Suggest correction - #7 - 2020-01-14

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    $1000 12
The invisible hand of Cupid did not strike this 18th c. Scot who lived with his mother Margaret for much of his life

The Greatest of All Time game #7 - Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 4, game 1.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Uh-oh, there's a trend.)
(Alex: Each correct response will end in "ish".)
    200 30
Starbucks uses it to describe a drink such as Frappuccino; in families, it describes one with stepsiblings living together
    200 29
In 1693 this physicist & lifelong bachelor said friend John Locke "endeavored to embroil me with women"
    200 28
He tested his killed polio virus vaccine on himself, but never patented the vaccine or earned any money from its discovery
    200 27
Gory horror movies are not for these people who are easily nauseated
    200 26
In the names of Iowa cities, this tree precedes Falls & Rapids
    200 25
"A verray parfit gentil knight" describes one of a cast of characters created by this poet
    400 23
Under the Affordable Care Act, dependent children are covered by mom or dad's health insurance until they reach this age
    400 22
When fiancee Ann Coleman died soon after breaking off their engagement in 1819, this man returned to politics & never married
    400 21
Getting an M.D. at 17, he later joined the Army Medical Corps, where he figured out the cause of yellow fever
    400 20
To add fake details to a real story to make it sound better
    400 6
This Florida coastal town incorporated in 1911 says its name comes from coconuts retrieved from the wreck of the Providencia
    400 24
"Now, Hal, what time of day is it, lad?" is this knight's first line of dialogue
    600 8
In world news, this policy whose end was announced in 2015 is estimated to have prevented 400 million births
    600 15
This man was a bachelor during his 3 terms as mayor of New York City from 1978 to 1989
    600 16
Le bon docteur René Laënnec invented a monaural version of this instrument, long a staple of the medical kit
    600 19
In a chemical reaction, sulfur combines with silver to create this dark coating
    600 5
The fabulous skiing of Snowmass is about 10 miles west of this city
    600 2
"Where is Becket, the traitor to the king?" say the knights in this 1935 verse play
    800 11
Among 18- to 34-year-olds, 2/3 of Italians live here, as opposed to 1/3 of Germans & Brits
    800 13
This unwed artist called his paintings his children & had more than 1,000 with him when he died near Oslo in 1944
    800 9
In the 1790s this English physician figured out that giving people cowpox would protect them against smallpox
    800 18
Estuaries & swamps have this type of water not quite as briny as the ocean
    800 3
A 3-letter tree is in the name of this Oregon city known for a Shakespeare festival
    800 1
This knight "blew upon the war-horn in dolor and in pain/ and all the Frenchmen hearkened and the Emperor Charlemagne"
    1000 14
In U.S. marriages with husband & wife working, this is now the case for 29% of wives, up from 18% in the 1980s
    1000 12
The invisible hand of Cupid did not strike this 18th c. Scot who lived with his mother Margaret for much of his life
    DD: 3,800 10
A vizier to Djoser, this Egyptian was one of the few mortals to be completely deified & was worshipped as the god of medicine
    1000 17
This, another word for a fanfare, means the king has arrived
    1000 4
Poplar Bluff is in Missouri; this tree Bluff is in Arkansas
    1000 7
The Red Cross Knight is "pricking on the plaine" in Book 1 of this long, long 1590 poem ("pricking" meant spurring a horse)

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
4,400 12,800 2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, of course.)
    400 21
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar delivers the clue.) I've shared the court with many great players, but one of the best was Oscar Robertson, who as my teammate on the 1971 NBA champion Milwaukee Bucks wore this number appropriate for a point guard
    400 30
The Radcliffe this, from a Latin word for a chamber, isn't photo equipment but a reading room at Oxford
    400 23
With its debut album featuring "Who Can It Be Now?", this band went to No. 1 on at least 2 continents
    400 29
Francis Drake became Sir Francis in April 1581 in the presence of this monarch
    400 28
A kyber crystal-powered weapon plus baseball statistics analysis system of Bill James
    400 27
In 1957 Danish architect Jørn Utzon won a contest to design this; his winning entry featured sail-like shells
    800 20
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar delivers the clue.) "Give kids a shot that can't be blocked" is the mission of my educational foundation for children named for this, my signature basketball move
    800 24
In 2019 the venerable travel firm named for this man suddenly collapsed, stranding 150,000 Brits abroad on holiday
    800 22
"Follow God" & "Closed On Sunday" are tracks on this 2019 Kanye West album
    800 4
Making it tough on the pres. seeking re-election, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time low of 41.22 in this year
    800 25
Sentient creature like Olaf or Frosty plus "the #1 kosher wine brand in America"
    800 26
Ceramicist Beatrice Wood was nicknamed "The Mama" of this art movement
    1200 19
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar delivers the clue.) My heroes include this man killed in 1770 who's been lauded as "the first to defy, the first to die" & "the first to pour out his blood as a precious libation on the altar of a people's rights"
    1200 17
You'll find an amphibian in the name of this classic English dish that features sausage & Yorkshire pudding
    1200 18
"You go back to her" but Amy Winehouse goes elsewhere on this title track
    1200 2
In 1976 a military junta seized power in Argentina not from Eva Peron but from this widow
    1200 15
Small, oblong Chinese citrus fruit plus rhymed verse employed by Omar Khayyam & Nostradamus
    1200 10
In 1605 this Brit wrote "Advancement of Learning"; the "Screaming Popes" is a series by a British artist of the same name
    1600 9
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar delivers the clue.) As a U.S. cultural ambassador for the State Department I visited several of these Brazilian shanty towns with a Portuguese name & spoke about the importance of education in fighting poverty
    1600 6
This historic center for cutlery making is represented by the Blades in Premier League soccer
    1600 5
"Should I Stay Or Should I Go" was an appropriate song for this album; soon afterward, Mick Jones left The Clash
    1600 1
A heroic last stand at the Battle of Camaron in Mexico holds a special place in the lore of this French group founded in 1831
    1600 14
Gradual increase in the intensity of a musical piece plus a dental professional who specializes in the pulp of your teeth
    DD: 15,200 11
In this 1951 play, Serafina's dead husband sports the title ink on his chest
    2000 16
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar delivers the clue.) I became a stronger, faster & more intense basketball player through my training with the great Bruce Lee, who pioneered mixed martial arts with the hybrid fighting style he called this, abbreviated JKD
    DD: 4,800 7
One of Britain's greatest minds was this 19th century physicist & author of "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism"
    2000 8
From 1968, the "Village Green Preservation Society" album is often considered this British band's masterpiece
    2000 3
In 1967 part of Nigeria broke off & declared its independence as this land
    2000 13
Insidious pandemic culprit of 1918 plus delightfully foamy Italian custard
    2000 12
In the movie "Fur" Nicole Kidman played this photographer of people on the edge of society

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
22,800 32,800 2,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This area of Greece, home to Pan, is synonymous with a rural paradise; it's a setting for Virgil's shepherd poems the "Eclogues"

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
34,181 65,600 0

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
22,800 16,400 6,800
23 R,
0 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
10 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: 46,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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