Suggest correction - #2162 - 1994-01-18

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    $600 4
This third leg of horse racing's Triple Crown is the oldest of the 3 races

Show #2162 - Tuesday, January 18, 1994


David Kipen, a journalist from California

Dolores Kass, a New York City probation officer from Brooklyn, New York

Judy Weightman, a puzzle editor from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
This South American river drains about 5% of the Earth's total land area
    $100 8
Rudolph Valentino played a desert prince in this 1921 film in which he received second billing
    $100 21
Some doctors say that drinking coffee containing this stimulant can reduce the risk of asthma
    $100 1
John Norton, quartermaster of this ship is set adrift with Capt. Bligh in a Nordhoff & Hall work
    $100 6
Probably the best-known festivals of this holiday are the ones in New Orleans & Rio de Janeiro
    $100 12
Someone who speaks nonsense is said to be "talking through" this fashion accessory
    $200 27
William Shakespeare's Stratford in on this river, a tributary of the Severn
    $200 13
The Beverly Hills home of this cowboy star of "Twisted Trails" had a neon "TM" on the roof
    $200 22
Coronary thrombosis refers to the formation of one of these in a coronary artery
    $200 2
Umberto Eco's novel "Il Nome Della Rosa" was published under this title in English
    $200 7
Some conservative Muslims oppose celebrating Mawlid an-Nabi, the birthday of this prophet
    $200 16
This "canine" term means to pursue relentlessly, like a hunting dog
    $300 28
The Adige River begins in the Alps & enters this sea about 15 miles south of Venice
    $300 14
This 1925 Lon Chaney movie, in which he played a disfigured composer, had several scenes in color
    $300 23
Otalgia is the medical term for this type of "ache" & an otalgic is a remedy for it
    $300 3
Though he lived until 1961, he didn't complete another novel until after 1934's "The Thin Man"
    $300 9
This November U.S. holiday is called Remembrance Day in Canada
    $300 17
In England this kind of "tea" is a substantial meal, served around 6 o'clock
    $400 29
The Amur River in Central Asia forms part of Russia's border with this country
    $400 15
In 1942 Charlie Chaplin added his spoken narration to this 1925 film set in Alaska
    $400 24
About 1 out of every 4 sports injuries involves this joint that acts as a lever & shock absorber
    $400 4
His novel "Far From the Madding Crowd" was first published as a serial in Cornhill Magazine
    $400 10
Presidents' Day combines George Washington's birthday, February 22, with this date, Abraham Lincoln's
    $400 18
This Central American country has no active volcanoes, though its neighbors do
    DD: $1,100 30
This river joins the Monongahela at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio
    $500 19
This "Birth of a Nation" director wrote some screenplays under the pseudonym Irene Sinclair
    $500 25
This condition that often afflicts the elderly is also known as degenerative joint disease
    $500 5
With Sigmund Freud, this physicist wrote "Why War?", published by The League of Nations
    $500 11
Since 1978 these relatives have been honored with a national holiday, the Sunday after Labor Day
    $500 20
This word that refers to affected dramatic behavior is of Etruscan origin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Judy Dolores David
$1,700 $300 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Judy Dolores David
$2,300 $1,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
This Quaker was disappointed that the land in his original 1681 grant lacked a coastline
    $200 1
In April 1993 San Francisco 49er quarterback Joe Montana was traded to this Kansas City team
    $200 11
In 1206 a great assembly kuriltai confirmed his role as leader of the Mongols
    $200 2
An octet is a composition for this many instruments or voices
    $200 14
Frank B. Colton is included for developing this birth control method introduced tn 1960
    $200 19
Sauce Albert is a rich form of this pungent sauce that's served with roast beef
    $400 24
Its old name was New Netherland
    $400 3
This Dodgers manager leads all active National League managers in games won
    $400 12
John III Sobieski, the elective king of this country, turned back the Turks at Vienna in 1633
    $400 7
Some types of this instrument are end-blown & some are side-blown or transverse
    $400 15
He plowed right into the hall with his plow
    $400 20
This spice gives Hungarian sauce its pinkish tinge
    $600 25
This colony was founded partly as a buffer between Spanish Florida & the other English colonies
    $600 4
This third leg of horse racing's Triple Crown is the oldest of the 3 races
    $600 13
Around 500 B.C. Vijaya, a prince from India, invaded this nearby island & set up the Sinhalese Dynasty
    $600 8
Vox humana is a stop on this keyboard instrument intended to sound like a human voice
    $600 16
One reason Max Tishler was inducted was for his synthesis of this B vitamin, also called riboflavin
    $600 21
Tamari is a thicker, stronger version of this sauce
    DD: $2,000 26
This courtier sent the first English expeditions & named Virginia
    $800 5
Since 1971 the Golden State Warriors have been based in this city
    DD: $1,500 28
Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I was called Barbarossa, which means this
    $800 9
He wrote the libretto for Charpentier's opera "Le Malade Imaginaire" & the play on which it's based, too
    $800 17
This chemical company founder was inducted for his bromine extraction process
    $800 22
Flavored with tarragon & shallots, this creamy sauce is the traditional topper for chateaubriand
    $1000 27
The Pilgrims formed Plymouth Colony & this group founded the Massachusetts Bay Company
    $1000 6
Bonnie Blair, a competitor tn this sport, is the only U.S. woman with 3 Olympic gold medals
    $1000 29
This Ottoman leader was called the Magnificent by Europeans & kanuni, or lawgiver, by his subjects
    $1000 10
Leo Tolstoy based a story on his Kreutzer Sonata
    $1000 18
This Frenchman was inducted for his work on the brewing of beer & ale
    $1000 30
Mornay sauce is a variation of this basic white sauce with cheese added

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Judy Dolores David
$5,200 $7,000 $4,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

A Massachusetts city & college are named after this British commander at the 1759 capture of Ticonderoga

Final scores:

Judy Dolores David
$10,400 $10,500 $7,001
2nd place: Zeos ColorNote & Dome home business software + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $10,500 3rd place: Panasonic fax machine + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Judy Dolores David
$6,700 $5,800 $5,100
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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