Suggest correction - #8008 - 2019-06-05

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    $1600 19
1 syllable: a buddy; 2 syllables: paired with "Yerba" in a beverage

Show #8008 - Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Emma Boettcher game 3.


Erin Garratt, an education policy analyst from Washington, D.C.

Jonathan Greenstein, a high school social studies teacher from Mount Laurel, New Jersey

Emma Boettcher, a user experience librarian from Chicago, Illinois (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $71,401)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Aha. Let's go shopping, I guess.)
    $200 30
If this doctor's original sandals with the natural wood midsoles give you blisters, try his molefoam padding
    $200 5
This artist sketched David, but his marble sculpture of the same subject is a little more famous
    $200 20
The Lauren, carried by Ms. Hutton in "American Gigolo", is a croc one of these from Bottega Veneta
    $200 29
He launched a line of electric guitars called the EVH Wolfgang
    $200 15
Black spruce, not maple, is the most common tree in this country's 1.3 million square miles of forest
    $200 14
As a noun, it's an animal of Tibet; as a verb, it means to converse idly
    $400 7
This Italian brand sells its classic loafers with its iconic double G hardware
    $400 4
Anne is sketched here by this oldest of the Bronte sisters
    $400 21
Of course you can see crocs at the Australia Zoo, founded by the family of this late "Crocodile Hunter"
    $400 28
Dawson on "Dawson's Creek", he went on to solve crimes on "CSI: Cyber"
    $400 16
In 1900 2 billion feet of white pine was produced in this state that now has "timber" in the name of a pro sports team
    $400 13
A spice provides this word for a "talk" to lift your spirits
    $600 6
In 1978 an Australian surfer founded this brand of cozy boots & slippers that are lined with sheepskin
    $600 1
It was very crowded in the privy chamber of this king, as sketched by Hans Holbein the Younger
    $600 27
The 30-foot killer in this 1999 movie is a saltwater croc even though the movie has "Lake" in the title
    $600 22
She's the bossy but beloved character seen here
    $600 17
The rainforests of the basin of this 2,900 mile river have made Cameroon Africa's leading timber exporter
    $600 10
When you "chew the cud", you're mulling something over; when you chew this other 3-letter word, you're talking
    $800 8
This company was commissioned to make a Norwegian style shoe, hence its Weejuns
    $800 2
This French sculptor put away the clay to sketch Isadora Duncan
    $800 23
Thousands of gnus annually face a gauntlet of crocodiles while crossing the Mara River in this African country
    $800 24
In "Double Impact" this action star played twins separated at birth; thankfully they both learned roundhouse kicks
    $800 18
GP is this big lumber & paper products company; the "G" is for the state where it began
    $800 11
Sure, we can chat, or we can add 4 letters to the beginning of chat & get this word that means the same
    $1000 9
Last name of Paul, an avid sailor who made the iconic top-sider boater shoe that's still sold today
    $1000 3
Costume designer Edith Head created many sketches of this actress for Hitchcock's "Rear Window"
    $1000 26
Crocodilians include crocodiles, alligators, gavials & these semiaquatic reptiles of Central & South America
    DD: $2,000 25
A music competition named for him has been called "the most prestigious classical piano contest in the world"
    $1000 19
The 2018 election of Jair Bolsonaro intensified concern over the fate of this country's timber-rich rainforests
    $1000 12
It's a double-talk French term for a private conversation

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emma Jonathan Erin
$7,200 -$600 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Jonathan Erin
$7,800 $1,000 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
This animated explorer & her friend Boots began having adventures
    $400 28
Mummy told me the elevators in this Vegas hotel travel at a 39-degree angle to match their unusual building
    $400 26
The National Sleep Foundation says yes, this is occasionally unsafe, but better than letting the person get into a car
    $400 25
In Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City", the city is this one "by the bay"
    $400 27
1 syllable: pink flower; 2 syllables: pink wine
    $800 21
In 1972 Ferdinand Marcos imposed martial law in this country; it would last until 1981
    $800 24
Larry was angering his show biz friends right out of the gate on this HBO comedy
    DD: $3,000 22
Some of the ornamentation on this NYC building on Lexington Avenue was meant to look like radiator caps
    $800 23
Big surprise! This Austrian psychologist linked sleepwalking with repressed sexual desires
    $800 11
In Volume 11 of this series by Meg Cabot, Mia Thermopolis is having a "royal wedding"
    $800 17
1 syllable: a beauty mark; 2 syllables: spicy Mexican sauce
    DD: $2,000 1
This czar had the nickname "grozny", which meant "awesome" as well as "threatening"
    $1200 2
We couldn't look away from the stunts on "Jackass" on this cable channel
    $1200 12
A building at the College of William & Mary is named for this 17th century British architect
    $1200 5
This young Johanna Spyri character begins to sleepwalk due to her homesickness for the Swiss Alps
    $1200 8
At the beginning of the final book in this trilogy, we learn that "almost nothing remains of District 12"
    $1200 18
1 syllable: injured; 2 syllables: metallic fabric
    $1600 16
Communist leader Enver Hoxha made this Balkan nation a fortress of paranoia & isolation
    $1600 3
This TLC home improvement show premiered in 2000 & was back in 2018 with host Paige Davis & carpenter Ty Pennington
    $1600 13
A skybridge at the 41st story, about halfway up, connects the 2 buildings of this Malaysian marvel
    $1600 6
A 2012 study found that 30% of Americans sleepwalk at some point & this condition where breathing pauses raises your chance
    $1600 9
Diana Gabaldon gave Lord John Grey, an important recurring character in this series, a series of his own
    $1600 19
1 syllable: a buddy; 2 syllables: paired with "Yerba" in a beverage
    $2000 15
He ruled Mexico with an iron fist from 1877 to 1880 & again from 1884 to 1911
    $2000 4
This David E. Kelley series focused on the lives of teachers & students at a Beantown high school
    $2000 14
The Milan tower that bears the name of this tire company is a modernist masterpiece by architect Gio Ponti
    $2000 7
In this Wilkie Collins mystery, Franklin Blake stole the title stone while sleepwalking
    $2000 10
Published shortly before his death, Robert Jordan's "New Spring" is a prequel to this epic fantasy series
    $2000 20
1 syllable: masculine; 2 syllables: the capital of the Maldives

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Jonathan Erin
$24,400 -$2,600 $12,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This discovery of November 8, 1895 by a German physicist represents a letter in the NATO phonetic alphabet

Final scores:

Emma Jonathan Erin
$25,601 -$2,600 $0
3-day champion: $97,002 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emma Jonathan Erin
$22,200 -$3,400 $14,800
27 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
18 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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