Suggest correction - #7808 - 2018-07-18

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    $2000 16
According to "The Republic", we live in this dark place where we only see the shadows of reality

Show #7808 - Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ryan Fenster game 6.


Caitlion O'Neill, a vegan cheesemaker from New Orleans, Louisiana

Kyle Adams, a communications manager from Monument, Colorado

Ryan Fenster, a banker from SeaTac, Washington (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $113,798)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the name of a star of the film and a performer of the song. You identify it for us.)
    $200 1
Familiar acronym for an agreement signed in 1992 by Canada, the U.S. & Mexico that gradually got rid of tariffs
    $200 4
Expressed as a percentage, it's all "relative" this, the water vapor in the air at any given time & temp
    $200 16
"To live until you are very, very old", or to widen one's pupils
    $200 3
The title object being sought in Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October" is one of these
    $200 19
It's the world capital where you'll find the Akshardham Hindu temple, one of the world's largest
    $200 26
Taraji P. Henson &
Ike and Tina Turner
    $400 2
On Nov. 7, 1774 residents of York County, Virginia emulated Bostonians & dumped chests of this into the river
    $400 5
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a weather model on the monitor.) When frigid air moves under warm air, pushing it up & producing heavy rain or snow, it forms one of these 2-word zones
    $400 17
"Things that can be seen from the Eiffel Tower", or animals that live & feed on other animals
    $400 8
In Nevil Shute's "A Town Like Alice", a young woman survives WWII in Asia & then starts a new life in this country's bush
    $400 9
This state is the "Land of Enchantment"
    $600 13
This policy, Russian for "openness", was begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985
    $600 6
In April 2017 the governor of this large state declared an end to the drought emergency... for now
    $600 23
"What a female softball player catches the ball with", or a religious recluse
    $600 20
In addition to the tales of his fabled detective, this man penned "The White Company", an adventure of the Middle Ages
    $600 10
In 2001 Canada added "and Labrador" to the name of this province
    DD: $2,000 28
Nicolas Cage &
Sheryl Crow
    $800 14
Time to cross this stream near Rimini, Italy that got immortalized on Jan. 10, 49 B.C.
    $800 7
Most weather occurs in this lowest "sphere" of the Earth's atmosphere that extends up to around 12 miles
    $800 24
"What a chicken does to an egg", or a small ax
    $800 21
In the future soldiers like Johnny Rico fight alien "bugs" in this Robert Heinlein sci-fi novel
    $800 11
The western half of this island comprises Papua & West Papua
    $800 27
Patrick Dempsey &
The Beatles
    $1000 15
Developed in 1938, this easily inhaled nerve agent that causes paralysis was used by Iraq against the Kurds
    $1000 18
It's the term for a warm layer above a cool one when going higher in the atmosphere; the reverse is what's normal
    $1000 25
"Former circus big top enclosure", or the distance something encompasses
    $1000 22
A father & son try to avoid marauding cannibals on their trek in this Cormac McCarthy novel
    $1000 12
In the 1800s this Massachusetts city was the world's leading whaling port

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ryan Kyle Caitlion
$1,200 $1,000 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Kyle Caitlion
$2,800 $2,200 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
Most of Plato's works are in this form; Socrates is among the speakers in all but one
    $400 1
Financial assistance from your parents is facetiously called a loan from "the bank of" these 2
    $400 14
Run over back in 1869, Mary Ward is thought to be the first victim of one of these accidents
    $400 19
This unit counted by dieters properly has "kilo" in front of it
    $400 6
One of these for your wireless smartphone is called Qi, a Chinese term for energy
    $400 26
Presidential first name of male baseball player Bumgarner & of female tennis player Keys
    $800 4
Aristotle explores how to live a happy & virtuous life in works called "Nicomachean" & "Eudemian" these
    $800 2
This type of networking is sometimes shortened to P2P
    $800 21
A star has been on the label of this Dutch beer since 1884
    $800 20
The name of a Russian scientist gives us this adjective for an unthinking reaction
    $800 7
For the slowest of slow motion shots, Sony offers a phone that can shoot at 1,000 FPS, FPS meaning this
    $800 27
He won more Oscars than anyone else, more than twice as many as No. 2
    $1200 5
Bill summarizes for Ted:
"Socrates: the only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know" this
    $1200 11
These awards given annually by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences were awarded an OED entry
    $1200 22
Henry Shreve invented a sawmill-toting steamboat to break up a 100+-mile one of these, now a word for any blockage
    $1200 23
We don't love this "L.A." when it makes our muscles burn during exercise
    $1200 8
Whether or not it has a silver back, there's a good chance your phone has Corning's this ape "glass" for its screen
    $1200 28
This celebrity chef's Italian last name translates to "of the spirit"
    DD: $4,800 15
Aristotle wrote that for this genre, the plot must "imitate actions arousing fear and pity"
    DD: $2,200 12
The name of these yellow & black study guides is used to suggest "a superficial grounding but no real insight"
    $1600 18
They're the 2 states that border both Dakotas to the east & west
    $1600 25
10-letter word for the conversion of atoms into electrically charged ones
    $1600 9
This "botanical" Canadian brand puts out Android phones with physical keyboards
    $1600 29
Adjusted for inflation, this director's "Animal House" made more than $400 million
    $2000 16
According to "The Republic", we live in this dark place where we only see the shadows of reality
    $2000 13
The OED notes that "a major epidemic" of this mosquito-borne disease "began in Brazil in early 2015"
    $2000 17
The frog-eating this, which finds its prey by listening for mating calls, flaps over Central America
    $2000 24
Quasar MSH 04-12 is visible by telescope at a distance of 5 billion of these
    $2000 10
The numbers are running out, so you may have to pay if you want your new phone to have this original NYC area code
    $2000 30
While filming "Carpool Karaoke", this Red Hot Chili Peppers lead singer saved a baby's life with CPR

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Kyle Caitlion
$6,800 $10,600 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last election in which both major party candidates were former state governors was in this year

Final scores:

Ryan Kyle Caitlion
$13,599 $7,599 $2
6-day champion: $127,397 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ryan Kyle Caitlion
$11,600 $10,600 $9,800
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
15 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $32,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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