Suggest correction - #4048 - 2002-03-20

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    $400 14
Test being administered here

Show #4048 - Wednesday, March 20, 2002


Cindy D'Agostino, a documentary filmmaker from Alexandria, Virginia

Bobby Padgett, an analytical chemist from Cramerton, North Carolina

Matt Scarpino, an electrical engineer for the United States Air Force from Dayton, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
(Sarah of the Clue Crew paddles a kayak.) Today, kayaks are often plastic. The original sea kayaks were made by Aleutians from this animal skin
    $200 12
One of "The Three Tenors", he became artistic director of the Los Angeles Opera in 2000
    $200 2
Sonny Crockett & Nash Bridges
    $200 5
Classically speaking,
it's what's missing
from the group seen here
    $200 1
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" in this play
    $200 15
My psychiatrist said I was crazy; I told him I wanted one of these & he said, "Okay, you're ugly too"
    $400 26
The green type of this reptile gained protection in the 20th century because of its popular use in soup
    $400 13
One of "The Three Tenors", he dueted with Bono on a U2 song called "Miss Sarajevo"
    $400 3
Andy Taylor & Ben Matlock
    $400 14
Test being administered here
    $400 6
Published in 1600, it's Shakespeare's comedy of weddings & fairies
    $400 16
A bum walked up to me on the street & said "I haven't had a bite in 2 days" so I did this
    $600 27
If the water's briny enough, we presume that this echinoderm would become a sea pickle
    $600 21
Beniamino Gigli was well known for singing the role of this scholar in "Mefistofele"
    $600 4
Det. Diane Russell & Kathleen Maguire
    $600 20
The first set of the objects
seen here was destroyed by this man
    $600 7
At the end of this play, Octavius & Antony find Brutus' body
    $600 17
A frog went into McDonald's & ordered a burger & the clerk asked, "Would you like" these "with that?"
    $800 29
In the wild the walrus feeds on clams & other of these, which it digs out of the sand with its tusks
    $800 22
This visiting Italian could have sung "I'm A Survivor" after living through the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
    $800 10
Michael Knight & Mitch Buchannon
    $800 25
3-letter word yelled
by the crowd watching the move seen here
    $800 8
In this play the servant Servilius is sent to Lord Lucius to ask for help for a cash-strapped Athenian
    $800 18
My mother-in-law only comes to visit once a year. But it lasts from New Year's to this, Feliz Navidad
    $1000 30
Term for the individual animals that make up coral; it also has a less benign medical meaning
    $1000 23
A soccer accident when he was 12 left him blind, but he's often said to have the most beautiful voice in the world
    DD: $1,500 11
Charles Ingalls & Jonathan Smith
    $1000 28
The country & the organization whose flags are seen here
    $1000 9
The reunion of Leontes & his wife Hermione warms hearts in this Shakespearean "Tale"
    $1000 19
King Juan Carlos misdialed; instead of calling his psychic he got the weather & it said he'd do this today

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Matt Bobby Cindy
$2,100 -$400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Bobby Cindy
$6,100 $1,600 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the performer of each song.)
    $400 14
The insignia of a master gunnery sergeant depicts this, like the ones "in air" in "The Star-Spangled Banner"
    $400 1
1980: "On The Road Again"
    $400 9
The tip of Schoodic Peninsula is the only mainland part of this state's Acadia National Park
    $400 20
It's the Italian equivalent of a plaza, like Rome's Navona & di Spagna
    $400 25
For refusing to worship him as a god, King Darius threw this prophet into a den of lions
    $400 2
The cartoon "Dudley Do-Right" was performed in this theatrical style
    $800 15
M is for military in the name of this rifle, whose A2 version is a Marine's basic weapon
    $800 4
1998: "You're Still The One"
    DD: $2,300 10
This peninsula in Southeast Europe has been called the "powder keg of Europe" since so many wars began there
    $800 21
IT's what's happening to music during a diminuendo
    $800 26
When George Washington became President of the U.S., this king reigned over France
    $800 3
Aussie feminist Germaine Greer got her B.A. from the University of this city
    $1200 16
Many Marines attend infantry school at Camp Lejeune in this state
    $1200 5
1969: "A Boy Named Sue"
    $1200 11
The World War II battlefield area on this peninsula on Luzon is a Philippine national shrine
    $1200 22
This 5-letter adjective for a beautiful woman is often heard after "ciao"
    $1200 27
The king seen here
came to power
in this country in 1982
    $1200 6
Albinos lack this pigment produced from the amino acid tyrosine
    $1600 17
In 2001 the Marine's home web page displayed the slogan this "was a common virtue"--it's also a movie title
    $1600 12
1991: "Love Can Build A Bridge"
    $1600 19
Completed in 1893, the Corinth Canal literally made this southern Greek peninsula an island
    DD: $1,000 23
A type of jib is named for this Italian seafaring city, birthplace of a famous explorer
    $1600 28
It's how King Charles I of England met his end in 1649
    $1600 7
Author Robert Burton's 1621 masterpiece was "The Anatomy of" this feeling, baby
    $2000 18
Anatomical nickname of legendary Marine general Lewis Puller
    $2000 13
1992: "I Still Believe In You"
    $2000 30
This emirate whose capital is Doha occupies a desert peninsula that juts into the Persian Gulf
    $2000 24
This sideboard's name is from the Italian for "trust", because possibly poisoned food was put there to be tasted
    $2000 29
The aged king of Troy, he was the father of Paris, Hector & Cassandra
    $2000 8
New Caledonia is part of this island group in the South Pacific

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Bobby Cindy
$14,000 $10,000 $8,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The most requested photo in the history of the National Archives is of the 1970 meeting of these 2 men

Final scores:

Matt Bobby Cindy
$7,000 $19,000 $17,200
3rd place: stay at the Renaissance Beverly Hills Hotel New champion: $19,000 2nd place: trip to the Caribbean by Windjammer Barefoot Cruises

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Bobby Cindy
$18,400 $10,000 $8,600
24 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
4 W
14 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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