Suggest correction - #7790 - 2018-06-22

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    $600 3
A player who can legally catch a pass is this type of receiver; some are bachelors, too
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Show #7790 - Friday, June 22, 2018

Clip of this game shown in the 2019-04-04 episode of Better Things.


Amanda Graver, a researcher from Columbus, Ohio

Jordan Nussbaum, a lawyer from Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Ali Hasan, a secondary school teacher from New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $67,801)

Jeopardy! Round

"H" TO "H"
    $200 26
Howlite dyed blue to imitate this ancient stone is sold as turquenite
    $200 6
The National Mall's tallest structure
    $200 11
We hope Jennifer & Mario know that this common Hispanic name derives from the Latin word for "wolf"
    $200 16
This floor of a fireplace usually extends into a room & is paved with brick or flagstone
    $200 21
Seen here are the byproducts of this machine
    $200 1
This word for the snapper should tell you he lines up in the middle of the offensive line
    $400 27
Chert & this related rock that fractures into pointy pieces provided tools & weapons 2 million years ago
    $400 7
She's been a Copenhagen waterfront resident since 1913
    $400 12
The most common Irish surnames are Murphy & this, also a shade of green
    $400 17
Idiomatically, the ambitious want to complete this action connecting a "wagon" & a "star"
    $400 22
Office Depot sells many different badge labels, including ones with these 4 introductory words preprinted
    $400 2
Don't grab this, the protective cage in front of a player's helmet, or you'll get a 15-yard penalty
    $600 28
Peekskill, N.Y. was once a center for mining this abrasive rock used on a "board" to file nails
    $600 8
Clock &/or bell in the Elizabeth Tower
    $600 13
This presidential name is the second-most common last name in the United States
    $600 18
If a rabbit asks you to come see his etchings, he's likely inviting you to this
    $600 23
Because of the film "Office Space", Swingline began producing red these
    $600 3
A player who can legally catch a pass is this type of receiver; some are bachelors, too
    $800 29
An iron sulfide, pyrite looks this color in rocks but creates a black streak when rubbed across a surface
    $800 9
Warner Bros. Records paid to rebuild its last "O"
    $800 14
A common Jewish surname, it's German for "black"
    $800 19
Swill or slop, or a bunch of nonsense
    $800 24
This brand has trademarked the phrase "the glue with the orange cap"
    $800 4
In the NFL each of these measures 10 yards by 53 1/3 yards
    $1000 30
In the late 1800s this material that naturally splits into thin sheets was very popular for roofs in the northeast
    $1000 10
Florence's "Old Bridge"
    DD: $1,000 15
A popular surname in the Philippines, it's the birthplace of an Italian Dominican theologian & saint
    $1000 20
From the Greek for "written in full", it's a document written entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears
    $1000 25
For over 100 years, this alliterative "Box" brand has been helping people clean out their desks
    $1000 5
A kick returner who touches but fails to catch the ball has committed one of these hand warmers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ali Jordan Amanda
$2,000 $2,800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ali Jordan Amanda
$4,800 $2,600 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
The Divinity School has a course focused on the early life of Moses--it's all about chapter 2 of this Biblical book
    $400 2
In 3 initials:
Ice Cube,
MC Ren
    $400 7
The iconic gateway to this city's Chinatown is seen here
    $400 26
Ezra Pound said "Death of the Hired Man" was this poet at his best, daring to write "in the natural speech of New England"
    $400 12
Very, very small, or invisible without the aid of a certain scientific instrument
    $400 1
George R.R. Martin said the Wars of the Roses inspired "Game of Thrones"--the Lannisters & Starks fit these 2 families
    $800 18
Phillis Wheatley & W.E.B. Du Bois are part of African-American lit "From the Beginnings to" this area's "Renaissance"
    $800 3
Ghostface Killah,
Inspectah Deck--
there are a lot more...
    $800 8
It might "rock" your world to take a tour of the Celestial Seasonings Tea factory in this Colorado city
    $800 27
The epitaph on this poet's grave marker in Amherst, Massachusetts simply says, "Called Back"
    $800 22
"P" on a dress size tag stands for this
    $800 13
Like Stannis, this usurper prince insisted that his nephews were illegitimate & made himself king
    $1200 19
Fittingly, a med school elective on this -ology is taught by an expert whose first name is Arash
    $1200 4
Big Boi,
Andre 3000
    $1200 9
The McKinley Museum & the Pro Football Hall of Fame are both in this Ohio city
    $1200 28
Tintinnabulation "so musically wells" in this piece by Edgar Allan Poe
    $1200 23
A very small painting, or a very short game of chess
    DD: $3,800 14
Edward IV broke an arranged match from this country & wed a commoner; he fared better than Robb Stark, who lost his head
    $1600 20
Get your MBA & buy buy buy! By taking M&A "Processes & Structures", with M&A standing for these 2 oft-paired business terms
    $1600 5
Prince Marky Dee,
Kool Rock-Ski,
Buff Love the Human Beat Box
(combined weight, more than 750 lbs.)
    $1600 10
The University of Oregon had its first classes in this city in 1876
    $1600 29
He wrote, "Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes"
    $1600 24
Of course 6'6", 336-lb. University of Tennessee lineman Antonio Richardson got this 4-letter nickname
    $1600 15
"The Narrow Sea", next to Essos, is also a name for this real body of water as in the history work "Hold the Narrow Sea"
    $2000 21
At Harvard Law, Prof. Lessig wants to school you on the separation of powers in his course on this type of law
    $2000 6
Cee-Lo Green,
Big Gipp:
this Mob
    DD: $600 11
This third-largest Montana city is named for a feature of the Missouri River
    $2000 30
He thought "Four Quartets" was the best of his own poems
    $2000 25
This word comes before "element" to indicate an element present in only minute amounts in a sample
    $2000 16
Like Daenerys, the VII king of this name sailed to an island to seize the throne & he didn't even have dragons in 1485

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ali Jordan Amanda
$7,800 $8,800 $11,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Vestibular rehabilitation is one treatment for a condition that is also the title of this 1958 suspense film

Final scores:

Ali Jordan Amanda
$11,601 $15,800 $5,599
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $15,800 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ali Jordan Amanda
$9,400 $6,200 $11,600
21 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
12 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $27,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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