Suggest correction - #4604 - 2004-09-16

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    $1000 25
Of Walter Chrysler, Louis Chevrolet or Ransom Olds, the one who raced in the Indy 500
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Show #4604 - Thursday, September 16, 2004

Ken Jennings game 47.


Elaine Skopelja, a medical librarian from Carmel, Indiana

John Cook, an urban planner from Corona del Mar, California

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (46-day champion whose cash winnings total $1,555,061)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Te Papa, the National Museum of New Zealand, is in this city, the capital
    $200 26
When he plays for the Lakers he wears a size 23 shoe
    $200 1
Vostok means "east" in this language
    $200 16
Remove a hidden electronic device
    $200 11
The average time in the 15 largest U.S. cities for this is 24.3 minutes & most people do it by car
    $200 21
Of hippo, rhino or croc, the one whose common name has the most letters
    $400 7
New Zealander who took on the giant task of making 3 films at once about the little hobbits
    $400 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from the courts at the Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, RI.) From 1978 to 1984 the title of U.S. Open men's singles champ volleyed between John McEnroe & this other volatile lefty
    $400 2
(Sofia of the Clue Crew speaks in a foreign tongue familiar to us.) Until Vatican II, the Catholic Mass was officially only celebrated in this language
    $400 17
Insert 1 letter in "death" to get this word meaning "an insufficient supply"
    $400 12
In 2002 U.S. parents adopted 5,053 kids from this country, more than from any other
    $400 22
Of the Osmonds, the Osbournes or the Oswalds, the family that got MTV its highest ratings
    $600 8
New Zealand was named for the Province of Zeeland in this country
    $600 28
In 2003 this English soccer star became the first Westerner to appear on ad billboards in Iran since 1979
    $600 3
Demotic is the common form of this language; Katharevousa, a more purified form
    $600 18
It's a decorative bottle used for serving wine
    $600 13
According to the FDIC, A record 222 of these failed or needed aid in 1988
    $600 23
Of Woolworth, Wordsworth or Wadsworth, the one who was a stamp distributor in Westmoreland County
    $800 9
New Zealand's Black Magic won this trophy in 1995 and 2000
    DD: $1,400 29
A 2003 USA Today survey of all time great NFL QBs revealed the top 4 all have first names beginning with this letter
    $800 4
A 1996 Oakland School Board decision made many aware of this term for African-American English
    $800 19
Meaning socially obligatory, it's from the French for "of strictness"
    $800 14
The median age in California, it's also the speed of an old vinyl record album
    $800 24
Of Army, Navy or Marine, the one who began as a columnist for Variety in 1953
    $1000 10
In WWII this representative and future U.S. Pres. put on a uniform & was sent to New Zealand & Australia
    $1000 30
In 1947 a team from Wiliamsport, Pa. won the very first edition of this youth sports championship
    $1000 5
The writings of Shenute, an Abbot in 5th century Egypt, are among the earliest in this language
    $1000 20
In this craft, paper cutouts are glued to furniture or accessories & covered with many coats of varnish
    $1000 15
Marley's ghost might be suprised to learn that this was the most popular name given to boys in 2002
    $1000 25
Of Walter Chrysler, Louis Chevrolet or Ransom Olds, the one who raced in the Indy 500

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Ken John Elaine
$3,800 -$1,000 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken John Elaine
$9,000 $1,600 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
In 1469 this prince & princess married; within 10 years almost all of what is now Spain came under their control
    $400 1
Bill Murray flirts with Andie MacDowell over & over & over & over...
    $400 21
Among these creatures, males of the black species share egg-warming duties but trumpeter males don't
    $400 16
This TV network used to be the NBC Blue Network; now it's the "NYPD Blue" network
    $400 26
In 2003 in works like the one shown, the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company celebrated the centennial of this
    $400 6
Webslinging movie & comic book hero who was the loyal servant of Robinson Crusoe
    $800 12
This British poet swam the Hellespont on May 3, 1810, performing the feat in one hour, 10 minutes
    $800 2
John Wayne leads a Special Forces unit
    $800 22
This continent's Sydney funnel-web spider brags that it makes the black widow look like the girl next door
    $800 17
Blue Nun is one of the most famous brands of this "motherly" type of German wine
    $800 27
Modern dance continues to interpret this classical composer, as in Paul Taylor's 1988 "Brandenburgs"
    $800 7
Soft-serve current British monarch with a curl on top
    $1200 13
On Dec. 11, 1936 this king abdicated because he couldn't discharge his duties without "the woman I love"
    $1200 3
Tom Hanks watches a lot of executions
    $1200 25
Just because I'm this physically smallest class of termite, shouldn't mean I have to wait on the others all day
    DD: $2,200 18
Methane in the atmosphere is responsible for the blue-green coloring of these 2 planets
    $1200 28
As opposed to the leaps of ballet, Mary Wigman's dances showed gravity's pull & often used this prayerful position
    $1200 8
Spanish Fountain of Youth searcher who won the heavyweight title in 1978
    $1600 14
Much of the decency that marked Nero's early reign was due to the guidance of this tragedian/tutor
    $1600 4
Joe Pesci is a bad guy
    $1600 23
We African elephants are in trouble too, but we're only listed as this, while the Asian ones are endangered
    $1600 19
Blue is a popular clothing color for members of this original Moroccan ethnic group
    $1600 29
This performer/choreographer was one of the most influential figures in modern dance
    $1600 9
This patriotic composer said, "Give me liberty or give me d-death, d-death, d-death, d-death, d-death, d-death, d-death"
    $2000 15
In 1094 this Spanish warrior seized Valencia, a Muslim stronghold, & ruled it until his death on July 10, 1099
    $2000 5
Rita Hayworth teases up a storm in South America
    $2000 24
The marmot, seen here, wishes it didn't have this name, which means cowardly
    $2000 20
He rocked the charts with his band The Blue Notes
    DD: $4,600 10
It can patch you up after a camping accident & be your guide along the Oregon Trail

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken John Elaine
$23,600 $6,200 $5,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Ford Madox Ford, in the ‘20s, hadn’t “read more than six words” by this man before vowing to “publish everything he sent me”

Final scores:

Ken John Elaine
$30,000 $10,601 $300
47-day champion: $1,585,061 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ken John Elaine
$20,400 $5,200 $5,800
31 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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