Suggest correction - #7873 - 2018-11-28

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    $2000 27
When well-turned-out, the cavalryman called a hussar sported a tall, cylindrical hat called this

Show #7873 - Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Adriana Ciccone, a data scientist from San Francisco, California

Andrew Miller, a law clerk from Chicago, Illinois

Dylan Hamilton, a pediatric dentist from Durham, North Carolina (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,598)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Virginia high school football coach Herman Boone
    $200 11
Jason Clarke played Ted Kennedy in a 2018 movie named for this island, site of a fatal 1969 accident
    $200 1
In the sport of fencing, it's the term for a sudden thrusting attack forward
    $200 6
This word for an airport building or train station tells you you've reached the end of the line
    $200 25
The region where this "capital" river meets the American River was the scene of the state's 1849 gold rush
    $200 16
In the photo seen here, this gift from France to the United States is under construction
    $400 12
Some say this British scientist never recovered from the burning of his papers c. 1690 when his dog upset a candle
    $400 2
One breed in this class of hunting dog is trained to pursue foxes
    $400 7
In its infancy in the early 1960s, it was promoted as "sidewalk surfing"
    $400 22
The only undammed major river system in Calif., the Smith River abounds with Class IV & V options in this activity
    $400 17
In December 1864 he wired Abraham Lincoln with the message "I beg to present you, as a Christmas gift, the city of Savannah"
    $600 13
She was going to fly westward around the world, Pacific first, but an accident taking off from Honolulu made her switch
    $600 3
It has meant a tantrum since around 1930; decades later, people started adding "fit"
    $600 8
In names of ships these 3 letters came before Beagle & Bounty
    $600 23
NorCal's Eel River flows 200 miles to the ocean & is home to steelhead & cutthroat species of this game fish
    $600 18
For her birthday in 2008, this Spice Girl received a Napa Valley winery from husband David
    $800 14
Patsy Sherman invented this 3M protective stuff when a spill showed that a mixture repelled oil & water
    $800 4
Kids love to shoot down this 5-letter summertime delight seen here
    $800 9
In 1852 the B&O Railroad first connected Baltimore with the city of Wheeling on this stately river
    $800 24
This river provides about 60% of the water for SoCal, but is barely a trickle when it reaches the ocean
    DD: $3,000 19
After President Nixon visited China in 1972, China gifted the U.S. with 2 giant these
    $1000 15
A result of this 1979 accident in Penn., the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations has made the industry safer
    $1000 5
A masterless samurai often forced to roam from town to town
    $1000 10
This popular type of pioneer wagon was named for the Pennsylvania region where it originated
    $1000 21
The only river that flows into Death Valley, the Amargosa River is often called the "crown jewel of" this desert
    $1000 20
The 3 wise men who visited Jesus brought gifts of gold, frankincense & this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dylan Andrew Adriana
$600 $0 $4,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dylan Andrew Adriana
$800 $2,000 $9,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
The U.S. Army made its last horse-mounted cavalry charge on Bataan during this war
    $400 19
In the 1590s Galileo invented an early one of these using a long glass tube with a sphere of liquid at the bottom
    $400 25
Set in a dystopian future world, Lidia Yuknavitch's "The Book of Joan" is a reimagining of this historic martyr's life
    $400 1
Proverbially or practically, you can't do this to a bell
    $400 7
Shh! The hoary marmot of Alaska does this, from Latin for "winter quarters", for up to 9 months each year
    $400 20
Legendary drummer Hal Blaine used tire chains for percussion on this duo's "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
    $800 30
A theory by Prof. Lynn White Jr. said war was altered when medieval Frankish cavalry adopted this metal foot support
    $800 18
A holder of more than 250 patents, this former fur trader & inventor was "The Father of Frozen Foods"
    $800 14
"The Rooster Bar" by John Grisham features 3 of these (naturally) who find out about a criminal scam at their own school
    $800 2
It's a lot easier to do this to an anagram than to an egg
    $800 8
You may encounter the native redbelly snake while visiting McGillicuddy Peak in these colorful South Dakota hills
    $800 21
Depeche Mode & MGMT play this-"pop", from the name of an electronic instrument
    $1200 29
It's the name of the marshal who led Napoleon's cavalry at Waterloo, or the sound his horse might have made
    $1200 15
The first completely synthetic plastic was this one, invented in 1907 by Leo Baekeland
    $1200 13
"The Martian" author Andy Weir returns to space with "Artemis", a story set on this nearer heavenly body
    $1200 3
In 2016 the Huffington Post described a naked restaurant in London as "a sight you can't" this
    DD: $3,000 9
Leontopodium alpinum, this flower, blooms, as the song says, "small and white, clear and bright"
    $1200 22
Ubiquitous in the music industry, the Avid software called this "Tools" puts a studio's worth of effects into a laptop
    $1600 28
In 1632 this nation's king Gustav II Adolf was killed leading a cavalry charge
    DD: $3,000 16
In 1858 this man invented an eponymous glass jar with a screw-on lid
    $1600 12
There's no author photo on 2013's "Bleeding Edge"; the last known clear photos of him are from the 1950s
    $1600 4
Toni Braxton implored you to do this to "My Heart"
    $1600 10
The species of Sumatra's Thirty Hills region are the subject of a preservation effort by the WWF, this fund
    $1600 23
This soul man said he found his signature voice for "What's Going On" after he realized, "I'd been singing too loud"
    $2000 27
When well-turned-out, the cavalryman called a hussar sported a tall, cylindrical hat called this
    $2000 17
James Hargreaves' invention of this spinning machine spurred industrialization of the textile industry
    $2000 11
Her 11 years of work on "The Goldfinch" were rewarded with big sales & acclaim
    $2000 5
To loosen the tension of an archer's bow; in the past tense it means nervous & panicky
    $2000 6
In spring & summer, wildflowers surround the famous hill towns of this Italian region
    $2000 24
A wah-wah pedal gives the funky tone to the guitar on the Oscar-winning "Theme From" this 1971 private-eye movie

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dylan Andrew Adriana
-$800 $15,200 $20,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

In a tribute with no precedent, the band played this at the Buckingham Palace changing of the guard on September 13, 2001

Final scores:

Dylan Andrew Adriana
-$800 $18,200 $30,401
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $30,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dylan Andrew Adriana
-$800 $15,200 $15,400
6 R,
7 W
16 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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