Suggest correction - #6 - 2020-01-09

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    $2000 1
It's a Hollywood term for a long prose synopsis of a screenplay
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The Greatest of All Time game #6 - Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 3, game 2.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California (subtotal of 17,600)

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington (subtotal of 51,200)

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada (subtotal of 27,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It's close enough to the holidays to enjoy some [*], isn't it?)
    200 21
It says that on the 1st of January 1863 "all persons held as slaves... shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free"
    200 22
(Christopher Plummer delivers the clue.) In 2012 at age 82 I became the oldest winner of a competitive acting Oscar; the record for a male actor had stood for 36 years, since this beloved 80-year-old comedian took the honors in 1976 for "The Sunshine Boys"
    200 30
Don't be deceived by this, a compound of sulfur & iron whose name comes from the Greek for "fire"
    200 29
This type of hacker referred to by a colorful bit of headwear helpfully tests computer systems for vulnerability
    200 27
Of the 4 main blood groups, this one is the most common; that group negative is the universal donor
    200 25
Your matching percentage on this dating site is determined by a complicated algorithm
    400 20
In 1914 this motor company instituted a wage of $5 per day & shortened the work day to 8 hours
    400 19
(Christopher Plummer delivers the clue.) I've played King Lear, Hamlet, Oedipus, Pizarro; but perhaps my most challenging role, if you could believe it, was in this 1965 movie that for a while was the top-grossing film of all time
    400 23
This variety of beryl shares its name with a 10-letter color
    400 28
A website with a site certificate is one that uses encryption; this letter after http is one sign of it
    400 26
Real vanilla flavoring comes from certain climbing species of this tropical plant
    400 24
A 2019 New York Times article says this 2-word phrase "marks the end of friendly generational relations"
    600 3
In Jan. 1900 he got out of Siberian exile; in Jan. 1918 he abolished Russia's assembly & established a dictatorship
    600 14
(Christopher Plummer delivers the clue.) In 1968 I loaned this fellow Canadian the money for a plane ticket from London to L.A. so he could audition for the movie role that would change his life; the movie was "M*A*S*H"--& I got my money back
    DD: 5,000 7
This birthstone is used in abrasives for polishing & grinding; the color pairs with gold as an official one for Florida State
    600 18
Companies consider cybersecurity when instructing employees with a policy on BYOD, short for this
    600 15
Chinese & Portuguese are the official languages of this special administrative region of China
    600 12
"Subterranean Homesick Alien" is on this Radiohead album
    800 2
The January 1870 cartoon "A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion" was this man's first use of a donkey to symbolize Democrats
    800 17
(Christopher Plummer delivers the clue.) My dearest friend was this late actor; we often appeared onstage together & he won 2 consecutive Oscars in the 1970s, the first for playing newspaperman Ben Bradlee
    800 5
We quote the ancient Wang Chung: "Take your baby by the wrist, & in her mouth" this purple quartz variety & February birthstone
    800 6
A ransomware attack that encrypted 3,800 City of Atlanta computers demanded 6 of these digital items to unfreeze them
    800 13
This largest moon of Pluto is about half the dwarf planet's size
    800 11
This group was at one point the house band for "This American Life" on public radio
    1000 1
Angered at the U.N.'s support of Malaysia, this Indonesian president withdrew his country from the U.N. in January 1965
    1000 16
(Christopher Plummer delivers the clue.) In the film "The Last Station" I play this Russian author caught between his worshipers & family; the title refers to the setting of my death scene
    1000 4
Let's get sanguine about this mineral AKA heliotrope, prized in the Middle Ages
    1000 8
Beware of these types of programs that track every stroke you make while typing in an effort to glean your password
    1000 9
Tornadoes are rated from EF0 to EF5, the "E" standing for "enhanced" & the "F", for this Japanese-American meteorologist
    1000 10
The best of the 4 possible positions used in transactional analysis is the title of this 1960s self-help book

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
4,200 6,000 600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Notice the quotation marks--each correct response beginning with the letter I.)
    400 30
A ramp is one of these simple machines
    400 29
Those with a "fast" one of these tend to burn calories pretty quickly
    400 28
At equestrian 3-day events, the first day is for dressage, second for endurance riding & third for "stadium show" this
    400 27
Grieg was displeased with his own "In the Hall of" this monarch from "Peer Gynt", writing, "It reeks of cow-turds & super-Norwegianism"
    400 26
The security at this author's "Hotel New Hampshire" is Susie, a woman in an animal costume
    400 25
In May 1938 Congress authorized building the Kentucky Dam, soon the largest dam run by this New Deal agency
    800 18
An earthquake happens when a slip occurs along this type of plane
    800 20
The toast slainte literally means this
    800 21
The Third Amendment is about this activity, a word actually from the Latin for "fourth"
    800 22
Philip Glass wrote an opera to be played as the soundtrack of Jean Cocteau's movie of this girl-&-monster tale
    800 23
Doctor Stockmann is the crusading title character in this playwright's "An Enemy of the People"
    800 24
The Carey Act & the Reclamation Act helped this Wild West showman build Shoshone Dam, later named for him
    1200 17
Light waves with electric fields that vibrate in only a single plane have been this
    1200 3
A resident of Najaf or Kirkuk
    1200 6
Beethoven was going to dedicate his 3rd symphony to Napoleon; instead he called it this, for "the memory of a great man"
    1200 19
She's the title character singing in a Purcell opera after Aeneas has left her
    1200 9
"Berlin Stories" grew out of this British author's time in Germany during the Weimar Republic
    1200 10
Construction began on Oroville Dam before it was fully funded by the Burns-Porter Act, a ballot initiative in this state
    1600 16
Plane trigonometry employs the law of these ratios between the side of a triangle opposite an angle & its hypotenuse
    1600 2
This word for extreme malice was also the name of Jabba's nasty beast that Luke killed in "Return of the Jedi"
    1600 4
Of the 7 countries that make up Central America, this one is alphabetically third
    DD: 3,000 14
A pas de deux based on music by Samuel Barber premiered in 1975 with Baryshnikov as Jason & Carla Fracci as her
    1600 8
Books on Ben Franklin & Leonardo da Vinci are included in this author's "The Genius Biographies" box set
    1600 7
A 1973 act of Congress approved funding for a replacement dam at American Falls on this river in the Northwest
    2000 15
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) All the planets orbit the Sun within seven degrees of this plane, whose name comes from an astronomical event
    2000 1
It's a Hollywood term for a long prose synopsis of a screenplay
    2000 5
"Arrow of God", about a Nigerian priest dealing with missionaries, is the last book he wrote in what's called his "African Trilogy"
    2000 13
"Asturias" by this grade-"A" Spanish composer has the subtitle "Leyenda", meaning "legend"
    2000 11
"Who Let the Dogs In?" is about the many outrageous politicians encountered by this witty Texas columnist
    DD: 2,000 12
The 1935 bill authorizing this humongous concrete dam mentions the Columbia Basin Compact

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
7,400 17,600 10,000
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 foreign-born directors have each won 2 Best Director Oscars, but none of their films has won Best Picture

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
6,492 16,400 5,867

Cumulative scores:

James Ken Brad
33,692 67,600 23,467
2nd place: 1 match point Winner: 2 match points 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
12,400 17,600 8,600
22 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
1 W
10 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: 38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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