Suggest correction - #3 - 2020-01-08

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    $600 16
Archie Bunker called Edith this, also an ornamental typographical character

The Greatest of All Time game #3 - Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 2, game 1.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I like that!)
(Alex: Each correct response will either begin with "Gold" or end with "berg".)
    200 30
In a Season 1 episode, Elizabeth prepares for this June 2, 1953 event

"It's not as easy as it looks."

"It's exactly what the King said."

"I remember."
    200 29
300 volunteers came together in 1971 to create this world-spanning charity also called Médecins Sans Frontieres
    200 28
Shortly after "imbalance" in the dictionary is this noun denoting one who is stupid & inane
    200 27
"The Lone Ranger &" this man "Fistfight in Heaven" is the title story of a collection by Native American author Sherman Alexie
    200 26
In 2004 an NCAA award was established in the name of this center on the 1933 Michigan team & future politician
    200 25
This man from Medford, Massachusetts was the 108th mayor of New York City
    400 12
In a dramatic moment, Elizabeth confronts this uncle & rejects his bid to regain a royal role

"But when the truth finally came out, the truth... it makes a mockery of even the central tenets of Christianity."
    400 20
A charity named for this actor who was paralyzed in 1995 aims to better the lives of those with spinal cord injuries
    400 17
It was also called a fool's cap
    400 6
A Dostoyevsky story is titled these, the daylit evenings of St. Petersburg in summertime
    400 10
Before starring on a 4-letter TV drama, Mark Harmon starred for this 4-letter school as a QB, averaging 7.2 yards a carry in '73
    400 24
He wrote the screenplay for "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid" & adapted his own novel "Marathon Man" for the movies
    600 11
A 1961 visit to Britain by this American gives the queen something to think about

"It's really one of the great paradoxes of being in a position where I have to talk to great many people. But deep down, I'm happiest with animals."

"Makes two of us."
    600 19
"Those who work for the good are those who do the good" said this TV star & founder of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
    600 16
Archie Bunker called Edith this, also an ornamental typographical character
    DD: 1,000 4
W.W. Jacobs came up with pretty much the opposite of a lucky rabbit's foot with this story of a dad, a son & 3 wishes gone bad
    600 9
Nickname of the team that was led to an undefeated 1958 season by future brigadier general Pete Dawkins
    600 23
"The Good Earth", released in 1937 after his death, was the first film with the name of this MGM production head in the credits
    800 1
Looking for love in Season 2, Princess Margaret finds a kindred spirit in this photographer

"Not we've met."

"We have."

"Where have we met?"

"Perhaps it'll come to you."
    800 18
To fight excessive punishment along racial lines, lawyer Bryan Stevenson founded this initiative, EJI for short
    800 15
Synonyms for this one-word rhyme include lamebrain, dodo, yo-yo & dum-dum
    800 3
"Cathedral" is the title story of a 1983 collection by this American realist & onetime janitor
    800 8
In 1998 football fans debated who was the NCAA's best QB: Peyton Manning or this WSU Cougar; their pro careers went opposite ways
    800 22
In 1998 this former GOP presidential candidate went to Paradise... Valley's Christ Church of the Ascension memorial garden in Arizona
    1000 2
In Season 3 Buckingham Palace is not thrilled about this Labour politician, prime minister for most of the 1960s

"Over half his cabinet would be made up of rabid anti-monarchists, who want our heads on spikes. Vive la révolution, except I doubt they speak French in Halifax."
    1000 13
Last name of Evangeline, elected general of the Salvation Army in 1934, the third in her family to hold the position
    1000 14
Lucy was quite fond of deriding Charlie Brown with this 9-letter term for a less-than-intelligent person
    1000 5
This 19th century French short story master is noted for twist endings, as in "The Necklace"
    1000 7
Steve Largent went on from this university to a HOF pro career, then returned home to represent the area in Congress
    1000 21
Missile launches are part of the mission of the California Air Force base named for this general

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
9,600 3,200 1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Great category.)
    400 26
It's the romantic quote heard next

"I love you. You...complete me. And I just had--"

"Shut up. Just shut up."
    400 27
Julia Child ended her shows with this phrase, also the name of a food magazine
    400 28
This American pop artist used a comic book style in paintings like "Whaam!" & "Drowning Girl"
    400 29
One of the largest temples of this religion spreads over 156 acres at Srirangam in Tamil Nadu state
    400 30
Destined for greatness, Stephen Hawking was born January 8, 1942, the 300th anniversary of this famed astronomer's death
    400 22
Morally objectionable behavior, sometimes in a den of it
    800 25
A cab gets too close in "Midnight Cowboy" & Dustin Hoffman lets loose with this outburst
    800 24
(Alex reports from the Harvard Lampoon Library in Cambridge, MA.) The very first volume of "The Harvard Lampoon" appeared in February 1876 & was modeled on this British humor magazine
    800 23
This 1863 Manet masterpiece caused a scandal, as one of the women picnicking in what may be the Bois de Boulogne is nude
    800 10
Here's this Venezuelan landmark named for the American pilot who spotted it in 1933
    800 12
In January 1943 this inventor received an official state funeral under the auspices of the Yugoslav government in exile
    800 21
To convert an asset into cash
    1200 16
This quote became instantly famous

"Jenny... I'm sorry."

    1200 17
This Japanese business paper shares its name with a Japanese stock index
    1200 1
Born in Rotterdam in 1904, he entered the U.S. as a stowaway & painted houses before becoming an abstract expressionist
    1200 9
By a 2018 treaty this large body into which the Volga flows was deemed neither a lake nor a sea, but a body with special legal status
    1200 8
Compiled by future generations of disciples, the sayings of Confucius were collected in a work called this, derived from Greek
    1200 20
"Invasion of the Boy Snatchers" is a book in a young adult series named for this type of social group
    1600 5
It's the no-nonsense message that comes after the following

"We've never lost an American in space; we're sure as hell not going to lose one on my watch."
    1600 15
This French daily paper began in 1944, when the German army had left Paris & France had need of an independent voice
    1600 2
This English engraver is known for his 1730s series called "The Rake's Progress"
    1600 4
One place that's a cut above to see the northern lights is this capital of Canada's Northwest Territories
    1600 7
A rationalist, this Dutch philosopher answered to the first names Bento, Benedictus & the Hebrew Baruch
    1600 19
One-word term for an expert on old things
    2000 6
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka: "You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks!... so you get nothing! You lose!" This 3-word farewell
    2000 14
To the delight of crossword constructors, Eric with this last name founded a reader in 1984
    2000 3
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a pair of paintings on the monitor.) Van Gogh drew a famous portrait of this homeopathic physician, whom he called "sicker than I am"; Cezanne, also a friend, chose to paint a scene of his house at Auvers
    DD: 13,600 11
This second-largest port of France once had a longer name that included "de Grâce"
    DD: 8,400 13
This German developed calculus independent of another wise guy
    2000 18
Edward Kingsford first used scrap lumber from carmaking to produce these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
32,400 22,000 7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Its second line is "All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope & Czar, Metternich & Guizot..."

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
44,314 40,000 14,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
20,400 15,600 7,200
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: 43,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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