Suggest correction - #7853 - 2018-10-31

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    $1600 27
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) What would Halloween be without this novelty song from Bobby "Boris" Pickett; "it was a graveyard smash"

Show #7853 - Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Swapna Sathe, an engineering manager from Loveland, Ohio

Adam Soffrin, a behavior analyst from San Francisco, California

Emily Frey, a professor from Swarthmore, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,701)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
"The Joker's Wild" was his favorite game show growing up, & now, he hosts his own version of it on TBS
    $200 12
Someone in the running for an Emmy or a Tony
    $200 28
"Where have you gone", this 1940s N.Y. Yankee legend? A January 1999 NBC obituary was 7 weeks premature
    $200 1
In this Shakespeare play, Hecate appears as queen of the witches
    $200 21
Bones making up your thorax include the sternum & 12 pairs of these
    $200 2
Requiring 20 min. of pulling, the salt water type of this has been described as a candy & an upper body workout all in one
    $400 17
In 2007 this funnyman took over from Bob Barker as host of "The Price is Right"
    $400 13
A scornful, lip-curling facial expression
    $400 27
Since a 2003 flub this "paper of record" uses the 2nd paragraph of obits to explain why it's sure the person is dead
    $400 7
This novel by Gregory Maguire about the green-skinned Elphaba became a gravity-defying musical
    $400 22
This lower jawbone is the strongest & largest bone of the face
    $400 3
A smooth, heavy paste made from sugar & these nuts is the traditional basis of marzipan
    $600 18
Put an "X" in the box if you know that Peter Marshall, seen here, was the long-time host of this game show
    $600 14
A Native American people who lived on the Platte River, or Leslie Knope's fictional Indiana town
    $600 26
A radio report said James Earl Jones had left us in 1998 (actually, it was this similarly named assassin)
    $600 8
The 2 female founders of Hogwarts are Helga Hufflepuff & this witch
    DD: $1,400 23
This arm bone was named for its supposed resemblance to the spoke of a wheel
    $600 4
Egg whites & sugar syrup go into recipes for this versatile goo found in Snickers & Toblerone
    $800 19
From 2002 to 2013 she hosted the syndicated version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"
    $800 15
Captain Bligh suffered the wrath of a group of them
    $800 29
CNN posted a no-bituary about this politician, "1941-2001... loyal point man for two Bush presidencies"
    $800 9
A girl is whisked away to Endor College of Witchcraft by "The Little" this, the title of a classic by Mary Stewart
    $800 24
Sharing its name with St. Paul's birthplace, it's the collective name for 7 bones in the foot
    $800 5
It's not booze, it's the liquid produced when cocoa beans are ground into paste, releasing the cocoa butter
    $1000 20
We can neither confirm nor deny that he was a CIA assassin, but he did co-create & host "The Gong Show"
    $1000 16
Stanley makes these long-jawed pliers
    $1000 11
Alexandra Jane & Sukie are a bewitching trio in a Rhode Island town in this Updike novel
    $1000 25
This part of the skull that protects the brain is made up of 8 bones including the occipital & temporal bones
    $1000 6
This confection of pecans & brown sugar is named for the French military officer whose cook is credited with inventing it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emily Adam Swapna
$3,600 $600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Adam Swapna
$3,800 $3,600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Of KISS, yes.)
    $400 10
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) Halloween goes back to Samhain, a word from this Irish language; in a Celtic festival, people wore masks so ghosts wouldn't recognize them
    $400 1
In 841 this future capital was established by Viking invaders on the east coast of Ireland
    $400 5
In a late dialogue by him, Socrates is replaced as main speaker with Timaeus, who gives an account of creation
    $400 7
Should you call the capital of this Asian country Rangoon or Yangon? Neither--it's now Nay Pyi Taw, 200 miles away
    $400 19
"She's just a girl who claims that I am the one"
    $400 16
Kahkaha is Turkish onomatopoeia for the sound of this--good joke, Kemal
    $800 25
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) In a forerunner to this Halloween statement, kids would ask for food in exchange for saying prayers for the dead
    $800 2
After Emperor Claudius was poisoned, he was succeeded by this man, who fiddled around in the job for 13 years
    $800 6
In 1965 Lotfi Zadeh introduced this type of set with no clear boundaries, leading to the same type of "logic"
    $800 12
This city's airport is named for LAN Chile Airlines founder Arturo Merino Benitez
    $800 21
"You came and you gave without taking but I sent you away"
    $800 17
If you hear a Turk go "Hapsu!", the sound of this, say "Cok yasa", "live long"
    $1200 26
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) In the original 1978 "Halloween", a Captain Kirk mask was the perfect disguise for this positively homicidal character
    $1200 3
With cities like Palenque, this civilization saw its peak from 250 to 900
    DD: $2,000 8
Kierkegaard said a leap of faith into a relationship with God is the way to deal with this, German for "dread"
    DD: $4,000 13
This capital of Barbados got its name from the type of structure seen here
    $1200 22
"I know this world is killing you... my aim is true"
    $1200 18
A Turkish snorer might make a "horul horul" sound; in English it's represented by this letter a bunch of times
    $1600 27
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) What would Halloween be without this novelty song from Bobby "Boris" Pickett; "it was a graveyard smash"
    $1600 4
This "Venerable" monk & author who died in 735 is known as "the father of English history"
    $1600 9
In the 18th century "taste" was the topic we now call this study of beauty
    $1600 14
The Gadhafi Mosque, a gift from Muammar, isn't in Tripoli but in this capital of Uganda
    $1600 23
She "says, 'I'm done with Sergio. He treats me like a rag doll"
    $1600 20
This organ is your kalp & it's the body part most likely to go "kut kut"
    $2000 28
(Gene Simmons presents the clue.) Legend says that death awakens the dead with a fiddle on Halloween & invites the skeletons to this French-named dance of death
    $2000 29
Founded by the Fatimid dynasty c. 970 as a center of Islamic learning, al-Azhar Univ. is still going in this country
    $2000 11
This 14-letter -ism about creating the greatest happiness for all has been called the "most important secular ethical theory"
    $2000 15
This capital city's name means "stone village" in Uzbek
    $2000 24
She "rings like a bell through the night & wouldn't you love to love her?"
    $2000 30
The onomatopoetic tikir gives us "tikirinda gitmek", "to go like" this 9-letter word, as an efficient plan does

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Adam Swapna
$18,600 $7,600 $15,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

1960s FILMS
Chocolate syrup, casaba melon & Playboy model Marli Renfro were enlisted to create an iconic scene in this film

Final scores:

Emily Adam Swapna
$31,201 $2 $20,600
2-day champion: $48,902 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emily Adam Swapna
$16,400 $7,600 $15,600
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
1 W
13 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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