Suggest correction - #633 - 1987-05-13

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    DD: $1,000 24
2 recent films from Disney Studios in which Bette Midler played distraught wives named Barbara

Show #633 - Wednesday, May 13, 1987

1987 Senior Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


Joe McKenna, a retired professor of economics from St. Louis, Missouri

Madeline Hayes, a practical nurse from Los Angeles, California

Bill Ward, a resort manager from Kailua, Hawaii

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
A sea otter eats & sleeps while floating in this position
    $100 11
"I'll go home & get my panties, you go home & get your scanties" & we'll "shuffle off to" here
    $100 4
Comic strip character who's given his name to a multilayered sandwich
    $100 1
In 1930, Don Bradman didn't find many sticky wickets as he scored 974 runs in this sport
    $100 26
When you're finished eating, where you should place the napkin in relation to your plate
    $100 8
This comedian made "Easy Money" in 1983 & went "Back to School" in 1986
    $200 17
A hawksbill, loggerhead or leatherback
    $200 12
"My heart beat like a hammer, my arms wound around you tight, & stars fell on" this state
    $200 5
Broom Hilda's buddy Gaylord is this type of creature
    $200 2
In this sport, a pro team usually suits up 20 men per game, including 2 goalies
    $200 9
Of Dick, Jane, or William Powell, the 1 who was in "The Thin Man"
    $300 18
Among fish, while a manta is a ray, a moray is one of these
    $300 13
"When it's springtime" here, "I am coming back to you, little sweetheart of the mountains"
    $300 6
Inseparable pair; when she said "Leapin' lizards", he frequently replied "arf"
    $300 3
In the autumn of 1909, the collegiate death toll in this sport was 33
    $300 23
She married Charles Laughton in real life & was "The Bride of Frankenstein" on screen
    $400 19
A sea star doesn't refer to Lloyd Bridges, but to this creature
    $400 14
Patti Page lost her "little darlin' the night they were playin' " this
    $400 7
5-year old "enfant terrible" who turned 35 in 1986
    $400 21
In pro basketball, this happens to a player after 2 technical fouls
    DD: $1,000 24
2 recent films from Disney Studios in which Bette Midler played distraught wives named Barbara
    $500 20
Its varieties include mushroom, horny, brain & staghorn
    $500 15
This song about night in a N. England state begins "pennies in a stream, falling leaves, a sycamore..."
    $500 10
In "The Funnies" by White & Abel, she's described as "The child-woman created by Ernie Bushmiller"
    $500 22
Of Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, or George Foreman, heavyweight champ with highest career KO percentage
    $500 25
"Pink Panther" regular played by Burt Kwouk

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Bill Madeline Joe
$0 $400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Madeline Joe
$500 $900 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
With one you can draw a circle; without one you might travel in a circle
    $200 2
Its scripts were dramatized stories from the files in the LAPD; the names were changed, of course
    $200 10
Royal couple who decreed the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492
    $200 19
For Expo '86, this company built a McBarge, its 1st floating restaurant
    $200 26
Namib or Kalahari, for example
    $200 1
Minimum number of handles on a loving cup
    $400 12
Next in the sequence 1,5,9,13,...
    $400 3
Brace Beemer was an announcer on this show before he donned the mask as its star
    $400 11
During his expedition begun in 1838, Lt. Charles Wilkes proved this was a continent
    $400 20
In 1904, it was founded by Amadeo Peter Giannini as the Bank of Italy, but became this in 1930
    $400 27
The highest point in Tanzania; heck it's the highest point in all of Africa
    $400 8
The L.A. Times reports this symbol has been removed from most Vegas slots due to its sour image
    $600 15
Banks compute this by the formula: principal x rate x time
    $600 4
The actors who played Paul, Cliff, & Nicky in "One Man's Family", played Jack, Doc, & Reggie on this show
    DD: $750 16
2 North American wars in which a "Battle of Wilderness" was fought, 1 in 1755 & 1 in 1864
    $600 23
A 3M scientist who sang in his church choir 1st used this lightly glued paper product to mark place in hymnal
    DD: $1,000 28
African explorer referred to in title of the following:

[Zeppo, talk-singing] "He went into the jungle / Where all the monkeys THROW nuts" [Groucho] "If I stay here I'll GO nuts" [Party guests] "Hooray hooray hooray!"
    $600 9
Common item taken on vacations that has an iris, diaphragm & speed control
    $800 21
In 300 B.C., students who skipped his class in Alexanderia missed the "Elements" of geometry
    $800 5
With his theme "Someday I'll Find You", this character was the "Tracer of Lost Persons"
    $800 17
Technically a Bohemian duke, this murdered 10th century saint is the subject of a Christmas carol
    $800 24
Waldenbooks, which recently bought Brentano's, is owned by this #2 U.S. retailer
    $800 13
Albuquerque police learned German & Dutch to work with these European-trained operatives
    $1000 22
Analytic geometry combines geometry with this branch of arithmetic
    $1000 6
Virginia Payne played this soap's title character for its entire 27 year run
    $1000 18
The century in which England last had any queen named Elizabeth prior to Elizabeth II
    $1000 25
In 1895, he led bankers who lent U.S. Treasury $31 million so it didn't need to stop currency redemption
    $1000 14
Option on ballot offered to Nevada's voters, it "won" the state treasurer primary in 1986

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Madeline Joe
$4,300 $3,050 $7,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

The book "Sold American!" deals with this industry

Final scores:

Bill Madeline Joe
$6,300 $4,050 $8,700
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bill Madeline Joe
$4,300 $2,900 $8,500
15 R,
4 W
7 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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