Suggest correction - #2845 - 1997-01-03

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    $200 10
Cape Morris Jesup in the Arctic is the most northerly point on this Danish island

Show #2845 - Friday, January 3, 1997

Claudia Perry game 3.


Aimee Serafini, a technical writer originally from Columbus, Ohio

Damon Raskin, a physician from Santa Monica, California

Claudia Perry, a pop music critic from San Jose, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,302)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and I have a feeling I know where Claudia is going to start.)
    $100 18
Asia's only lions live in Gir Forest, about 200 miles northwest of Bombay in this country
    $100 6
This company's 1st restaurant in China served nearly 40,000 people the day it opened, April 23, 1992
    $100 22
In early 1865 he said, "I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice"
    $100 9
Corfu is this country's second-largest Ionian island, & its most populous
    $100 1
More than half of his "solo" career consisted of collaborations with Yoko Ono
    $100 16
It was the 1990 date of the last official U.S. census; no fooling
    $200 23
The sting family of this fish has sharp poisonous dorsal spines near the tail
    $200 7
In 1995 this apparel company reintroduced "The Fruits" who'd starred in its ads in the 1970s
    $200 25
In 1964 he told a National Urban League conference, "We must open the doors of opportunity"
    $200 10
Cape Morris Jesup in the Arctic is the most northerly point on this Danish island
    $200 2
This composer of such film scores as "Star Wars" has also written a symphony & a violin concerto
    $200 17
One of these was added to 1992 at 7:59:59 P.M. EDT June 30
    $300 24
Australia has over 300 species of these animals, including skinks, geckos & giant goannas
    $300 8
In 1995 NBC & this giant software company announced plans for an all-news television channel
    $300 30
Truman said, "I never sit on" one of these. "I am either on one side or another"
    $300 11
The Patagonian region of South America lies mainly in this country
    $300 3
He recorded many of his famous songs like "I Walk The Line" within 2 years of his debut on Sun Records
    $300 19
The 4-H clubs are an extension service of this U.S. Cabinet department
    $400 27
This dark fluid is secreted by cuttlefish & other cephalopods
    $400 14
This Colorado-based brewer introduced Zima Clearmalt in 1992
    $400 26
In a 1963 speech at Vanderbilt University, he said, "Liberty without learning is always in peril"
    $400 12
These mountains extend 270 miles along the French-Spanish border, from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean
    $400 4
After he left the Lovin' Spoonful, his theme song to "Welcome Back, Kotter" was a No. 1 hit
    $400 20
The YMCA found his indoor versions of soccer & rugby too violent, so he invented basketball
    $500 29
Named for the texture of its shell, it's the largest living turtle
    DD: $1,000 15
In 1992 Hughes Aircraft Co., a division of this automaker, agreed to buy part of General Dynamics
    $500 28
In 1897 he said, "War should never be entered upon until every agency of peace has failed"
    $500 13
Wales' smallest city is named for this patron saint who established a monastery there in the 6th century
    $500 5
This heavy metal band included 2 Johns: drummer John "Bonzo" Bonham & bassist John Paul Jones
    $500 21
1 of the 2 cities whose Bee is among the top 100 U.S. newspapers in circulation

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Claudia Damon Aimee
$3,500 $200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Claudia Damon Aimee
$5,200 $1,100 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
This European capital was divided in 1948 & not reunified until 1990
    $200 17
Lucille Ball appeared in 3 films with this dance duo: "Roberta", "Top Hat" & "Follow the Fleet"
    $200 1
This holiday for lovers probably grew out of the Roman feast of Lupercalia
    $200 4
The final chapter of this classic book is entitled "Quasimodo's Marriage"
    $200 2
The temporo-mandibular joint allows movement of this, the only mobile bone of the face
    $400 11
This structure on Athens' Acropolis was badly damaged in 1687 during a Venetian bombardment
    $400 18
This stripper co-starred with Eddie Cantor in "Ali Baba Goes to Town" under her real name, Louise Hovick
    $400 22
In 1887 Oregon became the first state to pass a law establishing this holiday now in September
    $400 5
He wrote about Polish life in "Poland" & the history of South Africa in "The Covenant"
    $400 3
This joint may be replaced because of rheumatoid arthritis or a bad fracture of the upper femur
    $600 28
A museum devoted to this Western sculptor in Ogdensburg, N.Y. has a collection of his art & bronze statues
    $600 12
In 1804 this city changed from the capital of the colony of St.-Domingue to the capital of Haiti
    $600 19
Randolph Scott, Buster Crabbe & this "Shane" star played ape men in the 1933 horror film "Island of Lost Souls"
    DD: $3,000 23
Holiday on which you'd hear the following:

"Why is this night different from all the other nights?"
    $600 6
Published in 1613, his "Exemplary Tales" are believed to be the first short stories written in Castilian
    $600 7
The cruciate ligaments, which run between femur & tibia, limit side-to-side movement of this joint
    $800 26
In 1937 Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, a native of this country, came to Chicago & founded the New Bauhaus
    $800 13
In 1958 Nasser was elected president of the United Arab Republic, Egypt's union with this country
    $800 20
She earned $1,000 a week for playing the Wicked Witch in "The Wizard of Oz"--twice as much as Judy Garland
    $800 24
This country celebrates Queen Margrethe's birthday on April 16
    DD: $2,000 8
A curse placed on one of Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors inspired this 1851 novel
    $800 14
This joint consists of 8 bones collectively known as the carpus
    $1000 27
In 1778 this Frenchman made a bust of Benjamin Franklin & a death mask of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    $1000 15
In 1745 this Austrian archduchess obtained the title of Holy Roman Emperor for her husband
    $1000 21
Garbo spoke the immortal words "I want to be alone" in this 1932 film that became a 1989 Broadway musical
    $1000 25
October 23 is Chulalongkorn Day in this country
    $1000 9
In this Kipling short story, Daniel Dravot becomes the godlike monarch of an Afghani tribe
    $1000 16
The rotator cuff is a reinforcing structure in this joint

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Claudia Damon Aimee
$7,000 $6,900 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: So it's not about New York, New Jersey or Florida.)
This state capital rose from the ruins of a Hohokam Indian settlement

Final scores:

Claudia Damon Aimee
$10,001 $3,800 $300
3-day champion: $33,303 2nd place: a trip to Hawaii 3rd place: a Daewoo TV & VCR

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Claudia Damon Aimee
$6,500 $4,500 $6,800
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
19 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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