Suggest correction - #7997 - 2019-05-21

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    $800 8

Show #7997 - Tuesday, May 21, 2019

James Holzhauer game 24.


Jason Mangano, a freelance writer from Fords, New Jersey

Kate Kelly, a nonprofit finance professional from New York, New York

James Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, Nevada (23-day champion whose cash winnings total $1,780,237)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll name a country for you. You identify the country on the eastern border.)
(Sarah: From their home at Adams National Historical Park, clues about our founding father and son.)
    $200 24
    $200 30
It's the main alcoholic ingredient in a pina colada
    $200 29
When filling out a form, DOB is this
    $200 28
Some of this promoter's boxing extravaganzas included the Thrilla in Manila & the Rumble in the Jungle
    $200 27
Of Portugal's
    $200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Adams National Historical Park.) The birthplace & former home of 2 U.S. presidents, Adams National Historical Park is in this Massachusetts town that shares a name with the younger of the two men
    $400 23
Fry the delivery guy,
Turanga Leela,
    $400 18
To make a Long Island iced tea, combine vodka, tequila & other booze with sour mix & this soft drink
    $400 17
Hopefully, you never get to the hospital DOA, this
    $400 22
In 2013 this NSA contract employee leaked classified documents to journalist Glenn Greenwald
    $400 21
Of Pakistan's
    $400 25
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Adams National Historical Park.) Here in 1776, this future First Lady wrote to her husband in the Continental Congress to "remember the ladies who will not hold ourselves bound by any law in which we have no voice"
    $600 19
Luanne Platter
    $600 15
A classic martini gets an olive, but a Gibson martini has a pearl one of these instead
    $600 16
The use of this 6-letter acronym for our country's highest court actually goes back to 1879
    $600 14
This prime minister of Canada is the son of a longtime prime minister of Canada
    $600 20
Of Iraq's
    $600 13
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Adams National Historical Park.) At his desk in 1779, John Adams drafted the Massachusetts constitution--it pioneered the use of three branches of government & this type of legislature, from the Latin for "twin chambers"
    $800 8
    $800 11
This Greek liqueur is flavored with anise, a Mediterranean plant
    DD: $4,800 9
In 2018 this dividing strip of land was the site of a historic meeting between Kim Jong Un & South Korea's president
    $800 3
In 2012 the Mo Ibrahim Foundation gave this South African archbishop a special award for "speaking truth to power"
    $800 10
Of Libya's
    $800 12
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presents from Adams National Historical Park.) With this seal, John Adams literally sealed the deal to end the Revolutionary War, leaving his wax impression on the 1783 Treaty of this city
    $1000 7
Gene &
Linda Belcher
    $1000 6
"Look out for the bull" was Schlitz' longtime slogan for this beer with a high alcohol content
    $1000 5
The SWAT team has arrived bearing these, the S-W in its name
    $1000 4
Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm her as Secretary of Education in 2017
    $1000 1
Of Sweden's
    $1000 2
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Adams National Historical Park.) Sitting here on July 4th, 1826, 90-year-old John Adams suffered a fatal stroke--his whispered last words were this man "survives", as he didn't know that his longtime friend & sometime rival had died earlier that same day

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Kate Jason
$11,800 $2,200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Kate Jason
$15,000 $3,400 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

1990s SONGS
    $400 29
The blood vessels in its gills gave a clue that the opah is an unusual fish of this type AKA homeothermic
    $400 2
"Her skin's the color of mocha" in this Ricky Martin hit from 1999
    $400 28
"En Attendant Godot"
    $400 27
Six-letter term for a type of photography that captured the view seen here; the camera can be mounted on a plane or a drone
    $400 22
You can play the field type or the ice type
    $400 30
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love & this 4-letter-named son of hers is the Greek god of love
    DD: $11,381 16
NASA's Juno spacecraft recently solved the mystery of lightning seen on this planet
    $800 3
With the death of Lauren Bacall in 2014, the list of stars mentioned in this 1990 Madonna song are all deceased
    $800 1
"Oidipous Tyrannos"
    $800 23
In digital photography, it's the opposite of portrait mode
    $800 21
A republic of Asia Minor & the Balkans
    $800 15
Greek for "loving" gives us this word for one who loves the land of Cherbourg & Champagne
    $1200 6
Scientists hope synthetic hormone DMAU, which reduces this hormone first isolated in 1935, can be the male birth control pill
    $1200 5
"If It Makes You Happy" & "My Favorite Mistake" were 2 of her '90s hits
    $1200 8
"Tri Sestry"
    $1200 24
In this type of photography, you can watch the sun set in just seconds
    $1200 20
They were the silent slapstick lawmen in Mack Sennett movies
    $1200 13
Courtney Love married him in 1992
    $1600 4
Researchers have extracted cells from Alzheimer's patients to create these, AKA nerve cells
    $1600 11
This Flavor Flav group criticized emergency response in "911 Is A Joke"
    $1600 9
Ionesco at the opera:
"La Cantatrice Chauve"
    $1600 25
High-resolution digital images can contain millions of these tiny squares of color
    $1600 19
A false shirt front
    $1600 12
In 2015 #LoveWins was a popular hashtag when the Supreme Court upheld this in a 5-4 decision
    $2000 7
Subject of "The Imitation Game", this British mathematician wrote one chemistry paper & it's being used in a new desalination method
    $2000 14
Heather DeLoach was the "Bee Girl" in the video for this band's "No Rain"
    $2000 10
Latin American thriller:
"La Muerte y la Doncella"
    $2000 26
This company near the end of the alphabet has won 3 Academy Awards in science & engineering for its camera lenses
    $2000 18
Cocktail of soda, lime, sugar & gin
    DD: $11,914 17
Seen here, she wrote one of the most famous love poems ever around 1847

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Kate Jason
$55,895 $6,600 $12,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Robert Lowell's "For the Union Dead" honored the 54th Massachusetts, the infantry unit in this 1989 film that won 3 Oscars

Final scores:

James Kate Jason
$86,905 $13,100 $14,400
24-day champion: $1,867,142 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Kate Jason
$31,400 $6,600 $12,400
34 R
(including 3 DDs),
0 W
10 R,
0 W
14 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $50,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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