Suggest correction - #8 - 2020-01-14

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    $400 22
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) This educator who thought the printed book was an institution that was fated to disappear gave us an aphorism that has not disappeared: "the medium is the message"

The Greatest of All Time game #8 - Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 4, game 2.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California (subtotal of 0)

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington (subtotal of 65,600)

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada (subtotal of 34,181)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ryan: I'm Ryan Reynolds--in addition to me and Alex Trebek, here are some of...)
(Alex: Let me give you an example: 1,000 + 100 to this "Wrecking Ball" singer--1,000 and 100, that's MC--Miley Cyrus. We will need both first and last names.)
    200 29
In a biographical musical, Adrienne Warren portrays this pop icon singing one of her biggest songs

"Big wheel keep on turning (turning) / Proud Mary keep on burning (burning) / Rolling, rolling..."
    200 27
This author gave us many nonsense words & was not afraid to use them in titles, as in "Bartholomew and the Oobleck"
    200 30
Italian for "stopping place" gives us this word for a part of a poem
    200 23
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) With more than 40 books of poetry, fiction & essays to her name, this author has won the Booker Prize twice: for "The Blind Assassin" in 2000 & for "The Testaments" in 2019
    200 7
800 + 250 to this architect of a D.C. landmark dedicated in 1982
    200 21
Inconsistently consistent, he took the oath of office on March 4, 1885 & was back for more on March 4, 1893
    400 28
Oscar winner Diablo Cody wrote the book for this show that gets its title & music from Alanis Morissette's hit 1995 album
    400 26
In one episode of "The Big Bang Theory", Sheldon says, "You've fallen for one of my classic pranks" & then this word
    400 24
It's the German word for a novel about the education & formative years of the protagonist; "The Catcher in the Rye" is one
    400 22
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) This educator who thought the printed book was an institution that was fated to disappear gave us an aphorism that has not disappeared: "the medium is the message"
    400 6
The square root of 4,000,000 to this guy who hit more than 500 career home runs from 1986 to 2001
    400 20
He's the party hearty family member who returns home & gets a nifty meal in Luke 15
    600 13
The 2019 musical "Hadestown" goes straight to Hell with Tony winner André de Shields as this Greek messenger god

"The wage is nothing and the work is hard / It’s a graveyard in Hadestown"

"Way down Hadestown / Way down under the ground"
    600 25
Created as the name of the "Lord High Everything Else" in "The Mikado", it now means an important or self-important person
    600 8
This concept of divine intervention to resolve the plot was used in the Sophocles play "Philoctetes"
    600 16
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) With a performing style that was, ah, quirky--he'd hum & sway as he played--this pianist leaped into international acclaim with his 1955 recording of Bach's "Goldberg Variations"
    600 5
5% of 4,000 to this author of "The NUMA Files" books & other maritime thrillers
    600 19
In 2019 this hard rock band led by Maynard James Keenan released its first album in 13 years & it went to No. 1
    800 9
"The Inheritance" reimagines this novelist's "Howards End" with 3 generations of gay men in 21st century New York City
    800 12
In the film "Gone with the Wind", this word comes before "Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite"
    800 1
Greek for "exaggeration" gives us this device, an intentionally exaggerated figure of speech
    800 15
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) After losing part of his right leg to cancer, he embarked on a Marathon of Hope, running across Canada to raise money to fight cancer; he ran almost a marathon a day for 143 days but stopped short of his goal when the cancer spread to his lungs
    DD: 1,000 3
(1,000 / 2) - 350 to this rock singer who was also a 1997 Golden Globe nominee
    800 18
In 1985 John Sculley & the tech company's board demoted this co-founder, but he was back in charge in 1997
    1000 10
Based on the hit film, this 2019 musical set in Montmartre stars Aaron Tveit & Karen Olivo as the lovers Christian & Satine
    1000 11
In "Jabberwocky" "the vorpal blade went" this sibilant sound
    1000 4
This metrical foot is 2 short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed one
    1000 14
(Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) A career diplomat, he helped create NATO & the United Nations, won the Nobel Peace Prize for solving the Suez Crisis in 1956 & as the prime minister of Canada, ushered in a little thing we call universal medicare
    1000 2
102 minus 10 to this Latin bandleader, "The Rumba King"
    1000 17
On Dec. 19, 1972 astronauts Cernan, Schmitt & Evans splashed down in the Pacific as this last manned Moon mission came to an end

