Suggest correction - #8003 - 2019-05-29

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    $1600 11
Bon Jovi:
"Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear"

Show #8003 - Wednesday, May 29, 2019

James Holzhauer game 30.


Lisa Clark, a freelance designer from Atlanta, Georgia

Faizan Kothari, an investment banking analyst from New York, New York

James Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, Nevada (29-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,254,938)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You identify the author.)
    $200 30
The Cincinnati Reds won the World Series over this team that later was found to have lost intentionally
    $200 28
iRobot, maker of the Braava robot mop, is better known for this robot vacuum
    $200 27
Pawnee civil servant Ron Swanson, on this show:
"Fishing relaxes me. It's like yoga, except I still get to kill something"
    $200 24
The extra-large pocket on the front of the hoodie is named for this creature
    $200 29
"Ulysses" & "Finnegans Wake"
    $200 18
It's too loud, man--it's this word that begins with a word meaning "unable to hear"
    $400 21
Founded in 1919, this Dutch airline is the world's oldest airline still operating under its original name
    $400 25
The company Ozobot makes robots that introduce kids to this activity, the art of writing instructions that direct computers
    $400 26
"I am the Lord your God. Thou shalt worship no other god before me. Boy those were the days"--Sheen's 1st line on this drama
    $400 23
James Brudenell, the 7th Earl of this, gave his title to the name of a button-down sweater
    $400 20
"Notre-Dame de Paris" & "Les Miserables"
    $400 17
Spinal Tap's amps went up to this number
    DD: $2,800 9
This informal literary group that included Robert Benchley & Dorothy Parker began meeting for lunch in 1919
    $600 22
With the Lynx robot you can see your home remotely by using this 12-letter mode, from the French for "watch over"
    $600 15
Illinois governor Peter Florrick turned out to be not the ideal spouse for Alicia, trying to make her way as a lawyer on this drama
    $600 14
This cropped jacket gets is name from a Spanish dance & the music for that dance
    $600 19
"Looking for Alaska" & "Paper Towns"
    $600 16
Prospero threatens Caliban with pain so great that beasts will "tremble at thy" this 3-letter racket
    $800 3
This number amendment was ratified by Nebraska on Jan. 16, putting Prohibition in force
    $800 5
Robots like the Sunfish have been cleaning up reactors damaged in this 2011 meltdown in Japan
    $800 11
First Lady Mellie Grant was set to only appear in 3 episodes of season 1 of this drama, but by the end of season 6, was president!
    $800 13
Clothes will drape softly when cut "on the" this synonym for diagonal or slant
    $800 4
"The Temple of My Familiar" & "The Color Purple"
    $800 8
You must be a necromancer! Your cacophony is doing this, a noisy idiom that refers to a man in Genesis
    $1000 1
In 2019 Germany & other lands have events honoring the 100th birthday of this modernist design school
    $1000 6
As a social experiment, in 2014 a bot traveled 6,000 miles through Canada this way, but in the U.S. in 2015, soon met a bad end
    $1000 10
Ex-CIA analyst Elizabeth McCord practices both international & domestic diplomacy on this CBS show
    $1000 12
A city in India gives its name to these riding pants
    $1000 2
"Narcissus and Goldmund" & "The Glass Bead Game"
    $1000 7
This Italian superlative tells a musician to play very loud

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Faizan Lisa
$8,600 $2,800 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Faizan Lisa
$10,400 $5,200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Sounds like my backyard.)
(Alex: "E-X" is gonna come up in each correct response.)
(Alex: The correct response will be based on the last line of the clue.)
    $400 30
Africa's giant Al-Sudd Swamp is drained by the headwaters of this river
    $400 29
"Did I ever tell you you're my hero? You're everything, everything I wish I could be"
    $400 26
A mixture for making good old-fashioned pancakes & one of the ingredients
    $400 24
Named for an owner in this league, the Art Rooney Award honors sportsmanship on the field
    $400 20
We've yet to get a call from one of these otherworldly beings
    $400 22
You know the first Black president--well, the guy he defeated the first time--OK, that guy's running mate, the lady
    $800 27
Florida's Big Cypress Swamp borders this marshy national park on the southeast
    $800 28
"If you're lost, you can look--and you will find me"
    $800 25
A place for a picnic & an added work benefit
    $800 23
In the first year of these awards, the editors of Galaxy & Astounding Science Fiction shared the magazine prize
    $800 19
To astronomers, this isn't the end of a species but the atmospheric dimming of a star when it's low on the horizon
    $800 21
The Swiss guy who shot the arrow--they played his overture for a western hero--that hero's horse...darn it, hi-yo what?
    $1200 14
Take a little R & R in this "T & T" country & visit the mangrove channels of its Caroni Swamp
    $1200 13
Michael Jackson:
"The word is out you're doin' wrong, gonna lock you up before too long"
    $1200 16
Dried out & thirsty & sat awhile somewhere high up
    $1200 17
Since 1982 skeptics of the paranormal & pseudoscientific have offered outrageous offenders the "Bent" this utensil award
    $1200 18
A spacewalk is more formally called an EVA, this kind of "activity"
    $1200 3
There's an actress with lots of kids, 3 adopted--before she married that actor, she was married to this other actor, him, with 3 names
    DD: $11,914 2
It comes between "Great" & "Swamp" in the name of a part of Virginia & North Carolina that doesn't sound like a tourist spot
    $1600 11
Bon Jovi:
"Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear"
    $1600 12
A word like at, by or in & a ballot measure
    $1600 9
This vaunted trophy is given out each year in the south of France; the first one went to Delbert Mann for his film "Marty" in 1955
    DD: $4,000 5
The speed of expulsion of a rocket's gas or other propellant is this "velocity"
    $1600 4
Remember the flood guy in the Bible--it's his son I'm after--no, not those 2, the one who makes me hungry, the middle son
    $2000 10
The name of this big swamp on the Florida-Georgia border is thought to come from a Seminole word for "trembling earth"
    $2000 1
"How long can you stand the heat? Out of the doorway the bullet rip to the sound of the beat"
    $2000 15
Make silent & a speck of dust
    $2000 7
This Soviet physicist won the Nobel Peace Prize; now a prize for defending human rights is named for him
    $2000 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows TRAPPIST-1 on the monitor.) 39 light-years from our sun, a red dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1 has 7 Earth-size these whose orbits are seen here; JPL says 3 of them are firmly in the habitable zone where liquid water could most likely exist
    $2000 8
(Finger snap)--1800s author wrote a book about a kid who runs with pickpockets--so the gal in that book, the one who ends up dead

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Faizan Lisa
$43,914 $9,200 $2,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The author of this tale dedicated the novel to British philosopher William Godwin, her father

Final scores:

James Faizan Lisa
$69,033 $9,223 $1
30-day champion: $2,323,971 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Faizan Lisa
$31,400 $13,200 $2,800
35 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
15 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $47,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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