Suggest correction - #2 - 2020-01-07

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    $400 27
(Katy Perry delivers the clue.) I will always love this country star, & in 2016 I got to present her with the Tex Ritter Film Award for her "Coat of Many Colors" TV movie

The Greatest of All Time game #2 - Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time match 1, game 2.


Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California (subtotal of 10,400)

Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington (subtotal of 45,000)

James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada (subtotal of 33,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Dax Shepard: I'm Dax Shepard, host of the Armchair Expert podcast, with clues about some people who were definitely not armchair experts.)
    200 28
(Lionel Richie delivers the clue.) In 2012 I had the honor of singing for my idol, Muhammad Ali, at a benefit for his center that fights this disease--we helped raise $9.1 million that night
    200 26
In 1939 Sawyer's Inc. introduced this, a slide stereoscope
    200 29
"U" is this nation, "The" is not required; Kuchma was leader, but he's long retired
    200 30
(Dax Shepard delivers the clue.) Paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews, who may have inspired the character of Indiana Jones, discovered the first of these objects that never got to hatch
    200 23
Sacred place for your most exceptional bottle of Bordeaux
    200 22
In Stephen King's "11/22/63", Jake Epping travels back in time to prevent this event from ever happening
    400 27
(Katy Perry delivers the clue.) I will always love this country star, & in 2016 I got to present her with the Tex Ritter Film Award for her "Coat of Many Colors" TV movie
    400 25
The Christmas fad of 1983 was this doll, featured on the cover of Newsweek in December of that year
    400 19
"M" is this mountain on Switzerland's fence; Walt Disney built one, but not as immense
    400 24
(Dax Shepard delivers the clue.) The pioneering polymer chemist Wallace Carothers developed not only nylon but neoprene, the first successful artificial rubber, while working for this Delaware company
    400 20
A sedate date tree that's the subject of a biblical poem
    400 21
In this Audrey Niffenegger novel, Clare is married to Henry, who suffers from Chrono-Displacement Disorder
    600 17
(Ryan Seacrest delivers the clue.) The legendary Dick Clark was an idol of mine growing up; we both started out as D.J.s, me in Los Angeles & Dick in this city where he first hosted "American Bandstand"
    600 14
This animated girl has a doctor's bag & your kids can have a toy version of it
    600 18
"P" is this forest, you'd go if you could; it's a national park full of agatized wood
    600 10
(Dax Shepard delivers the clue.) A.J.P. Taylor, who taught Michael Palin at Oxford, was a model for the famous historian who's suddenly killed by a knight on horseback in this comedy film
    600 2
A flexible & enormous customer
    DD: 2,400 5
In Chapter 16 of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", Hank meets this woman whose first name is the same as his surname
    800 16
(Luke Bryan delivers the clue.) I've been inspired by this idol since I was 4 years old singing "See See Rider", the first song he performed on his "Aloha from Hawaii" TV special
    800 13
An iconic red frame, a magic screen & 2 white knobs are integral to this classic toy
    800 11
"A" is this desert, dry & horrific; it was the prize in the War of the Pacific
    800 9
(Dax Shepard delivers the clue.) William Maples was an expert in forensic anthropology, working on the bodies of the Romanovs, the Elephant Man & this U.S. president whose mysterious death in 1850 turned out to be less from arsenic & more from too many cherries
    800 1
A congenial game bird under glass as a gift
    800 6
In this 1969 classic Tralfamadorians abduct the protagonist who has unfortunately become "unstuck in time"
    1000 15
(Ryan Seacrest delivers the clue.) I admired Frank Sinatra's spirit & style, especially how he broke with tradition to create his own label, called this, with records people would "play & play again"
    1000 12
A technique to interlock wood pieces inspired John Lloyd Wright to create these in 1916
    1000 4
"M" is this river, to see it, go forth; it's Canada's longest, so, of course, it flows north
    1000 8
(Dax Shepard delivers the clue.) Around 1912 this man then working in Manchester, England was the leading expert on nuclear physics; in fact he was the only expert on it, since he'd discovered the atomic nucleus & established the nuclear model of the atom
    1000 3
In Papeete & the rest of the isle, a signed agreement to quit spray-painting
    1000 7
"Kindred", about an African-American woman transported back to a plantation in antebellum Maryland, is a novel by this author

