Suggest correction - #2011 - 1993-05-10

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    DD: $1,200 23
Under the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, this coungry agreed to Russia's annexation of the Crimea
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Show #2011 - Monday, May 10, 1993

1993 College Championship semifinal game 1.


Jeff Thompsen, a freshman from University of California at Berkeley

John van DeWeert, a sophomore from Princeton University

Ann Menge, a senior from Marquette University

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
In New England during the 1800s, Lewis Temple helped improve this industry by inventing a toggle harpoon
    $100 18
The 2 items that make up the costume worn by graduating students
    $100 12
In the year 2000 this month will have just 29 days
    $100 2
This state's Malaspina Glacier covers an area about the size of Rhode Island
    $100 26
Love beads became popular during this decade; hippies loved to wear them as a symbol of peace
    $100 1
Paying excessively is said to be "paying through" this facial organ
    $200 14
The 15th Amendment, adopted in 1870, gave black Americans this right
    $200 19
This pair should have seen from the start that a hilltop was an odd place for a well
    $200 13
The Germans sometimes call it Christmonat
    $200 3
Arlington County, site of the Pentagon, lies across this river from Washington, D.C.
    $200 28
Introduced in the 1950s, the Jamaica style of this sportswear was not as long as the Bermuda
    $200 4
You're considered crazy if you have these mammals "in your belfry"
    $300 23
The great-grandson of a slave, this 1st black Supreme Court Justice died in 1993 at the age of 84
    $300 20
Full, exact information on a subject, or a the source of a biblical quote
    $300 15
Bill Clinton was elected President during this month
    $300 5
Don't let its name confuse you, this Florida city is the southernmost in the continental U.S.
    $300 29
In the 1400s a hennin, which was cone-shaped & could be 4 feet high, was worn on this part of the body
    $300 9
Something that arrives suddenly & unexpectedly is said to come from "out of" this color
    $400 24
This orator was forced to flee to Canada after he was accused of conspiring with John Brown
    DD: $700 21
Famous pair seen here: They've become cult favorites
    $400 16
During most of this month, it's spring in the U.S.; during part of it, summer
    $400 6
Located along the Rio Grande it's New Mexico's largest city
    $400 30
Many 16th century ruffs completely encircled this part of the body, while some were open in front
    $400 10
"Brevity is the soul of" this
    $500 25
In 1955 she helped launch the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on an Alabama bus
    $500 22
Of this Reebok Olympic pair, one bronzed & the other didn't even make the team
    $500 17
In 1992 Easter Sunday fell during this month; you might have had spring break then
    $500 7
Not surprisingly, this state's highest point is Mount Sunflower
    $500 27
The name of this coat dates back to the ditches in which it was worn during WWI
    $500 11
The 3 main components of a gun gave rise to this phrase that means "the whole works"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ann John Jeff
$1,500 $200 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ann John Jeff
$1,900 $2,000 $3,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
This South African capital can be spelled as 1 word or 2
    $200 9
Jack Palance won his "Best Supporting Actor" Oscar for this 1991 western film
    $200 17
He was elected a fellow of London's Royal Society in 1756 because of his electrical experiments
    $200 25
In the 19th c. this statue was bought, minus its arms, by the Marquis de Riviere & given to Louis XVIII
    $200 5
Graham, Charles & Boyle each developed a law concerning this state of matter
    $200 1
In 1695 this "Gulliver's Travels" author became an Anglican minister in Ireland
    $400 4
In 1986 the U.S. & USSR helped thaw the Cold War when they met for disarmament talks in this Icelandic city
    $400 10
This 1990 film's only performance award was won by Whoopi Goldberg for "Best Supporting Actress"
    $400 18
In 1796 Tennessee's voters chose this future President as their first Congressman
    $400 26
This Frenchman's early sculpture "Man with a Broken Nose" was originally rejected for exhibition
    $400 12
A leaf is described as digitate when it has divisions resembling these body parts
    $400 2
Frodo Baggins, who lives in Middle-earth, is one of these creatures
    $600 6
In 1790 Columbia replaced this city as South Carolina's capital
    $600 19
1 of 2 films for which Oliver Stone has won "Best Director"
    $600 21
On October 26, 1760 he became King of England
    $600 28
The surface of this Cubist's "Head of a Woman" is divided into several planes
    $600 13
The existence of the mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic, Pacific & Indian Oceans gives support to this theory
    $600 11
His last completed novel, "Our Mutual Friend" came 4 yrs. after "Great Expectations"
    $800 7
If you're off on the road to this country you may wind up in its capital of Rabat
    $800 20
This second Indiana Jones film won a 1984 Oscar for its visual effects
    $800 22
In 1704 this city's "News-Letter" became the 1st regularly published newspaper in the American colonies
    DD: $1,500 29
Nike of Samothrace is sometimes referred to by this title
    $800 14
A diagram showing the order of operations for solving a problem is this kind of "chart"
    $800 15
In 1971 this author of "The Mousetrap" was made Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire
    $1000 8
The many waterways in Recife, in this large South American country, are compared to those of Venice
    $1000 27
Ronald Bass & Barry Morrow won Oscars for scripting this Dustin Hoffman film about an autustic man
    DD: $1,200 23
Under the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, this coungry agreed to Russia's annexation of the Crimea
    $1000 30
From 1403 to 1452 Lorenzo Ghiberti worked on 4 of the bronze doors for this Italian city's baptistry
    $1000 24
3 of the 6 simple machines
    $1000 16
This author of "The Razor's Edge" trained for the medical profession but never practiced

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ann John Jeff
$7,900 $2,800 $7,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

His 1856 campaign slogan emphasized "Free press, free soil, free men"

Final scores:

Ann John Jeff
$499 $5,600 $0
2nd place: $5,000 Finalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ann John Jeff
$8,600 $4,000 $8,900
19 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
25 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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