Suggest correction - #8002 - 2019-05-28

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    DD: $3,000 2
She complains to the shrewish Kate, "Sister, content you in my discontent"

Show #8002 - Tuesday, May 28, 2019

James Holzhauer game 29.


Sara Feeney, a stay-at-home mom from Livonia, Michigan

Jim-Bob Williams, a therapeutic humorist from St. Albans, West Virginia

James Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, Nevada (28-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,195,557)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Ask Ozzy Osbourne:
cadmium & thallium are among the "heavy" these
    $200 30
"The handwriting is on the ____"
    $200 27
This sandwich chain has urged us to "Eat fresh" & "Make it what you want"
    $200 29
Newport, Rhode Island is on this bay
    $200 25
Part of this creature is seen here; its group names include a muster of them & an ostentation
    $200 26
Sandy Koufax won this annual pitching award with 100% of the first place vote in 1963, '65 & '66
    $400 21
Made with deuterium, an isotope of this element, heavy water has the formula D2O
    $400 19
"Don't have too many irons in the ____"
    $400 28
Nike introduced this 3-word slogan in 1988
    $400 23
This "Beach", a seaside resort, is home to South Carolina's first state park
    $400 24
Look quickly--it's called a coalition of these fastest felines
    $400 14
Longtime Dodgers catcher Mike Scioscia drove to Orange County to become this team's longtime manager
    $600 22
The heaviest beetle, & maybe heaviest insect, is this 3-ouncer with a biblical name
    $600 18
"Loose ____ sink ships"
    $600 17
"So good" replaced this slogan at KFC that implied its food was eaten with your hands
    $600 16
This city on the seaboard is the seat of Chatham County, Georgia
    $600 15
A group of gorillas can be a troop or one of these; who's on bass?
    $600 13
This Dodger co-owner knows how to lend a hand--playing across town, he led the NBA in assists per game 4 times
    $800 9
Heavy ions are created in these devices that produce beams of fast-moving charged particles, like the Large Hadron Collider
    $800 10
"Don't put the ____ before the horse"
    $800 11
Ilon Specht was 3 when she came up with the tagline "Because I'm worth it" for this French-named beauty brand
    DD: $1,000 3
White House hopefuls visit the Red Arrow Diner in this New Hampshire city that's on the Merrimack River
    $800 12
It's a murder of crows & an unkindness of these related birds
    $800 5
The 1970s Dodgers had the longest-lasting intact this group: Garvey, 1B; Lopes, 2B; Russell, SS; Cey, 3B
    $1000 8
This planet is less dense than water--but it's still 95 times the mass of the Earth
    $1000 7
"____ is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul"
    $1000 6
This company has used the slogan "A diamond is forever" for an eternity
    $1000 2
New Haven is a port on this sound, an arm of the Atlantic
    $1000 4
A group of owls is a wisdom or one of these legislatures
    $1000 1
In 1986 this Dodger lefty from Mexico led the NL with a now-mind-boggling 20 complete games

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Jim-Bob Sara
$8,400 $4,200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Jim-Bob Sara
$12,000 $5,200 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

1950s PEOPLE
(Alex: Each correct response will begin with that letter.)
    $400 30
The International Space Station is on this time zone measured from the British Isles
    $400 29
She mentions her "lonely heart" on her 1987 No. 1 hit "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)"
    $400 26
Israel offered this physicist the presidency in 1952; feeling he didn't have the personality for the job, he declined
    $400 18
About his crime he says, "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more"
    $400 27
How about a water feature, like a pond filled with these Japanese carp?
    $400 23
The letter "S" deserts a "wet" word, leaving this mighty tree
    $800 14
Egypt has adopted Daylight Saving Time, but suspends its use during this Muslim month
    $800 28
In 1976 the NFL's Terry Bradshaw had a hit with Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could" do this
    $800 25
In 1950 this sen. said there were 205 Communists in the State Dept. but in Sen. testimony gave no proof of a single card carrier
    $800 17
Macbeth tells him, "Your children shall be kings", to which he replies, "You shall be king"
    $800 24
The distaff counterpart to a man cave is this backyard haven with an alliterative name
    $800 22
A word meaning "well liked" loses its middle "U" & becomes this tree
    $1200 13
In the Mountain Time Zone, it's when the Times Square ball drops
    $1200 10
"Lonely Boy" was one of the songs on this duo's 2011 album "El Camino"
    $1200 5
William M. Gaines wasn't worried when he launched this irreverent humor magazine in 1952
    $1200 16
Before love conquers all in "Much Ado About Nothing", she calls Benedick "the prince's jester, a very dull fool"
    $1200 20
A good choice for water-thrifty gardeners is Acacia cognata, also known as this, after a relative of the Addams family
    $1200 21
The "D" drops from the front of a short race, leaving this tree at the finish line
    $1600 12
Markets Fyr, an island in the Gulf of Bothnia, follows 2 time zones because it's split between these 2 countries
    $1600 9
Back in 2010 this one-named Swedish songbyrd was "Dancing On My Own"
    $1600 6
Born in New York, she moved with her family to Greece & was back for her Metropolitan Opera debut as Norma in 1956
    DD: $3,000 2
She complains to the shrewish Kate, "Sister, content you in my discontent"
    $1600 19
Get cushions for Adirondack chairs in an outdoor fabric, like this brand that began in the 1960s as an awning canvas
    $1600 4
The "H" is removed from a ship's steering wheel, leaving this 3-letter tree
    $2000 11
France has the most time zones, 12, if you count Pacific possessions & this saintly island off Newfoundland near Miquelon
    $2000 8
This 3-named Canadian lass checks into a heartbreak hotel in the video for "Party For One", sort of a break-up song
    DD: $11,381 7
In 1954 he ran unoppposed for president of Cuba
    $2000 1
Appropriately, this "Romeo & Juliet" character whose name means "good will" says, "I do but keep the peace"
    $2000 15
Latticework structures for the backyard include the gazebo & this Italian-named one, seen here
    $2000 3
A lord protector is emancipated from the last letter of his first name, becoming this tree

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Jim-Bob Sara
$41,381 $8,400 $11,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This cartoon character was based on a character in the educational comic "The Intertidal Zone"

Final scores:

James Jim-Bob Sara
$59,381 $10 $16,801
29-day champion: $2,254,938 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Jim-Bob Sara
$32,000 $8,200 $10,200
34 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $50,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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