Suggest correction - #1857 - 1992-10-06

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    $400 24
This star of "McHale's Navy" was sworn in as honorary mayor of Universal City on his 73rd birthday

Show #1857 - Tuesday, October 6, 1992


David Pelovitz, a Ph.D. candidate originally from Princeton, New Jersey

Steve Curry, an appliance salesman from Indianapolis, Indiana

Felice Bogus, a grad student originally from Norfolk, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $100 26
Extracranial types of these include tension & cluster as well as migraines
    $100 1
Rather than in November, Canadians celebrate this holiday the second Monday in October
    $100 2
There are this many states in the conterminus United States
    $100 8
At the tender age of 9, this newscaster had his own Canadian radio show, "Peter's People"
    $100 11
USA Today said that for Christmas, 1.7 billion of these were eaten and 84 million were left out for Santa
    $100 14
They live in a bed & can change their sex
    $200 27
This kids' disease may recur in adults as shingles—it's the same virus
    $200 4
Observed a week before Easter, this holy day celebrates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
    $200 3
American metropolitan areas include Dallas-Fort Worth, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Seattle-this
    $200 10
She lamented, "People only want to remember me for that one shower scene in 'Psycho'"
    $200 15
A seaweed derivative is one ingredient in this low-fat burger McDonald's introduced in 1991
    $200 17
With a 99 to 0 vote the Senate confirmed her to the Supreme Court
    $300 28
This inflammation of the liver can be caused by viruses, drugs or alcohol
    $300 5
During Passover, Jews retell the story of the Exodus during this ceremonial dinner
    $300 9
The proposed territory of Cimarron is now this state's Panhandle
    $300 23
In 1989 Lee Haney became the 1st to match this man's record of 6 consecutive Mr. Olympia titles
    $300 16
On January 16, 1991 Marlin Fitzwater said, "The liberation of" this country "has begun"
    $300 18
Du Pont began commercial production of this acrylic fiber in 1950
    $400 29
Frostbite is often accompanied by this condition of low body temperature that must be treated first
    $400 6
In Southeast Asia, Vesak, usually in May, commemorates his birth, enlightenment, and death
    $400 12
It's not the largest Hawaiian island, but it is the most populous
    $400 24
This star of "McHale's Navy" was sworn in as honorary mayor of Universal City on his 73rd birthday
    $400 21
The Tribune Company paid this British press lord $60 million to take the N.Y. Daily News off its hands
    $400 19
If this husband of Titania committed a crime, police might fairy dust for fingerprints
    $500 30
Located behind the nose & above the tonsils, they normally enlarge to trap infecting organisms
    $500 7
By Presidential proclamation, the founding of this organization is celebrated on October 24
    DD: $600 13
1 of the 2 states bordered by both Idaho and South Dakota
    $500 25
20 years after they broke up their act, these 2 stars were reunited on the MDA Telethon in 1976
    $500 22
In 1991 this company introduced what the world's been waiting for—Spam Lite
    $500 20
This Italian premier was furioso & left the WWI Paris Peace Conference in a huff

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Felice Steve David
$1,200 $1,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Felice Steve David
$2,200 $1,300 $3,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
The Nafud & Rub' al Khali deserts occupy this Asian peninsula
    $200 11
"The House at Pooh Corner" was A.A. Milne's sequel to this 1926 book
    $200 1
"And" he "was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the Earth"
    $200 23
In 1867 Russia sold this territory to the U.S. for $7,200,000
    $200 18
Mum's the word if you want to call this flower by its shortened name
    $200 6
His son John Adams II was the only President's son married in the White House
    $400 17
This country's highest mountain, Mount Apo, rises to 9,692 feet on Mindanao
    $400 12
The adventure stories called Robinsonades are modeled on this book
    $400 2
This King of Israel began his career as a player of the harp in King Saul's Court
    $400 24
This city served as Russia's capital from 1712 to 1918
    $400 19
Elvis Presley & Elizabeth Taylor both have varieties of this flower named for them
    $400 7
James Monroe's son-in-law George Hay had prosecuted this former Vice President for treason
    $600 28
Site of a 1942 WWII battle, this sea gets its name from the composition of the Great Barrier Reef
    $600 13
Mme d'Aulnoy's "The Blue Bird" may be the source of this prince's name found in many fairy tales
    $600 3
Moses' spies reported that the land of Canaan was flowing with these 2 items
    $600 25
This conqueror's grandson, Batu, attacked Russia in the 1230s & annexed it as a part of the Golden Horde
    DD: $2,000 20
Most likely, the oldest cultivated species of this flower is the madonna
    $600 8
This little Southern girl sold lemonade to reporters during her father's 1976 campaign
    $800 29
The Sudbury district of this most populous Canadian province supplies much of the world's nickel
    DD: $3,000 14
The first installment of this Carlo Collodi tale appeared in Giornale dei Bambini in 1880
    $800 4
He dreamed of a ladder which reached up to Heaven
    $800 26
After a war with the Ottoman Empire, Russia annexed this peninsula in the Black Sea in 1783
    $800 21
Perhaps from its resemblance to one in flight, this tall, exotic flower is also called a crane flower
    $800 9
This President's grandfather "Honey Fitz" was the mayor of Boston
    $1000 30
The majority of Germany's coal production comes from the valley of this Rhine tributary
    $1000 15
Mary Pickford played Cedric Errol in a 1921 silent film of this Frances Hodgson Burnett book
    $1000 5
After the death of Moses, this son of Nun became leader of the Israelites
    $1000 27
In February 1904 this country attacked Port Arthur, beginning an 18-month war with Russia
    $1000 22
Grown in clusters, this fragrant purple flower is the floral emblem of New Hampshire
    $1000 10
This murder mystery author's first name of Mary; Margaret is her middle name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Felice Steve David
$10,200 $6,700 $8,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1992 John Singleton replaced this 1941 nominee as the youngest director nominated

Final scores:

Felice Steve David
$16,201 $13,400 $0
2-day champion: $26,801 2nd place: the Flavorite Nutrition Cooking System from Regal and 11-piece Moulinex kitchen appliance set 3rd place: Konica Aiborg 35mm camera and Konica Color Print film

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Felice Steve David
$8,800 $4,400 $8,100
23 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
11 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
21 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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