Suggest correction - #7977 - 2019-04-23

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    $600 20
The Arc de Triomphe was designed so that 12 avenues radiate out, forming une étoile, this luminous body

Show #7977 - Tuesday, April 23, 2019

James Holzhauer game 14.
James breaks the $1 million mark.


Kevin Donohue, a principal from Los Angeles, California

Claudia Walters, a grant writer from Mesa, Arizona

James Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, Nevada (13-day champion whose cash winnings total $942,738)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Kids know it as a place to go play video games, but it's also a term for a kind of gallery that features arches
    $200 29
It describes the spider that went up the waterspout
    $200 28
In TV commercials Reba McEntire served as this brand's first female Colonel Sanders
    $200 27
Since the early 2000s, many states have banned mercury-in-glass these, once a staple of the family medicine cabinet
    $200 26
During her reign, she's had at least 30 corgis, all descended from one given to her on her 18th birthday
    $200 14
Playing for over 160,000 E. Germans in 1988, he hoped "one day all the barriers will be torn down"; the Boss got his wish in 1989
    $400 21
Doric & Ionic are types of this basic support structure
    $400 22
It's the rhyming feline name for a complacent, rich person
    $400 23
"Rabbit of Seville" & "Rabbitson Crusoe" are cartoons both featuring this character
    $400 24
In mythology Mercury is sometimes identified as the father of this guy who carried a bow & arrows
    $400 16
Succeeding her father, Margrethe II took the throne of this country in 1972
    $400 25
In 2018 this band "didn't have a dime but I always had a vision, always had high, high hopes"
    $600 20
The Arc de Triomphe was designed so that 12 avenues radiate out, forming une étoile, this luminous body
    $600 8
Beginning with a pocket square, it refers to illicit behavior
    $600 18
The stems of the shiitake type of this are extremely tough; remove them & use them to flavor sauces
    DD: $8,200 17
While the planet Mercury doesn't have rings or moons, it's full of these with names like Bach, Beethoven & Tolstoy
    $600 15
In 1891 she became Hawaii's first & only ruling queen
    $600 19
This 2015 Rock Hall inductee: "We came back to Liverpool, & there was a knock on my door. The drummer wasn't well & would I sit in?"
    $800 12
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a Hong Kong building on the monitor.) With feng shui in mind, some buildings in Hong Kong are designed with holes in the structures that are considered gates for these mythical serpents as they travel down from the mountains & out towards the sea
    $800 7
It precedes "brown cow" in a phrase used to teach elocution
    $800 13
On June 30, 1987 80 million of these dollar coins took flight across Canada for the first time
    $800 11
Causing near-hysteria, it was presented on radio October 30 1938 by Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre
    $800 10
Marrying off her kids to Greek & Serbian royalty, Marie of Romania was the "mother-in-law of" this region of southeast Europe
    $800 9
You can ponder if Euterpe herself inspired this band to write, "Dig down...dig down...dig down and find faith"
    $1000 6
Cliff May, raised on this type of homestead, developed the same-named style of 1-story, light-filled home
    $1000 5
The plane seen here is called one of these due to its ability to collect water efficiently
    $1000 4
Maine's state flower is actually a cone from this tree
    $1000 3
Queen's frontman Freddie Mercury was born on this island of Tanzania
    $1000 1
The widow of Jordan's King Hussein, today she's an advocate for peace & cross-cultural understanding
    $1000 2
In November 2018 this band flew high with 12 of 50 songs on the Hot Rock Songs chart, including "Bandito", "Morph" & "My Blood"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Claudia Kevin
$7,800 $800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Claudia Kevin
$20,000 $1,200 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You name the country where that newspaper is published.)
    $400 30
On the BBC Colin Morgan played this magician in his teen years, around when he meets Prince Arthur
    $400 2
They're the standard 12-week-long divisions of a pregnancy
    $400 12
Il Giornale di Vicenza
    $400 27
A slumber party with just a friend or 2
    $400 28
From "Gatsby", "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" is on his grave
    $400 29
Under Emir Abd Al-Rahman Khan, who died in Kabul in 1901, this present country used an all-black flag
    $800 22
As Alex Russo on the Disney Channel, this young singer was one of the "Wizards of Waverly Place"
    $800 3
Allowing a mother to nourish an unborn baby, the umbilical cord connects the fetus to this temporary organ
    $800 8
The Magyar Hirlap
    $800 25
Your bank may offer you this type of protection so that your check doesn't bounce
    $800 26
"Here lies one whose name was writ in water" & "Feb. 24th 1821" are writ on the tombstone of this tubercular poet
    $800 17
The cover art of "Smell the Glove" by this mockumentary band was changed to solid black
    $1200 21
From 2005 to 2010 Criss Angel blew all our cerebrums with this very modern magic TV show
    $1200 9
In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg is embedded outside the uterus, often in these tubes
    $1200 7
The Chosun Ilbo
    $1200 24
To depose a world leader, or hurl a ball too far
    DD: $10,016 19
"Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by!" says this poet's tombstone in Ireland's County Sligo
    $1200 16
In 1915 Kazimir Malevich unveiled the artwork seen here, yet wrote that this & texture are the essence of painting
    $1600 20
"Bewitched" gave birth to a sequel about her, Samantha's daughter who had inherited magical powers
    $1600 10
Also known to highlanders on film, it's the term for a mother's first perceptions of fetal movement
    $1600 4
O Globo (in South America)
    DD: $20,000 23
This organization says its only requirement for membership is a desire to stop consuming food compulsively
    $1600 18
"I am Providence", says the Rhode Island headstone of this horror master & Cthulhu creator
    $1600 15
The screen is dark for the first 15 seconds or so of this 1968 Stanley Kubrick film
    $2000 5
This early 2000s WB drama about 3 sisters with unique powers got a reboot in 2018
    $2000 11
If you were having a baby at 35 or older, it used to be called a geriatric pregnancy; now the AMA prefers this, AMA for short
    $2000 1
Al-Ahram (a daily in north Africa)
    $2000 13
The King James version of the 23rd Psalm says "Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup" doeth this
    $2000 6
This poet's memorial plaque in Somerset, England, carries a quotation from his "Four Quartets"
    $2000 14
The 1760 novel "Tristram Shandy" devotes a black page to the passing of this man with the same name as Hamlet's jester

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Claudia Kevin
$68,816 $8,400 $7,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

On May 1, 1869 these 2 men met at the White House, 4 years & 3 weeks after a more historic meeting between them

Final scores:

James Claudia Kevin
$118,816 $15,601 $15,593
14-day champion: $1,061,554 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Claudia Kevin
$34,000 $8,400 $7,800
41 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
8 R,
0 W
8 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $50,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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