Suggest correction - #8043 - 2019-07-24

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    $600 2
Smashing Blowfish

Show #8043 - Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jason Zuffranieri game 4.


Corin Purifoy, a fiber artist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Michelle Bruck, an attorney from Levittown, Pennsylvania

Jason Zuffranieri, a math teacher from Albuquerque, New Mexico (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $75,300)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're gonna give you a mashup of two popular musical groups, and you name them both in...)
    $200 27
In John 1:3 the spirit of God is described as descending like one of these peaceful birds upon Jesus
    $200 10
It's a one-word exclamation meaning "I give up!"
    $200 5
Both Rock & Roll Hall of Famers:
Cheap Jam
    $200 11
LifeStraw is a drinking implement that acts as this, allowing you to drink from dubious water sources
    $200 28
In ancient times it was known as Mare Hadriaticum
    $200 23
On Jan. 1, 1971 during the "Tonight" show, a Virginia Slims ad became the last one for these products broadcast nationally on TV
    $400 25
Ships in King Solomon's navy return home with some of these bright-feathered iridescent birds
    $400 6
This type of vote made George Washington president of the Constitutional Convention
    $400 1
Rage Against the Sabbath
    $400 12
In the name of Aibo, Sony's robot dog, the "A" & "I" stand for this, but "Aibo" also means "companion" in Japanese
    DD: $5,200 21
The ruins of Qumran, including some notable caves, overlook its northwest shore
    $400 16
On May 14, 1998 over 76 million viewers tuned in to say farewell to this classic sitcom about nothing
    $600 26
This bulky warrior boasts that he'll feed David's body to the birds; oops!
    $600 7
At the sushi bar, freshwater eel goes by this Japanese name
    $600 2
Smashing Blowfish
    $600 13
The Smarter Fridge Cam takes pictures every time you open your fridge, & even keeps track of these with a "best before" tracker
    $600 19
The Bosporus Strait connects the Sea of Marmara with this other sea
    $600 17
In 1969 the Department of the Treasury announced the end of currency above $100, including the $500 note, featuring this president
    $800 29
Psalms 84 says this bird built "a nest for herself" near the temple altar, not Capistrano
    $800 8
By definition, it's any mammal that has hooves
    $800 3
My Chemical Monkeys
    $800 14
Ghost hunters would never be caught without an EMF meter, which detects these fields, EMF for short
    $800 20
The "Cradle to the Great Barrier Reef", it's home to some of the most diverse marine life in the world
    $800 18
Initially "A Different Kind of Company" with cars built in Tennessee, it was phased out by GM beginning in 2007
    $1000 30
Exodus chapter 16 recounts how flocks of these birds appeared one evening at sunset & fed the hungry Israelites
    $1000 9
To move in waves
    $1000 4
Cold War Springfield
    $1000 15
Crustaceans have hard outer shells called these; the CLOi SuitBot is billed as one that helps you lift things
    $1000 22
The largest ice shelf in Antarctica lies at the head of this same-named sea
    $1000 24
In November 1852 mourners lined the streets of London to bid farewell to this statesman, Britain's greatest soldier, dead at 83

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jason Michelle Corin
$3,000 $0 $5,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Michelle Corin
$3,600 $600 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
In 1893, after a 2-week trial & just over an hour of deliberation, a jury found her not guilty of giving her dad & stepmom the ax
    $400 29
If I told you this province's flower was the dogwood, could you guess it? How about if it's the Pacific dogwood?
    $400 1
This Tony winner has hosted the Tony Awards
    $400 30
"City of Dreams" is Tyler Anbinder's epic history of 400 years of this U.S. metropolis' immigrant experience
    $400 5
When an egg cell in a flower fertilizes itself, it's called "self-" this
    $400 11
It's the most common written letter in French, too, but Georges Perec wrote the novel "La DIsparition" without using it
    $800 24
She was Hitler's longtime mistress & for a day in 1945 his wife
    $800 4
Quebec's motto is "Je me souviens", "I" do this
    $800 2
In 2019 Christian Siriano, who won season 4 of this fashion competition, replaced Tim Gunn as its mentor
    $800 16
Anne Applebaum's "Red Famine" is a history of this Soviet leader's oppression of Ukraine in the 1930s
    $800 6
The mix of water & chemicals that made up Earth's oceans billions of years ago is often called this kind of "soup"
    $800 12
Diddy dropped it in 2005
    $1200 27
Rhyming last names of the women seen here, both notorious in the early 1930s
    $1200 10
You can't sweep the category unless you know that this is the provincial sport of Saskatchewan
    $1200 3
Guitarist Dick Dale, who died in 2019, played the iconic opening theme from this 1994 film
    $1200 17
1930s interviews with these people have been mined for books including "Life Under the 'Peculiar Institution'"
    $1200 7
Among species, there are brood, social & sexual types of this relationship in which someone is usually a loser
    $1200 13
The old East Coast accent like Katharine Hepburn's or William F. Buckley's was marked by dropping this letter
    $1600 25
Splish, splash, this French Revolution leader was taking a bath when Charlotte Corday stabbed him to death in 1793
    DD: $4,000 22
Of course this province's flag is basically the cross of St. Andrew with reverse colors
    $1600 20
It's the 3-word punning title of the political podcast hosted by Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer & Tommy Vietor
    $1600 18
"Imperial Twilight" by Stephen Platt takes a look at the relations between Britain & this nation during the Opium Wars
    $1600 8
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) School glue is made up of these long molecule chains, whose name is from the Greek for "many"--adding a water & borax solution helps link them, creating gooey kids' slime
    $1600 14
The Motion Picture Association of America abandoned this letter rating in 1990
    $2000 26
A character on "Black Sails", this real-life pirate escaped execution by hanging when it was discovered that she was pregnant
    $2000 23
Alberta picked the lodgepole this as its provincial tree, as it supplied ties for the railroad
    $2000 21
Jane Pauley was drawn to this "Doonesbury" cartoonist & married him in 1980
    DD: $2,000 19
A look at great historic clashes, Philip Sabin's "Lost Battles" includes this 490 B.C. battle the Persians lost to the Greeks
    $2000 9
It's the astronomic term for the point in the Moon's orbit when it's nearest the Earth
    $2000 15
It was one of the 3 original blood groups discovered in 1900 but got changed to O

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Michelle Corin
$18,400 $3,000 $14,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This author & illustrator who won the 1964 Caldecott Medal was dubbed the "Picasso of children's books"

Final scores:

Jason Michelle Corin
$30,000 $3,000 $6,100
4-day champion: $105,300 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jason Michelle Corin
$21,200 $5,000 $14,200
28 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $40,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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