Suggest correction - #2856 - 1997-01-20

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    $300 23
A square foot contains this many square inches

Show #2856 - Monday, January 20, 1997


Kevin Jack, a law student from Chicago, Illinois

Breck Jeffery, a research analyst from Kailua, Hawaii

Pam Wilson, an editor from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
These can carry 1,000-pound loads & go for 10 days without water
    $100 1
Lao, the official language of this southeast Asian country, is mostly monosyllabic
    $100 16
This magazine's January 29, 1996 swimsuit issue featured Valeria Mazza & Tyra Banks in bikinis in South Africa
    $100 6
This Colorado city's capitol dome is covered with 47 ounces of gold leaf
    $100 21
Take off for a fortnight & you'll be gone this many days
    $100 26
Popular for knickknacks, it's the shelf above a fireplace
    $200 12
This rattlesnake was named for its diagonal crawling pattern
    $200 2
The dramas of Seneca & the histories of Tacitus belong to this language's silver age
    $200 17
Holding a Cohiba panatella, Linda Evangelista was on a magazine cover for aficionados of these
    $200 7
This Ohio city is home to Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery
    $200 22
To convert gallons to these units, multiply by 3.785
    $200 27
It can be a chest of drawers or a federal agency
    $300 13
Types of these desert animals that leap to mind are the collared, zebra-tailed & leopard
    $300 3
Romansh is spoken in this country's canton of Graubunden
    $300 18
This wonder from Down Under appears in the 1996 film "Jane Eyre"
    $300 8
This North Dakota city's capitol building is called The Skyscraper of the Prairies
    $300 23
A square foot contains this many square inches
    $300 28
It means composed of many different or clashing elements, like musician Tommy Lee's Crue
    DD: $1,000 14
The name of these Arabs means "dwellers in the desert"
    $400 4
This language whose name means "Jewish" arose between the 9th & 12th centuries in southwestern Germany
    $400 19
Bijan features this "ten"acious actress in his ads
    $400 9
According to the 1990 census, this Vermont capital had only 8,247 residents
    $400 24
Jockeys know it's equal to an eighth of a mile
    $400 29
Japanese for "tray planting", it's the art of growing dwarfed trees & shrubs
    $500 15
This large yucca plant of the Mojave has a national park named for it
    $500 5
The Formosan languages, spoken by about 200,000 on this island, belong to the Austronesian family
    $500 20
In the 1996 novel "Swan" this black beauty takes you behind the scenes of the modeling world
    $500 10
This capital was founded in 1851 as Eagle Station, a stop for wagons crossing the Sierra Nevadas
    $500 25
If your recipe calls for a cup of liquid, you can use this many tablespoons
    $500 30
Caused by oxidation, it's the greenish film that forms on copper or old bronze

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Pam Breck Kevin
$900 $2,500 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pam Breck Kevin
$1,200 $3,100 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
At Crozer Theological Seminary King learned of this Indian leader's idea of nonviolence
    $200 2
Since their 1991 wedding, he's been Jane Fonda's "Cable Guy"
    $200 19
Author & scholar Ruth R. Wisse is the 1st person to teach Yiddish literature at the Cambridge, Mass. university
    $200 17
As a teen Gian Carlo Menotti turned this undersea H.C. Andersen fairy tale into an opera
    $200 12
You can see Rembrandt's "Adoration of the Shepherds" at the National Gallery on this British square
    $200 1
In 1996 this "Scrupulous" author published a book about the fashion industry called "Spring Collection"
    $400 8
It was the profession of King's father & grandfather as well
    $400 3
She & Paul Newman became grandparents for the first time when daughter Lissy had a baby boy in 1996
    $400 20
Among the Challenger crew on its fateful mission was this social studies teacher from New Hampshire
    $400 18
In this Puccini work, Sharpless, the American consul in Nagasaki, is sung by a baritone
    $400 13
The northernmost 18-hole golf course in Europe is at Akureyri in this volcanic country
    $400 21
Maiden name of "Frankenstein" author Mary, or "A Mother And Two Daughters" author Gail
    $600 9
In December 1964 King conferred with this man, who was spying on him, about the FBI's role in civil rights
    $600 4
These once-married stars are the parents of "Ellen" co-star Joely Fisher
    $600 25
When Tuskeegee opened its doors in 1881, he was the school's only teacher
    $600 28
This Richard Strauss opera is a "Wilde" tale set around 30 A.D. in Galilee
    $600 14
You can tour the Peace Palace in this city when the International Court of Justice is not in session
    $600 22
Before moving to the U.S., this "Fountainhead" author worked as a guide in a Leningrad museum
    $800 10
King wished that his children "not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of" this
    $800 5
Paula Prentiss played a perverse nurse in "Mrs. Winterbourne", directed by this man, her husband
    $800 26
She was teaching political science when President Reagan chose her as U.N. Ambassador
    $800 29
This "Billy The Kid" composer wrote 2 operas: "The Second Hurricane" & "The Tender Land"
    DD: $2,500 15
The Ra II is on display in the Kon-Tiki Museum in this capital city
    DD: $1,100 23
She hopes to conclude her alphabet mysteries with "Z" around the year 2015
    $1000 11
This 3-word phrase from a spiritual is engraved 3 times on King's tombstone
    $1000 6
She married Steven Spielberg after co-starring in his film "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom"
    $1000 27
Of Japanese descent, this educator & linguist represented California in the Senate 1977-1983
    $1000 30
"The Tales of Hoffmann" was his last & greatest work
    $1000 16
You can see an enormous clock on Rue du Gros-Horloge in this city where time ran out for Joan of Arc
    $1000 24
In her first book since "Waiting To Exhale", she tells "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pam Breck Kevin
$5,600 $6,400 $5,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The London Theatre's equivalent of Broadway's Tony Awards are named for him

Final scores:

Pam Breck Kevin
$50 $11,201 $10,399
3rd place: Swintec Single-Line Fax Machine New champion: $11,201 2nd place: Trip to Memphis, Tennessee

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pam Breck Kevin
$5,600 $8,300 $6,300
16 R,
3 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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