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
8,200 7,000 3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    400 25
Julia Morgan designed this 68,500-square-foot home in San Simeon, California in the Mediterranean Revival style
    400 26
Thelonious Monk really gets going "'Round" this title hour
    400 27
He took over for his brother Fidel & became acting president of Cuba in 2006; he dropped the "acting" 2 years later
    400 28
In 2012 the French govt. ended official use of this word for an unmarried woman, deemed sexist since there's no male equivalent
    400 29
German philosopher Hegel saw history as progression toward this Declaration of Independence value
    400 30
Arlington has the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; the Brits have the Grave of the Unknown Warrior, found in this building's nave
    800 19
It's the iconic piece of furniture seen here
    800 20
A song called this fruit "Man" became a classic for Herbie Hancock & a movie title for Melvin Van Peebles
    800 21
This family included a secretary of war under Grant, a president & a senator (from Ohio) nicknamed "Mr. Republican"
    800 22
To sing "Happy Birthday", use this phrase "a ti" in Mexico, but reverse the phrase in Chile
    800 23
In the 18th c., Hume opined on morality, "'tis impossible, that the distinction betwixt" these 2 4-letter words "can be made by reason"
    800 24
When she said she was leaving "Star Trek", MLK asked her to stay, saying, "through you, we see ourselves and what can be"
    1200 18
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Residenzplatz in Salzburg, Austria.) Salzburg's Residenzplatz has one of the largest Baroque fountains outside of Italy; the upper section is a replica of this Baroque master's Triton Fountain in Rome
    1200 17
This man's quartet experiments with time: "Take Five" is in 5/4 meter & "Blue Rondo A La Turk" is in 9/8
    1200 4
In 2006, Lech Kaczyński, president of this country, appointed his twin brother Jarosław prime minister
    1200 15
If God wills, you know this Arabic expression for "if God wills"; T.E. Lawrence was an early adopter
    1200 16
In 1934 A.J. Ayer set out to show "the Impossibility of" this, a plural noun for the study of the nature of the universe
    1200 14
In the 1920s several elderly men who had worked digging the Big Bend railroad tunnel remembered this hero as a real person
    1600 3
Frank Gehry not only designed L.A.'s Walt Disney Concert Hall, but also this instrument at the rear of the stage
    DD: 3,800 1
Born in New Orleans, Louis Armstrong performed songs named for these 2 local "B" streets
    1600 6
Last name of John, who held a Michigan House seat from 1955 to 2015, & of his wife Debbie, who succeeded him
    1600 12
This Latin phrase for an essential item is literally "without which not"
    1600 5
He published 1843's "Fear and Trembling" under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio
    1600 11
The world's first of these began as a way for Cambridge U. computer scientists to know if the coffeepot in another room was full
    2000 8
This Boston-born architect designed the Massachusetts State House & from 1818 to 1829 served as architect of the U.S. Capitol
    2000 2
When he wasn't scoring TV's "Peanuts" specials, this man recorded favorites like "Cast Your Fate To The Wind"
    2000 9
She succeeded her husband George Wallace as governor of Alabama but died 2 years after winning the office
    2000 10
From words for "self" & "publishing", it was writing circulated in secret in the Soviet Union
    DD: 2,800 7
This double-first-name philosopher born in 1842 said that the value of a concept is in its practical consequences
    2000 13
This mother of Alexander the Great was in the cult of Dionysus & liked to sleep with snakes

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Ken Brad
15,000 12,200 10,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man's name was given to a comet that crashed into Jupiter in 1994; he's the only human whose remains lie on the Moon

Final scores:

James Ken Brad
30,000 18,400 0

Cumulative scores:

James Ken Brad
63,200 63,400 10,400
2nd place Winner: 1 match point 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Ken Brad
15,000 10,400 16,600
19 R,
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
18 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: 42,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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