Suggest correction - #8230 - 2020-06-05

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    $400 1
Rembrandt painted many biblical scenes, including "The Blinding of" this strong man

Show #8230 - Friday, June 5, 2020

2020 Teachers Tournament final game 2.


Will Satterwhite, an 8th through 12th grade band and choir teacher from Vinton, Virginia (subtotal of $6,000)

Meggie Kwait, a middle school humanities teacher from New York, New York (subtotal of $7,600)

Ben Henri, a 7th through 12th grade vocal music teacher from St. Clair Shores, Michigan (subtotal of $7,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: "A-L-T" or "D-E-L" coming up in each correct response.)
    $200 2
This cake was named for being made with 16 ounces each of flour, butter, sugar & eggs
    $200 16
It's the only play that Shakespeare set in Scotland
    $200 17
The 1840 Democratic gathering was the first time this 8-letter statement of principles was adopted at a convention
    $200 5
2-word Latin term meaning a second self
    $200 23
Georgia's 25-cent piece offers "Wisdom", "Justice", "Moderation" & oh yeah, this fruit, naturally
    $400 3
A Vienna library has a recipe from 1696 for this flaky pastry & ja, the filling is apple
    $400 15
Previously bought at a pawn shop, Cormac McCarthy's light blue Olivetti one of these sold at auction in 2009 for over $250,000
    $400 18
At the 1980 convention, Reagan wanted as his running mate this recent former president, who declined
    $400 6
This ever-circling ballroom dance is in triple time
    $400 24
Massachusetts has had this type of soldier at the ready on its 2 bits since its release on January 3, 2000
    $400 29
I hereby challenge Pat Sajak to this sport where we'll attempt to stay on a spinning piece of floating wood
    $600 4
Different from the New York style, the Japanese variety of this dessert is known for extreme fluffiness
    $600 12
In "The Jungle Book", he's the "sleepy brown bear who teaches the wolf cubs the "law of the jungle"
    $600 19
At the 1924 Dem. convention, a proposal to condemn this 3-word racist org. by name lost by 1 vote after a bitter debate
    $600 8
An unalterable mark that can never be erased can also be described as this
    $600 25
Washington is shown crossing the Delaware on the quarter of this state, George's destination
    $600 1
Armand Duplantis broke the world record in this sport on 2 consecutive Saturdays in 2020, the second time clearing 20' 3"
    $800 7
Literally "lightning" in French, this long, thin chocolate-covered pastry really gives me a charge
    $800 13
Best known for his "Leatherstocking Tales", he also wrote "The Pilot", one of America's first novels about the sea
    $800 20
In 1880 this former president lost a chance for a 3rd term when Garfield topped the 36th ballot at the GOP convention
    $800 9
The Bonneville these smooth out nicely over 40 square miles
    DD: $3,000 26
This motto that offers 2 very different options adorns New Hampshire's quarter
    $800 22
In Basque & Spanish regions, pelota vasca is another name for this fast-moving game
    $1000 11
This 4-letter caramel custard dessert associated with Spanish recipes dates back to Roman times
    $1000 14
Mary Ann Evans published her novels, including "Adam Bede", under this pen name
    $1000 21
1864 saw the only convention of the Natl. Union Party, a new name for the GOP to attract the faction called these Democrats
    $1000 10
California is known for this dry red wine from a black-skinned grape
    $1000 27
South Carolina's coin features this tree that gives the state its nickname as well as that nickname itself, written out
    $1000 28
Shooting, swimming & tossing a grenade-like projectile are included in the military version of this 5-event sport

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Meggie Will
$3,200 $4,400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Meggie Will
$5,400 $10,400 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 18
Home to Burning Man, Black Rock Desert is in the northwest part of this state
    $400 13
Children's book publisher Puffin is an offshoot of this other bird-y publisher
    $400 3
The divorcing spouses in "Marriage Story" were played by Adam Driver & her
    $400 8
A nucleon is either of these 2 basic constituents of an atomic nucleus
    $400 1
Rembrandt painted many biblical scenes, including "The Blinding of" this strong man
    $400 28
A trademark name for tissue, it began making the rounds in the 1920s as a cold cream remover
    $800 19
The Taklamakan desert spans over 100,000 square miles of the Uyghur autonomous region in this country
    DD: $3,400 14
The name of this publisher known for its book fairs is a word meaning "related to education"
    $800 4
Josh O'Connor played budding writer Lawrence Durrell on "The Durrells in Corfu"; on season 3 of "The Crown", he's this royal son
    $800 9
This colorful-sounding type of radiation has wavelengths between the visible part of the spectrum & X-rays
    $800 2
This Impressionist's series paintings, done under different light & weather conditions, included haystacks & the Houses of Parliament
    $800 26
We got this word from a 1920 play by Karel Capek about mechanical men & women
    $1200 20
"P" is for this desert that takes up large parts of Argentina & Chile
    $1200 15
The name of audiobook publisher Tantor comes from an elephant in the series about this ape man
    $1200 5
She based her stage name on the word "awkward", which she says describes her
    $1200 10
The linear type of this device increases the speed of particles as they move toward a target at the end of a tunnel
    $1200 22
Sinners are headed down, down, down in a detail from this part of the Sistine Chapel with a final-sounding name
    $1200 24
On the rise & entering English in the 1920s was this political movement led by Mussolini
    $1600 21
Named for a founding father of Israel, Ben-Gurion University of this desert area is a leading research university
    $1600 16
In 1990 William Collins & Sons was bought by News Corporation, which smushed this other publishing name in front
    $1600 6
If you really want to call this young actor by his name, pronounce it the French way, Tim-o-tay
    $1600 11
Every second, our sun creates energy by the nuclear fusion of 600 million tons of this element into helium
    $1600 29
This artist is seen here in New Mexico, holding one of her own canvasses
    $1600 25
The 8-letter name of this female sex hormone was coined in 1927
    $2000 23
Locals call the bleak Skeleton Coast where the Atlantic meets this desert "The Land God Made in Anger"
    $2000 17
Random House's Lenny Books imprint is run by this creator of the TV show "Girls"
    $2000 7
Not many actors do cranky as well as this man, who plays Norman on "The Kominsky Method"
    $2000 12
A baryon is a particle made of 3 of these, which come in "flavors" including charm & strange
    DD: $2,500 27
Right on "Q", this designation for a standard keyboard, first developed for the typewriter, came into use in 1929

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Meggie Will
$21,500 $13,200 $11,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title character of this 1726 novel reaches 4 different lands as a result of a shipwreck, a storm at sea, pirates & a mutiny

Final scores:

Ben Meggie Will
$26,501 $21,400 $0

Cumulative scores:

Ben Meggie Will
$34,001 $29,000 $6,000
Tournament champion: $100,000 1st runner-up: $50,000 2nd runner-up: $25,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben Meggie Will
$21,000 $11,000 $8,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $40,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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