Suggest correction - #4073 - 2002-04-24

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    $200 16
These 2 explorers who eventually teamed up were both born in Virginia in the 1770s

Show #4073 - Wednesday, April 24, 2002

(Sarah: Clues from the Wild West next on Jeopardy!--so kick back... and enjoy the show.)


Lisa Kerwin, a German teacher from Gaithersburg, Maryland

Vicki Aken, a writer from Couderay, Wisconsin

Nathan Chan, a software tester from Bellevue, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
These 2 explorers who eventually teamed up were both born in Virginia in the 1770s
    $200 11
(Sarah rounds up the clue.) A "honda" is a loop used by cowboys to make this tool of their trade
    $200 2
The forbidden love of Lun Tha & Tuptim inspires Anna to sing "Hello, Young Lovers" in this musical
    $200 21
The standard form of this language is based on the Central dialect, the speech in & around Moscow
    $200 26
He's one of the Pep Boys
    $200 1
This rock star was married to Courtney Love
    $400 17
While visiting Europe, this markswoman once shot a cigarette from the mouth of future Kaiser Wilhelm II
    $400 12
(Sarah fires off the clue.) It's the numerical term for this self-defense necessity
    $400 3
Hodel leaves the village of Anatevka to join her husband in Siberia in this classic musical
    $400 22
In the early 1500s Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language using a dialect of Saxony
    $400 27
In "City Slickers II" Jack Palance played Duke, the twin brother of this character
    $400 7
Now Mrs. Steven Spielberg, she was born in Fort Worth, Texas
    $600 18
Just months before his death in 1844, this Mormon founder declared his candidacy for president
    $600 13
(Sarah shows off the clue.) From a Hindi word for a method of tie-dyeing, it's the colorful cowboy accessory I'm wearing
    $600 4
Appassionata von Climax vies with Daisy Mae for the affections of this title yokel
    $600 23
English began to absorb French words after this 1066 event
    $600 28
Need some lignite? Head to this mining town in Gippsland, Australia
    $600 8
With brother Richard, she won the Best New Artist Grammy for 1970
    $800 19
This organizer of the Air National Guard was first elected to the Senate in 1952
    $800 14
(Sarah strolls in with the clue.) These leggings I'm wearing are used to protect a cowboy's legs from branches and underbrush
    $800 5
Traditionally a dancer takes over the role of Laury in the dream-ballet part of this Rodgers & Hammerstein show
    $800 24
The poet Sappho wrote in the Aeolic dialect of this language
    $800 29
Leisure-suited lounge lizard who's starred in a series of video games
    DD: $600 9
The capital of Nevada was named for this frontiersman
    $1000 20
This Naval hero in the Spanish-American War served in the Civil War under David Farragut
    $1000 15
(Sarah (and friend) heat up the clue.) A rawhide artist is a ranch hand who's good with this identifying implement
    $1000 6
Cotton Blossom performer Ellie May Shipley sings "Life Upon The Wicked Stage" in this Mississippi River musical
    $1000 25
This Scandinavian language has many dialects, especially in North Jutland & the island of Bornholm
    $1000 30
This Missoula, Montana-born skier's career went downhill at Lillehammer & he won the gold
    $1000 10
On '80s TV he had "Growing Pains" as Mike Seaver

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Nathan Vicki Lisa
$2,400 $2,400 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nathan Vicki Lisa
$5,800 $3,200 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The Index does not exist anymore, I understand.)
    $400 6
In 1609 English astronomer Thomas Harriot used the new telescope to draw maps of this body before Galileo did
    $400 20
Julia Roberts
    $400 1
Entering the list in the 20th century were all the works by this Existentialist, including "No Exit"
    $400 11
The American Anti-Vivisection Society is against experimentation on these
    $400 25
The Amalienborg Palace & the Thorvaldsen museum are landmarks of this city
    $400 16
Kansas City is known as "The City of" these, like the Trevi in Rome
    $800 7
Johann Magnenus believed there were 3 elements, fire, earth & water, each made up of these, which we can't see
    $800 21
Al Pacino
    DD: $1,000 2
The Bill Watterson comic strip wasn't on the list but these namesakes of the title characters were
    $800 12
The people who were against the decisions made at the second Diet of Speyer & sided with Martin Luther were called these
    $800 26
According to Mr. Manilow, it's "the hottest spot north of Havana"
    $800 17
Lester Young, Count Basie & Charlie Parker played the Kansas City style of this genre of music
    $1200 8
In 1656 Christiaan Huygens found time to invent a clock with this new regulator
    $1200 22
William Hurt
    $1200 3
This 18th century Italian lover's "Memoirs", written in French, probably debuted at No. 1 on the list
    $1200 13
It was the "Revolution" that the followers of Ned Lud were against
    $1200 27
Fine, completely satisfactory, OK
    $1200 18
Opened in 1869, the Hannibal Bridge spanning this river helped make Kansas CIty a railroading center
    DD: $800 9
The machine Denis Papin built in 1690 was the first to use steam to move one of these in a cylinder
    $1600 23
Lily Tomlin
    $1600 4
His "Salammbo" was shortlisted, as well as his "Madame Bovary"
    $1600 14
All this Chinese philosopher born in 551 B.C. wanted was to bring back a golden age & for people to be respectful
    $1600 28
In 1491 he entered the University of Krakow, where he became interested in the study of astronomy
    $1600 19
After high school Harry Truman worked briefly in the mail room of this newspaper
    $2000 10
John Napier's 1614 table of these took the blues out of calculating
    $2000 24
1993, on TV:
Daryl Hannah
    $2000 5
If you wanted to drool over his "Pantagruel", you couldn't; it was on the list
    $2000 15
The Greeks didn't believe in free will; there was this group weaving a web of destiny
    $2000 29
He won the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for Music for the ballet "Appalachian Spring"
    $2000 30
You can visit the Kansas City home & studio of this artist whose work is seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nathan Vicki Lisa
$12,200 $12,600 $8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1993 this country of over 35 million people had 2 official languages; now it has 11

Final scores:

Nathan Vicki Lisa
$6,700 $400 $4,800
2-day champion: $17,400 3rd place: trip for 2 to St. Lucia in the West Indies 2nd place: trip for 2 to the Big Island of Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Nathan Vicki Lisa
$13,000 $13,800 $8,800
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $35,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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