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
8,200 5,600 1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's a little bit of everything in that category.)
    400 27
This alliterative name for a hangout of Western movie extras made the news in 1940 when one cowboy gunned down another for real
    400 25
In the 1990s he was the answer to a famous "Got Milk?" commercial
    400 1
In July 2019 the approach of one of these was announced only hours before it passed within 45,000 miles of Earth
    400 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) The ownership of Hans Island, located between Ellesmere Island & Greenland, is disputed; Canada stakes its claim by raising its flag there & leaving bottles of rye, while this other country puts up its flag & leaves bottles of aquavit
    400 29
At its height in the 1920s & 1930s, the Purple Gang reigned over this large Midwestern city's underworld
    400 30
2 antonyms make up this phrase for a legal case with an obvious verdict
    800 26
The first Academy Awards, held at the Roosevelt Hotel in 1929, saw this war movie winning for "Outstanding Picture"
    800 24
Before Mike Pence, he was the last vice president from the state of Indiana
    800 23
(Conan O'Brien delivers the clue.) 2 of you contestants will love this: the supercomputer Watson came on my show & irritated this sidekick so much, he took Watson to the roof & threw it off
    800 9
Spain increased controls on its border with this territory after a 2013 dispute with Britain over fishing rights
    800 17
Way back in the 19th century, the football team of this school that's now in the Big Ten was nicknamed "The Purple"
    800 18
5-word phrase said when turning down fatty food or folding a poker hand
    1200 6
In 1992 Ava Gardner's bloomers & Madonna's bustier were stolen from this business' Lingerie Museum
    1200 3
Pictured here is Theodore Roosevelt with this veep who gave his name to an Alaska city
    1200 22
In a 1998 shocker, Jesse Ventura was elected Minnesota governor, becoming this party's first candidate to win statewide office
    1200 7
This legendary birthplace of Aphrodite has been in dispute between its Greek & Turkish residents for decades now
    1200 11
It's the 4-letter title of the Deep Purple Top 10 hit with that "na-na-na-na" part
    1200 12
Thomas Carlyle described a leader as "soft of speech... yet with an inflexible rigor of command":
this metaphor
    1600 2
Tip your hat to this Vine Street restaurant where it's said Clark Gable proposed to Carole Lombard
    1600 4
Hubert H. Humphrey had the monogram H.H.H.; for this 19th century veep, it was H.H.
    DD: 20,200 19
This big landlocked African country was surprised to be added to the USA's 2017 travel ban, but was removed from the list in 2018
    1600 8
A winter capital of its maharajas, this place is paired with Kashmir in the name of an Indian Union territory
    1600 14
Porphyrogeniture is succession by the 1st son "born in the purple", while dad was king; this is succession by the 1st son born anytime
    1600 13
In a 1901 novel a girl is seized by a Frenchman & "perhaps carried off to" this dreadful destiny
    2000 21
In 1961 the Hollywood Palladium on Sunset Blvd. became the longtime home of this N.D.-born man & his orchestra
    DD: 5,000 5
In 1900, 3 years after leaving the vice presidency, he welcomed a grandson given the same name, later a candidate for president
    2000 20
A surprise attack at these plains in Quebec in 1759 led to the British gaining control of New France
    2000 10
Russia recognizes Abkhazia's independence, declared in 1999, but this country, in which Abkhazia lies, does not
    2000 15
AKA royal purple, the famed dye named for this Phoenician city was produced during the Bronze Age
    2000 16
The fifth & probably smelliest of Hercules' Labors, it has come to mean any herculean task

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
44,000 23,000 1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He has 272 speeches, the most of any non-title character in a Shakespeare tragedy

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
0 23,000 1,400

Cumulative scores:

James Ken Brad
34,181 88,600 1,400
2nd place: $250,000 Winner: $1,000,000 + a trophy + the title "The Greatest of All Time" 3rd place: $250,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
25,400 21,000 1,400
30 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: 47,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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