Suggest correction - #5 - 2020-01-09

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    $2000 7
In November 2019 Jeanine Áñez Chávez declared herself Bolivia's president, replacing this man who had resigned under pressure

The Greatest of All Time game #5 - Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 3, game 1.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You're telling us!)
    200 30
With a million bucks you could have seen 20 million movies at one of these early 1900s theaters, as the name told you
    200 29
(Conan O'Brien delivers the clue.) Strange but true: this comedian from Worcester, Massachusetts is my cousin, & when he came on my show he told me he's often mistaken for other celebrities, like Willem Dafoe & Jane Lynch
    200 26
The peak known as the Mönch ("monk") stands between the Jungfrau ("maiden") & the Eiger, this type of creature in English
    200 27
The name of this ancient garment from a single piece of cloth is related to the Latin word for "to cover"
    200 21
After becoming heir to a chocolate factory, Charlie goes on another adventure, this time in a "Great Glass" one of these
    200 28
Add a vowel to what brevity is the soul of & get a verb meaning to cool your heels
    400 23
In the first sale of a diamond for a mil, in 1969, the parent co. of this French jeweler outbid Richard Burton, then sold it to him
    400 24
Played by this man, salesman-manager David Brent returned in 2016, trying to get his rock band off the ground
    400 25
The Alps are often treeless at the tops, but forests below are full of larch, beech & these conifers related to pines
    400 19
In the 17th century the belted plaid developed into this garment
    400 20
Set for release in 2020 is Suzanne Collins' "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes", a prequel to this series
    400 22
A thing's physical magnitude adds a vowel & becomes a verb meaning to snatch
    600 12
In 1957 a million bucks would have paid for a helluva baseball team; this man, No. 24 for the Giants, made $50,000
    600 6
She does stand-up definitely for adults but voiced Vanellope von Schweetz in the kids' movie "Wreck-It Ralph"
    600 2
Forming part of France's frontier with Italy, it's the highest peak in the Alps
    600 18
Basically a belt plus a front flap, it was a simple garment for men in ancient Egypt; Tarzan makes one from deerskin
    600 3
Elmore Leonard brought back former loan shark Chili Palmer in "Be Cool", his sequel to this bestseller
    600 17
A word meaning to move quickly afoot adds a vowel & becomes to wreck or destroy
    800 13
In 1938 this first Superman comic cost a dime; now a million bucks will get you a third of one copy
    800 10
Seen here, this Brit played a high school director in "Hamlet 2" & got blown to bits as a director in "Tropic Thunder"
    800 1
The Alps are the source of many major rivers including the Rhine, the Rhone & this 405-mile waterway that flows to the Adriatic
    800 9
Worn by men & women, the chiton was a long tunic dating back to this ancient Greek period, also a word for "outmoded"
    800 4
Edited by the author's son Christopher & published in 1977, it's a history of Middle-earth before "Lord of the Rings"
    800 16
A fluid for writing adds a vowel & becomes this barnyard clamor
    1000 14
Probably the USA's only millionaire in 1799 was Elias Derby, who sent the 1st ship from New Eng. to Guangzhou, then called this
    1000 11
In "Dolemite Is My Name", Eddie Murphy tells the story of this entertainer who had a stand-up act of his own back in the day
    DD: 1,400 7
Thought to be 5,300 years old, a mummified Neolithic "Iceman" given this first name was found in the Alps in 1991
    1000 8
Here's this early 17th century British monarch, wearing a trim doublet jacket with matching skirt & hose
    1000 5
In 1847 Herman Melville published this sequel to "Typee" subtitled "A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas"
    1000 15
An eisteddfod winner adds a vowel & becomes a long, flat piece of pine

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
7,600 6,000 3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    400 30
Sulci are grooves on the brain surface; this German pathologist noted wide sulci in a 1906 autopsy of a dementia patient
    400 29
This TV comedy wasn't about pesky garden plants, but rather about Mary-Louise Parker's budding pot business
    400 23
Following the 2011 ouster of this longtime president, Egypt's armed forces suspended its constitution
    400 25
In "Our Town", this role sounds like part of the crew, but it's the narrator
    400 27
Greek for "sacred" & "carving" gives us this word for a writing system
    400 28
You're nearing the eastern end of I-44 when you enter St. Louis & see this 630-foot-tall thing
    800 20
The main parts of a neuron are the cell body, an axon & these, branching out to receive input
    800 21
The plants on either side of the host & guests on this web series, also a 2019 TV movie, are the Boston, or sword, variety
    800 22
Last name of the man who dismissed Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in August 1953, with some outside help
    800 24
(Glenn Close delivers the clue.) 35 years before "The Greatest Showman", I sang down the house as Chairy, the wife of this man--but I did it for hundreds of performances on Broadway
    800 26
This word for any pose in hatha yoga is from the Sanskrit
    800 16
We'll stop in Butler, Penn. & Florham Park, N.J. to go back to childhood of yore in attractions called "Little Red" this
    1200 19
Look at me! This "in the back of the head" brain lobe is responsible for processing visual information
    1200 8
On "The Handmaid's Tale", this wife of Commander Waterford has some pivotal scenes in her greenhouse
    1200 5
Parliament gained supremacy over the president in an 1877 crisis early in this ordinal French republic
    1200 18
A very long-titled play by Peter Weiss features the Marquis de Sade & this murdered French revolutionary
    1200 17
This sled drawn by 3 horses has a Russian name
    1200 15
Dad, dry your eyes & get in the car--it's time to hit I-5 & road-trip your youngest to this southernmost U. of California campus
    1600 12
This pea-sized gland secretes a hormone regulating sleep; science has not confirmed Descartes' belief that it's the seat of the soul
    1600 9
Played by Carolyn Jones in the '60s, she loved to cut the heads off her roses & rejoiced when her thorns came in sharp
    DD: 9,200 6
This 1832-33 crisis ended when South Carolina backed down from its efforts to void federal law
    1600 3
(Glenn Close delivers the clue.) I kept the costumes from the first time I performed on Broadway in "Sunset Boulevard" & I brought them back with me when I returned to play this iconic role in the 2017 revival
    DD: 3,400 1
This condition was thought to arise from an excess of black bile, the origin of its name
    1600 14
Forget Route 66! We're going north to south on this numerical highway that turns into the "Blues Highway" down south
    2000 11
From a Latin word for "edge", this primitive "system" of nerves helps run basic behavior like feeding, fighting & fleeing
    2000 10
Jean-Luc Picard once helped Boothby, played by this onetime TV Martian, to replant some flowers at Starfleet Academy
    2000 7
In November 2019 Jeanine Áñez Chávez declared herself Bolivia's president, replacing this man who had resigned under pressure
    2000 4
In the last line of "Waiting for Godot", he tells Vladimir, "Yes, let's go"
    2000 2
This fancy word for a scar is actually just Latin for "scar"
    2000 13
An "On the Road" trip will take you to Larimer Street in this city where Sal hangs with Dean before heading for the coast

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
13,600 25,600 8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 now-defunct parties each gave the U.S. 4 presidents in the 19th century

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
27,200 51,200 17,600

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
13,200 18,000 12,200
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: 43,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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