Suggest correction - #7783 - 2018-06-13

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    $200 3
Longtime friend & coworker Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the foreword to a book of speeches by this late justice

Show #7783 - Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Nick Anspach, a professor of political science from York, Pennsylvania

Diana Hsu, a legal records assistant from Malden, Massachusetts

Catherine Ono, a software developer from Santa Clara, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
These variations in the level of the oceans have the most variation at the new moon
    $200 14
A hypodermic instrument to inject fluids into the body
    $200 11
AKA "The Rock", the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library is one of the main libraries of this R.I. Ivy League school
    $200 26
Chesney & Loggins
    $200 3
Longtime friend & coworker Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the foreword to a book of speeches by this late justice
    $200 20
"Jack's back", promised this fast food franchise
    $400 2
Development of an organism from gamete to fetus is the focus of this -ology
    $400 15
Use this tube & enjoy a view of the threadfin butterfly & other reef fish
    $400 12
Check it out--located at 42nd Street & Fifth Avenue, its cornerstone laying was November 10, 1902
    $400 27
Nicks & Wonder
    $400 4
"Escape from Camp 14" is the story of Shin Dong-Hyuk's escape to freedom from a prison in this country
    $400 22
Old MacDonald might have used this insurance company that "gets you back where you belong"
    $600 8
This type of cloud that can ruin a picnic grows from cumulus clouds & the word grows from "cumulus" too
    $600 16
It's a malicious computer program that gathers info about a user & then transmits it to an outside entity
    $600 13
The iconic Geisel Library at UC San Diego houses a vast collection of items associated with this author
    $600 28
Trevi & Gaynor
    $600 5
This host of "Hardball" gives a behind-the-scenes portrait of a presidential brother in "Bobby Kennedy"
    $600 23
"I want my baby back baby back baby back...ribs" enticed you to this eatery
    $800 9
Crossword puzzle addicts know "ase" is a common ending for these, catalyzing proteins produced by cells
    $800 17
A long-handled pan used for frying food
    $800 18
The Forbes Library in Northampton, Massachusetts house his presidential library--shh, no talking!
    $800 29
Bolton & Buble
    $800 6
"The Weapon Wizards" is a study of the strategies that have helped make this Mideast nation a high-tech superpower
    $800 24
These cheesy little crackers are "the snack that smiles back"
    $1000 10
First predicted in 1930, this particle with no charge goes through miles of matter without reacting with a proton or neutron
    $1000 21
A cancerous growth of the soft tissues, usually appearing at first as a painless swelling
    DD: $600 19
Housing millions of records, the Family History Library in this city attracts genealogists from all over the world
    $1000 30
Maines & Merchant
    $1000 7
"Kingfish" explores the life of this Louisiana governor some call a demagogue & some a visionary
    $1000 25
An ad for the 1973 Pinto said, "When you get back to basics, you get back to" this company

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Catherine Diana Nick
$3,600 $800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Catherine Diana Nick
$6,600 $4,400 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
Weel Lunk, "Place of the Skull", for a white man's noggin stuck on a pole, may have given Wheeling in this state its name
    $400 26
"Julia" starred Diahann Carroll as a nurse & single mother, widowed when her husband died in this conflict
    $400 9
Can you pass the acid test? It dates back to the use of nitric acid to test the content of this precious metal
    $400 1
"The ____ Cometh" by Eugene O'Neill
    $400 6
J.S. Bach's work, like the concerto heard here, exemplifies this classical style that flourished from 1600 to 1750
    $400 15
This section of Disneyland was originally designed to imagine the far future of 1986
    $800 22
"Mine No. 5" in Butcher's Hollow (or "Butcher's Holler", as Loretta Lynn said it) produced this material
    $800 30
Your answer, should you choose to say it, will be this series about a team of secret government agents led by Jim Phelps
    $800 10
On the water you might find yourself between the devil, a seam in a ship, & this
    $800 2
"The Feminine ____" by Betty Friedan
    DD: $4,000 7
Count Keyserling may have commissioned this work, 30 takes on one theme, named for the count's harpsichordist
    $800 16
"The Future of God" was penned by this Indian-born spiritualist
    DD: $3,000 23
As early as the 1920s, American Jews were summering in this alliterative area of the Catskills
    $1200 29
Produced as a sister show to "Petticoat Junction", this comedy centered on a city couple who move to a farm
    $1200 11
Something badly maintained is "going to" this 3-letter word, referring to a vessel for stew where leftovers go
    $1200 3
"Going ____" by Sarah Palin
    $1200 8
Bach was tasked with writing new works for each festival; cantata 63 is for Christmas & 65 is for this, 12 days later
    $1200 19
"Future Noir" is a book about the making of this groundbreaking 1982 Ridley Scott film
    $1600 24
Baxter Peak on Mount Katahdin is the highest point in this New England state
    $1600 28
Hit spinoffs from "The Andy Griffith Show" included "Mayberry RFD" & "Gomer Pyle", with this actor as the title U.S. Marine
    $1600 12
The Iroquois sealed deals by putting tomahawks in the ground under a white pine, possibly the origin of this phrase
    $1600 4
"The New ____" by Emma Lazarus
    $1600 14
The name of this Bach piece refers to a tuning system of the keyboard, not to its good mood
    $1600 20
Some misfires from this 1970 book by Alvin Toffler: paper clothes & the world's urban population doubling by 1981
    $2000 25
The observation point seen here has great views of Clingmans Dome in these mountains on the Tennessee-North Carolina border
    $2000 27
John Cabot's explorer son, or the actor who as Mr. French helped look after Buffy & Jody on "Family Affair"
    $2000 13
The activity of wrestling with steer led to this phrase about taking charge
    $2000 5
"Look Homeward, ____" by Thomas Wolfe
    $2000 18
J.S. got his first formal keyboard lessons from his brother Johann Christoph, a pupil of this "Canon in D Major" composer
    $2000 21
This "Cloud Atlas" author gave a new novel to Norway's Future Library but you can't read it until 2114

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Catherine Diana Nick
$11,400 $16,000 $5,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Though it draws elements from "Hamlet", Disney says this was their first all-animated feature based on an original story

Final scores:

Catherine Diana Nick
$13,600 $24,001 $10,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,001 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Catherine Diana Nick
$11,400 $16,600 $12,000
14 R,
0 W
21 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $40,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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