Suggest correction - #8210 - 2020-04-24

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    $1000 15
In a Cole Porter classic, "I get no kick from" this beverage, but "I get a kick out of you"

Show #8210 - Friday, April 24, 2020

Sarah Jett Rayburn game 1.


Sarah Jett Rayburn, a writer and stay-at-home mom from Hutto, Texas

Shawn Dugas, a library associate from Metairie, Louisiana

Tim Latham, an accountant from Boston, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: There will be two sets of double letters in each correct response.)
    $200 27
The grand battement is a high-kicking movement in this art form
    $200 6
On Nov. 3, 1957 Laika the dog became the first living creature to orbit earth, on the second of these Soviet satellites
    $200 19
Enjoy this beverage in a shop, house or klatch
    $400 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates a signal.) According to the U.S. Soccer Federation, a referee uses an arm raise at a 45-degree angle to signal for either a throw-in or a direct one of these
    $400 20
After achieving a miraculous feat in 1954, he wrote "The Four Minute Mile"
    $400 25
These two heavenly sights appear on Alaska's state flag
    $400 18
It's the woodwind instrument heard here
    $400 24
This activity accounts for half the GDP of the Bahamas
    $400 8
The movie "Forrest Gump" gave us this 5-word adage
    $600 13
This online platform says its "mission is to help bring creative projects to life"
    DD: $2,000 17
Many workers united in 1955 when these 2 labor unions merged
    $600 23
Controversially, the state flag of Mississippi bears this other flag in the canton
    $600 9
Destitute, to the point of having no cents of your surroundings
    $600 16
Along with pineapples, these fruits are the top agricultural export of Costa Rica
    $600 3
A Lockheed aviation engineer is often credited with coining this principle abbreviated KISS
    $800 14
This 9-letter word precedes "kick" to mean a runner's heightened pace at the end of a distance race
    $800 12
This first nuclear submarine was launched in 1954
    $800 22
It's the only state that currently has different designs on the back & front; the reverse of its flag is seen here
    $800 11
Occupationally, it's someone who fells trees
    $800 5
Cambodia has one of the world's lowest rates of this, around 0.2%, but many workers struggle to make ends meet
    $800 2
Ryan Gosling takes Steve Carell in hand when Steve's marriage unravels in this 2011 film
    $1000 15
In a Cole Porter classic, "I get no kick from" this beverage, but "I get a kick out of you"
    $1000 7
In 1952 & in 1956 Dwight Eisenhower beat this Democrat in presidential elections
    $1000 21
On Missouri's flag, 2 of these large predators once plentiful there stand atop a scroll on which the state's motto appears
    $1000 10
As a verb, it means to support; in architecture, it's an external prop made to steady a structure
    $1000 4
This country with a GDP of $4.15 trillion is Europe's biggest economy
    $1000 1
In "National Lampoon's Animal House", Dean Wormer tells Flounder, this 4-word state "is no way to go through life, son"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Shawn Sarah
$3,800 $1,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Shawn Sarah
$4,600 $5,600 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: An example: "an urgent appeal plus the absence of difficulty equals this polite request", so "plea" and "ease" will give you "please".)
    $400 28
Euclid was a teacher in this Egyptian city & made use of its famous library
    $400 30
Also the title of a "Call of Duty" video game series, these "colorful" covert missions will be disavowed by your country
    $400 7
Sick of this character who talks to animals, Hugh Lofting tried to end the series with him "in the Moon"; didn't work
    $400 11
The name of this N.J. city across the Hudson from Manhattan comes from Native American words meaning "land of the tobacco pipe"
    $400 1
Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman): "Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?"
    $400 29
A place to grind grain
the king of beasts =
this amount
    $800 24
Despite this title, Euclid's famous treatise is about geometry, not about chemical substances
    DD: $3,000 16
Anything related to espionage can be said to be this 3-word term, a translation of "de cape et d'épée"
    $800 8
Norman Mailer's "Miami and the Siege of Chicago" reports on these events that happened in those cities in 1968
    $800 13
La Santa Sede is the local version of this official name of Vatican City
    $800 3
In 1999, Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving): "I'm gonna enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson"
    $800 20
An explosive
a large body of water = this old name for a city of India
    $1200 25
Children's author Crockett Johnson did a painting illustrating Euclid's proof of this famous theorem
    $1200 17
If you get caught up in this type of sweet "trap", a seductive agent has gotten information from you
    $1200 6
Chronicler of Broadway life Alfred Runyon went by this middle name; it has more of a ring to it
    $1200 14
Sapporo is the major city on this island
    $1200 5
Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates): "I'm your number one fan"
    $1200 21
A ring around the sun
a country =
this royal ceremony
    $1600 26
Euclid offered a solution to the problem of incommensurables, or these types of numbers of which pi is one
    $1600 18
An exhibitor at the Westminster Dog Show, or a case officer directly responsible for an agent
    $1600 9
Known primarily for his crime novels, he started out writing western tales like "Hombre" & "3:10 to Yuma"
    $1600 12
It's the state capital seen on the map here
    $1600 4
Terence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons): "Not quite my tempo're rushing... why do you suppose I just hurled a chair at your head?"
    $1600 22
To total up numbers
a chemise =
this domicile
    DD: $6,000 27
Euclid put in some time on the elliptical & this German admirer of Euclid found it to be the shape of orbits
    $2000 19
If the CIA issues this type of "notice", they think you're unreliable & they're letting others know you're persona non grata
    $2000 10
John Fowles interrupts himself in this novel he wrote, commenting on the lives of the 1867 lovers at the heart of the action
    $2000 15
Denmark & Germany long squabbled over the region known as Schleswig-this
    $2000 2
Max Cady (Robert De Niro): "Counselor! Come out, come out, wherever you are"
    $2000 23
An antler
a snare =
this stinging creature

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Shawn Sarah
$15,200 $8,000 $16,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

John Moore-Brabazon, the first pilot licensed by England, had learned about engines working for this man, first half of a famous pair

Final scores:

Tim Shawn Sarah
$30,400 $2 $31,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $31,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Shawn Sarah
$19,000 $6,600 $16,000
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $41,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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