Suggest correction - #1557 - 1991-05-14

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    $600 9
In Catholic theology, souls can be in heaven, hell, purgatory or this in-between region

Show #1557 - Tuesday, May 14, 1991

1991 College Championship semifinal game 2.


David Morris, a junior from Duke University

Kelly Barbour, a junior from East Texas State University

Tim Lakin, a sophomore from Northwestern University

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
This U.S. commander of the gulf forces is known to his West Point colleagues as "The Bear"
    $100 17
The abbreviation H.R.H. before Princess Diana's name indicates you should refer to her this way
    $100 30
The Colts play their home football games at the Hoosier Dome in this state capital
    $100 1
In "The Voyages of" this doctor, he & Tommy go to Spider Monkey Island to hunt beetles
    $100 27
The first store in this chain was originally called the "Baby Furniture and Toy Supermarket"
    $100 11
This Roy Orbison song lost in 1964, but a remake used in a Julia Roberts film won in 1991
    $200 7
On January 18, 1991 the first one of these used in combat took out a scud near the Iraq-Kuwait border
    $200 18
In movie ratings, it's what PG stands for
    $200 29
This capital of South Dakota lies about 8 miles from the geographic center of the state
    $200 2
The Ugly Duckling is actually 1 of these animals
    $200 24
George Eastman arrived at the name of this company by making up words that started & ended with "K"
    $200 15
Nominated in 8 categories, his only '91 Grammy came for Record of the Year for "Another Day In Paradise"
    $300 8
Said one way it means "clash"; the way Bush says it, it means "a shoeshine boy"
    $300 19
Had Gulliver attended Lilliput U., he would have been a BMOC, which stands for this
    $300 25
It's not just a state capital; it's also "Music City, U.S.A."
    $300 3
Last name of the sets of twins Bert & Nan & Freddie & Flossie
    $300 23
In 1955, 2 brothers named Richard & Henry founded this famous tax accounting firm
    $300 14
Alan Menken & Howard Ashman won Grammys for composing "Under The Sea" for this children's film
    $400 9
After going off on their own in No-Man's-Land, this CBS reporter & his crew were taken captive
    $400 20
Your ma and pa could tell you MA & PA are the postal abbreviations for these two states
    DD: $500 26
Roger Williams Park covers more than 450 acres in this capital city
    $400 4
"Norah of Billabong" takes place on a cattle station in this country
    $400 22
Since buying Binney & Smith, this co. not only ranks No. 1 in greeting cards but in crayons as well
    $400 12
Bette Midler opened the telecast with this song which later was named song of the year
    $500 13
This battleship launched in January 1944 hadn't fired its guns in anger since the Korean War
    $500 21
This measure of heat used to rate the cooling capacity of air conditioners is abbreviated Btu
    $500 28
This capital was originally settled during the "Pikes Peak or Bust" gold rush of 1859
    $500 5
Elephant befriended by a rich old lady who understands right away he was "longing for a fine suit"
    $500 16
Founded in 1919, this county's KLM Airline is the world's oldest
    $500 10
The album "Back on the Block" was responsible for 5 of his 6 Grammys

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Kelly David
$1,700 $900 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Kelly David
$3,000 $2,700 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
This country's "Martial Emperor", Han Wu-Ti founded a colony in North Korea in 108 B.C.
    $200 20
For her contributions to science, she received a gram of radium from Pres. Harding
    $200 2
In Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam before God created her
    $200 1
Binding energy holds neutrons & protons together in this part of an atom
    $200 3
In Tennyson's poem about this woman, her husband the Earl says, "Ride you naked thro' the town"
    $400 15
The name England comes from the name of this tribe that invaded the country in the fifth century
    $400 14
Since 1989 this former astronaut has headed the Calif. Space Institute at the Univ. of Calif., San Diego
    $400 8
The largest Protestant group which celebrates its Sabbath on Saturday
    $400 19
In German the name of this country's Lake Lucerne means "Lake of Four Forest Cantons"
    $400 25
Isotopes are atoms having the same number of protons but different numbers of these
    DD: $600 4
The last line of this military poem is "Noble six hundred!"
    DD: $2,100 16
2 of the 3 men who formed Rome's First Triumvirate in 60 B.C.
    $600 6
In July 1990 she set a record winning her 9th Wimbledon singles title
    $600 9
In Catholic theology, souls can be in heaven, hell, purgatory or this in-between region
    $600 24
In Newton's time there were 2 theories on how light traveled, the particle theory & this
    $600 5
Tennyson wrote of "that world-earthquake, Waterloo" in his "Ode On The Death Of" this duke
    $800 17
Tradition says colonists from Tyre founded this city on the N. African coast circa 814 B.C.
    $800 7
Known for her creative teaching "method", her picture now appears on Italy's 1,000-lire bill
    $800 10
From about 1870 until after WWII, it was Japan's national religion
    $800 28
Located on a lake of the same name, Maracaibo is this country's chief port & 2nd largest city
    $800 23
Type of mechanics based on a theory of Max Planck
    $800 26
This woman is crowned Queen of the Wood in "The Foresters", Tennyson's play about Robin Hood
    $1000 18
In about 3100 B.C., King Menes united this country, forming the world's first national government
    $1000 11
Her remains are interred in D.C.'s Nat'l Cathedral next to those of her teacher, Anne Sullivan Macy
    $1000 12
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to achieve this state of perfect blessedness
    $1000 21
This river that begins at Knoxville is the largest tributary of the Ohio
    $1000 22
This term for the random movement of particles was named after a Scottish botanist
    $1000 27
In Tennyson's poem "Crossing the Bar", crossing the bar is a metaphor for this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Kelly David
$10,800 $200 $3,300
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The word "jot" comes from this Greek word, as back then I's & J's were the same

Final scores:

Tim Kelly David
$10,810 $400 $1,600
Finalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Kelly David
$11,100 $2,300 $3,300
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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