Suggest correction - #1735 - 1992-02-28

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    $400 13
Among this country's 9 provinces are Liege, Luxembourg & Antwerp

Show #1735 - Friday, February 28, 1992

1992 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 5.


Melissa Murray, a junior from Port St. Lucie, Florida

April McManus, a senior from Woodbury, Minnesota

Jason Colby, a junior from Clifton, New Jersey

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
The U.S. mint in this Rocky Mountain capital is the USA's second-biggest gold depository
    $100 12
This cuplike cover protects your finger when you want to push a needle through material
    $100 1
Sarek, an ambassador from this planet, has appeared in both the old & new series
    $100 7
The primary one of these is caused by 2 refractions & 1 reflection of light by each raindrop
    $100 14
There are this many items in a score
    $100 22
Someone's breaking point is often referred to as "the straw that broke" this animal's "back"
    $200 8
The fort of pioneer settler John A. Sutter has been restored in this capital city
    $200 27
The "running" one of these is the most basic; it's used for gathering
    $200 2
Middle name of Eugene (yes, it's Eugene) Roddenberry or 1st name of Wil Wheaton's character
    $200 13
It's a glass tube in which a column of mercury changes height with changes in temperature
    $200 15
This metric unit of distance is sometimes called a klick
    $200 23
To something quickly is to do it in "two shakes of" this young animal's tail
    $300 9
This Iowa capital is headquarters to more than 50 insurance companies
    $300 28
These come in envelopes that contain pieces of paper shaped like sections of a garment
    $300 3
An associate artist of the Royal Shakespeare Company, he plays Captain Jean-Luc Picard
    $300 19
"Absolute" this is the term for the amount of moisture in the air
    $300 16
This unit of measurement is equal to .083 feet
    $300 24
To look guilty but smug is to "Look like the cat that ate" this
    $400 10
The Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum is located in this capital
    $400 29
When the "invisible" type of this fastener is closed, the teeth are concealed
    $400 4
This facility aboard the Enterprise can recreate Victorian London or alien planets
    $400 20
On the Earth, Cu is copper; in the sky, Cu is this type of cloud
    $400 17
There are 16 tablespoons in one of these
    $400 25
One who's clever in a sneaky sort of way is "Crazy like" this animal
    DD: $700 11
This capital was named for a British city on the English Channel
    $500 30
Skirtmarkers are used to mark these lines
    $500 5
When the current Enterprise met a previous Enterprise in a time rift, she returned to play Tasha Yar
    $500 21
More common name for the tropical easterlies
    $500 18
The name of this system of weights & measures comes from Old French meaning "goods of weight"
    $500 26
To be unusually brave is "To beard" this animal "in his den"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Jason April Melissa
$800 $2,700 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason April Melissa
$2,600 $3,600 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
William Gillette's plays "Held by the Enemy" & "Secret Service" were set in this war
    $200 1
As you might expect, the name of this sign means "bull" in Latin
    $200 10
"Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" was his first published collection of poems
    $200 12
It's also the capital of Cape Province, South Africa
    $200 29
Appropriately, the National Library of Medicine is in this state abbreviated Md.
    $200 18
It precedes ray, rated & marks the spot
    $400 8
After the Spanish-American war, the U.S. paid Spain $20 million for this Pacific island group
    $400 3
Green is a harmonious color for people born under this sign; wearing it might make them less "crab"by
    $400 2
Years before his 1st volume of poetry was published in 1913, he was a chicken farmer in Derry, N.H.
    $400 13
Among this country's 9 provinces are Liege, Luxembourg & Antwerp
    $400 30
The Folger Shakespeare Library is on this famous hill
    $400 19
Something done to perfect exactness is said to be "Done to a" this
    $600 9
On May 10,1876 the Centennial Exposition opened in Fairmount Park in this Pennsylvania city
    $600 4
It's the only sign symbolized by a cat
    $600 11
Poet & Lincoln biographer who wrote about Lincoln's death in "Cool Tombs"
    $600 20
This country's Great Victoria Desert was first crossed in 1875 by Ernest Giles, who named it
    $600 28
George Bush selected this univ. in College Station, Texas as the site of his presidential library
    $600 25
With a line over it, this Roman numeral for 5 turns into 5,000
    DD: $600 14
In 1852 this party selected General Winfield Scott as its presidential candidate
    $800 5
Boldness, not sheepishness, is a major characteristic of this sign represented by a ram
    $800 16
While England's poet laureate, he wrote "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
    $800 21
At 1550 sq. miles, this country's Lake Nasser is one of the world's largest artificial lakes
    $800 24
Samuel Pepys left his library to his alma mater, Magdalene College at this university
    $800 26
The only letter not used in spelling any of the 50 states
    $1000 15
In the War of 1812 the British captured this ship captained by James Lawrence
    $1000 6
This sign is connected to the myth of Eros & Aphrodite, who turned into fish to escape a monster
    $1000 17
This Quaker poet's "Snow-Bound" tells the story of a family isolated during a blizzard
    DD: $1,200 22
2 nations occupy this island, the second-largest in the West Indies
    $1000 23
The library of King Ashurbanipal was in Nineveh, the last capital of this empire
    $1000 27
With a little circle on top of it, this letter stands for a unit of length for wavelengths of light

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason April Melissa
$4,200 $6,800 $4,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

In November 1991, 2 people from this country were indicted for the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing

Final scores:

Jason April Melissa
$8,300 $9,401 $0
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jason April Melissa
$5,400 $6,800 $4,700
19 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
12 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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