Suggest correction - #7993 - 2019-05-15

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    $600 16
In 1991 Slovenia became the first of 7 independent nations that would emerge from this former federation

Show #7993 - Wednesday, May 15, 2019

2019 Teachers Tournament semifinal game 3.


Matthew Bunch, a middle school civics and world history teacher from Miami, Florida

Dave Rowswell, a high school art teacher from Cheyenne, Wyoming

Conor Quinn, a high school world history teacher from Albany, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
TV ratings went through the roof on Feb. 27, 2019 when this attorney testified before the House Oversight Committee
    $200 6
You can invest in shares of it, or you can use the beef or chicken type to make soup
    $200 25
One of Cracker Barrel's fancy fixin's is country fried (not chicken fried) this
    $200 18
Current name of an organization leading industrial nations founded in 1975
    $200 11
1947: "Helical spring toy which will walk on a... set of steps... without... external force beyond the starting force"
    $200 30
This hard-rocking group "Got it bad. Got it bad. Got it bad". They're "Hot For Teacher"
    $400 2
3 years after this Ohioan's days as House Speaker ended, he backed a marijuana startup going public in Canada in 2018
    $400 7
To emerge from an egg, or an opening or door on an aircraft
    $400 24
You don't need your oven to make this appetizer--a lime juice marinade does the cooking
    $400 17
Belgium, Norway & 5 other nations all border this arm of the Atlantic
    $400 12
"Machines for smoothing and renewing the surface of the ice in a skating rink"
    $400 22
A "young teacher" in this song from The Police has to endure "strong words in the staffroom"
    $600 3
A new contest was ordered in 2019 due to election fraud in the 9th Congressional district in this Southern state
    $600 8
Happening now, or the motion of the ocean
    $600 23
On this 5-letter diet, you eat like our ancient ancestors--more nuts, less wheat
    $600 16
In 1991 Slovenia became the first of 7 independent nations that would emerge from this former federation
    $600 13
"The arrangement of 2 wheels, the one directly in front of the other, combined with a mechanism for driving the wheels"
    $600 21
This rapper shows little respect in "My Name Is..." where "my English teacher wanted to flunk me in junior high"
    $800 4
In Feb. 2019 this N.J. Democratic sen. announced for pres. & hoped to "channel our common pain back into our common purpose"
    $800 9
It can mean to grow or sprout like a plant, or to engage in passive activity like kicking back & watching TV
    $800 26
In the cuisine of this country of more than 100 million, injera is the bread & the dipping spoon all in one
    $800 19
Ajman & Sharjah are 2 of the smaller of its constituent 7 emirates
    $800 14
"Propulsion aircraft systems in which thrust is developed by... the expulsion of a stream of gas through a nozzle"
    $800 29
In the classic song "School's Out", this man mentions "No more teacher's dirty looks"
    $1000 5
In Feb. 2019 this GOP ex-Massachusetts gov. announced for pres. & urged "people of good will to take a stand & plant a flag"
    $1000 10
It's the answer to a problem, or a homogenous liquid that's a mixture of 2 or more substances
    $1000 27
The morel is Minnesota's state one of these
    $1000 20
"Stan" comes from a word meaning place & this place is alphabetically last of the world's 7 "stan" countries
    DD: $1,000 15
1893: "Automatically engaging or disengaging an entire series of clasps by a single continuous movement"
    $1000 28
"The teacher don't know about how to deal with the student body" is from this duo's 1984 hit "Adult Education"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Conor Dave Matthew
$2,400 $1,200 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Conor Dave Matthew
$5,000 $4,800 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the vowels. You add consonants to come up with the correct response.)
    $400 11
This man defeated Vercingetorix at the 52 B.C. Battle of Alesia, & Gaul was Rome's
    $400 22
"Fist of Fury" & "The Way of the Dragon" are 2 movies starring this late legend
    $400 21
Your score on this test is your mental age divided by your chronological age times 100
    $400 10
Numbered explanatory comment at a page's bottom:
    $400 27
It's the number of distinct digits that are used to represent numbers in a particular number system; you probably use 10
    $800 13
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of a battle on the monitor.) At the decisive 331 B.C. Battle of Gaugamela, Alexander the Great's phalanxes opened ranks to let these wheeled Persian weapons pass through, then wipe them out
    $800 3
A razor slashes an eyeball in the avant-garde film "Un Chien Andalou", a co-production of Luis Bunuel & this surrealist
    $800 18
Between 1951 & 1992 there were 928 nuclear explosive tests at the test site in this state
    $800 9
MPH indicator:
    $800 26
The equation A(B + C) = AB + AC shows that multiplication is this with respect to addition
    DD: $3,500 12
Horses were terrified of these war beasts, which routed Roman cavalry at the 280 B.C. Battle of Heraclea
    $1200 1
The 1989 action film "The Killer" was a thrill ride from this Hong Kong director
    $1200 5
Most of the known works of this ancient Greek poet are fragments; her 28-line "Ode to Aphrodite" is an exception
    $1200 17
A detectable increase in human chorionic gonadotropin is the key indicator in this test with 2 possible results
    $1200 8
A John Lennon classic:
    $1200 25
Math-minded cows might graze over this, the set of all the possible values that a function can take
    $1600 14
Cleopatra's galleys fled at the Battle of Actium, a victory for this soon-to-be emperor's fleet
    DD: $3,600 2
In Bergman's "The Seventh Seal", a disillusioned knight plays a game of chess with this opponent
    $1600 6
How about those Gilbert sisters--memoirist Elizabeth & this author of kids' books like "Heaven is Paved with Oreos"
    $1600 16
You can take this test at but you'll get a joke analysis about your personality
    $1600 7
A portable musical instrument:
    $1600 24
This type of conic section is an open curve with 2 branches
    $2000 15
Muwatallis, not Uriah, led these people against the Egyptians in the 1274 B.C. Battle of Kadesh
    $2000 4
Catherine Deneuve starred in "The Umbrellas of" this place
    $2000 19
This bogus "test" many had to take starting around 1890 was designed to make it impossible for African Americans to vote
    $2000 20
Old MacDonald had this point in a planet's orbit when it's nearest to the Sun:
    $2000 23
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a coordinate system on the monitor.) To describe the position of a point in two dimensions, you can use the distance from an origin point & the angle from an axis, which are these paired coordinates with a chilly name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Conor Dave Matthew
$12,500 $15,200 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 1913 piece by him was conceived of as the symphonic equivalent of a pagan ritual, to be titled "Great Sacrifice"

Final scores:

Conor Dave Matthew
$19,201 $5,399 $9,300
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Conor Dave Matthew
$10,200 $13,200 $9,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
14 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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