000 $3,500 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The New York Stock Exchange symbol of this Montreal-based company is "VO"

Final scores:

Liz John Christine
$6,000 $6,700 $2,500
2nd place: Trip for 2 to Puerto Rico and St. Kitts New champion: $6,700 3rd place: Aiwa mini stereo

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Liz John Christine
$3,000 $3,500 $5,500
9 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
21 R,
5 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $12,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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