Suggest correction - #1354 - 1990-06-21

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    $200 21
Sculptors in this country began to carve monumental stone figures during the Han Dynasty

Show #1354 - Thursday, June 21, 1990

Eric Terzuolo game 5.


Danny Streeter, a law clerk from Los Angeles, California

Curt Wilson, an engineer originally from Wilmington, Delaware

Eric Terzuolo, a foreign service officer from Washington, D.C. (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $52,701)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
When teachers went on strike in this affluent L.A. county city, parents pledged $300,000
    $100 8
Warren Beatty pursued this Oscar-winning British actress in "Shampoo" & "Heaven Can Wait"
    $100 19
This state's tourist info phone number is 1-800-33-gumbo
    $100 12
Despite its name, Bombay gin is imported from this country, not India
    $100 1
China's Great Wall provided little protection; in the 1200s his forces swept across it
    $100 2
Flog Abel's brother
    $200 3
U.S. "Big 3" automaker that bought Jaguar
    $200 11
This actor played FDR in both the stage & film versions of "Sunrise at Campobello"
    $200 23
This state's dog is the Chesapeake Bay retriever
    $200 24
Barlles & Jaymes makes these in peach, berry & tropical flavors
    $200 6
38 crew members stayed in the Spanish colony he founded on Hispaniola, but they were killed after he left
    $200 5
"Bambi" at $89.95 a copy
    $300 4
In November 1989 he lost his position as prime minister to Vishwanath Pratap Singh
    DD: $500 13
American actor who owns all of the South Seas real estate seen here:
    $300 22
Hoover's library is in Iowa & his dam is on the border of these 2 states
    $300 26
Captain Morgan spiced rum & Bacardi are made there
    $300 7
When a 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler failed, this general, famous for his Libyan campaign, killed himself
    $300 30
The most awful sausage
    $400 17
Mitsubishi bought controlling interest in this cluster of art deco bldgs. in Manhattan
    $400 14
This star of "Butterfly" named her daughter Kady, after the role she played in that film
    $400 20
The name of this state's capital is also a popular dance of the '20s
    $400 27
Absolut Peppar & Absolut Citron are flavored ones
    $400 9
Mashkan-shapir, a city of this "land between 2 rivers", was recently rediscovered by archaeologists
    $400 25
Area regularly covered by a reporter for the sugar industry newsletter
    $500 18
When this environmentalist group protested a trident launch, the Navy rammed their boat
    $500 15
This British member of Hollywood's "Rat Pack" married comedian Dan Rowan's daughter in 1971
    $500 21
To visit A. Haley's roots go to Africa; to see his museum & home go to this "Volunteer" state
    $500 28
Its light beer is known as "The Silver Bullet"
    $500 10
This country's radio recently re-broadcast a speech made by Imre Nagy the day the Soviets invaded in 1956
    $500 29
A big coarse collar for an Elizabethan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Eric Curt Danny
$1,100 $300 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Curt Danny
$3,500 $1,300 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
Collier's Ency. calls him the "semihistorical semimythical author of moralizing beast fables"
    $200 11
Punishments inflicted on people are not to be "cruel or" this
    $200 14
It's the science of sound
    $200 21
Sculptors in this country began to carve monumental stone figures during the Han Dynasty
    $200 8
This country is the home of the Stuttgart Ballet
    $200 26
"Major Barbara" playwright who said, "Music is the brandy of the damned"
    $400 17
Federico Fellini based a 1969 film on this first century satire by Petronius
    $400 7
Under the First Amendment, a citizen has the right to petition the gov't for a redress of these
    $400 4
Geologists say the we're just now reaching the end of this "age" that began over 1 million years ago
    $400 22
This statue's face probably represents the Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre, who built a nearby pyramid
    $400 12
The royal anthem of this country is "King Christian Stood by (the) Lofty Mast"
    $400 30
In a nursery rhyme, this line follows "rings on her fingers & bells on her toes"
    $600 18
"Philippic", meaning an angry speech, is from Demosthene's orations against this region's king Philip
    $600 6
The government cannot deprive a person of his life, liberty or property without this
    $600 3
A clock with 2 hands is not called digital but this
    $600 23
If you know that he sculpted "The Burghers of Calais", you deserve a "Kiss"
    $600 13
Yugoslavia has 6 of these, represented on its coat of arms by 6 torches
    $600 27
Jimmy Durante was famous for saying this
    $800 19
Shakespeare based several of his plays on North's translation of this Greek's "Parallel Lives"
    $800 9
1 of 2 "excessive" items prohibited by the Eighth Amendment
    $800 2
It was first developed as a means of detecting both icebergs & submarines
    DD: $1,000 24
He put a real tutu on his famous statue of a 14-year-old ballet dancer
    $800 15
For centuries the kings of Poland were entombed in Wawel Cathedral in this city
    DD: $1,000 28
The lyricist who wrote, "I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man--Who could ask for anything more?"
    $1000 20
Seeking to end Peloponnesian War, Aristophanes wrote this comedy about a sex strike
    $1000 10
In the Federalist Papers, this statesman argued that a bill of rights was "unnecessary" & "dangerous"
    $1000 1
Chas. Wm. Beebe & Otis Barton invented this spherical diving apparatus used to study deep-sea life
    $1000 25
In 1785 this great French sculptor traveled to America to make studies for a statue of Geo. Washington
    $1000 16
Albania lies on the southeast shore of this arm of the Mediterranean
    $1000 29
His diary entry from July 30, 1666 says, "Musick is the thing of the world that I love most."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Curt Danny
$9,300 $5,300 $5,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

On its reverse the Susan B. Anthony dollar commemorated this historic event of the 1960s

Final scores:

Eric Curt Danny
$11,601 $7,001 $0
5-day champion: $64,302 2nd place: KitchenAid washer/dryer & Panasonic 20" TV + VCR + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version 3rd place: Konica Z-up 80 camera + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Curt Danny
$10,100 $5,300 $5,600
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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