Suggest correction - #7719 - 2018-03-15

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    $200 12
This adjective for a baseball hit out of play is not good, especially if it's before "mouthed"

Show #7719 - Thursday, March 15, 2018


Amy Yacorzynski, an attorney from New Orleans, Louisiana

Tracey Hollabaugh, a teacher from Cumming, Georgia

Peter Karamitsos, a software salesman from Elmhurst, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will end with the letter "D"--the letter "D" by itself.)
    $200 12
This adjective for a baseball hit out of play is not good, especially if it's before "mouthed"
    $200 1
A new tradition in 2017--at the end of the 1st quarter, Hawkeye fans at this U. turn & wave at Children's Hospital patients
    $200 5
Thinking about retiring? This agency has a retirement estimator you can use at
    $200 28
The average height of this pony named for an island group is 40 inches--it's so short that it's not measured in hands
    $200 4
June 17:
Bunker Hill Day
    $200 6
Important for metabolizing calcium, it's created by ultraviolet radiation
    $400 15
This word for selfish or boastful comes from the psychoanalytic term for the conscious self
    $400 2
In 1952, 8 playoff game wins took the Stanley Cup, so Red Wing fans threw this sea creature on the ice for luck
    $400 11
This news & entertainment site offers quizzes under headings like "Can We Guess?" & "Would You Rather?"
    $400 26
This tracking dog has been described as a unique-looking dog in a baggy suit
    $400 25
May 8:
Truman Day
    $400 7
One of his early forays into rap was fittingly on the song "Public Enemy No. 1"
    $600 16
It means "capable of polishing or cleaning a surface by grinding"
    $600 3
In a Dec. game, Taylor U. hoops fans don't make a sound until the team hits point 10; later, all sing this appropriate carol
    $600 19
Its article on itself says it's "the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet"
    $600 24
Some primates have noses; lemurs have one of these with a rhinarium at the tip, the same as dogs & pigs
    $600 27
March 31:
Cesar Chavez Day;
May 22:
Harvey Milk Day
    $600 8
"Open some smiles" with this fruity drink, perhaps the orange strawberry variety
    $800 17
Rising in rebellion, or causing disgust
    $800 13
Let the beer flow at the Sausage Race with Polish & Italian sausage, brat, hot dog & chorizo at this NL team's games
    $800 20
This website that sells more than just shoes takes its name from the Spanish word for "shoes"
    $800 23
This state's Chincoteague Island, off its eastern shore, is known as a playground for wild ponies
    $800 9
Jack Black moonlights in this "persistent" band with partner Kyle Gass
    $1000 18
6-letter synonym for acrid, corresponding to one of the 4 major kinds of taste buds
    $1000 14
When the horses enter the track to run in the Kentucky Derby, 160,000 fans sing this Stephen Foster song
    DD: $2,000 21
In 2008 this former editor of Vanity Fair & the New Yorker launched the Daily Beast
    $1000 22
The sole living representative of its family, this double-named lemur sounds like a Navy man's "yes, sir!"
    $1000 10
Wizards of the Coast now owns the role-playing game created by Gary Gygax commonly shortened to this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Peter Tracey Amy
$1,200 $2,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Peter Tracey Amy
$3,800 $3,800 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

'80s MUSIC
(Alex: You're too young for that.)
(Alex: I'm a nice guy. "T-A-B" coming up in each correct response.)
    $400 21
The King Hussein mosque is in the heart of this Jordanian capital
    $400 2
On "The Simpsons", the "Planet of the Apes" musical had a song about Dr. Zaius a la Falco's "Rock Me" him
    $400 12
Proverbially, the best way to pull off this Johnson & Johnson product is quickly
    $400 24
"Howl" poet Allen Ginsberg was once called "The Wild Shaman" of this literary movement
    $400 11
The 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki opened 4 Chinese ports to trade with this country that had defeated China in war
    $400 3
Launched in 1903 London's Daily Mirror was an early one of these sex & scandal newspapers
    $800 22
Nasser Hussain scored thousands of runs in this sport & also captained the English national team for 4 years
    DD: $2,800 1
Him: "Well, I knew I was in trouble now
my hope of winning sank 'cause I got the Daily Double now & then my mind went blank"
    $800 15
This dentist pulled off his boots before he died in bed in 1887, though he'd said he'd die with them on
    $800 25
Zora Neale Hurston, author of "Their Eyes Were Watching God", was part of this NYC movement
    $800 13
In 1929 Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty, creating this very, very tiny country
    $800 7
A striped cat, or a watered silk fabric
    $1200 23
In December 2003 TV watchers worldwide saw this man's mouth being swabbed for a DNA sample
    $1200 4
Oh, "Come On"! She's the title gal in the first & subsequently last Top 40 hit by Dexys Midnight Runners
    $1200 16
The tarp is being pulled off the baseball field, so this 2-word annoyance is ending
    $1200 26
Cyberpunk is sci-fi set in the future; this is sci-fi set in the 19th century
    $1200 14
The American Rev. ended with the Treaty of Paris, returning to Spain part of what would eventually be this state
    $1200 8
Let's count up the synonyms for this word--
1) rank
2) classify
3) order
    DD: $200 29
Formerly the mufti of Tuzla, Husein Kavazovic is the current grand mufti of this one-time Yugoslav republic
    $1600 5
2 songs held the No. 1 spot the longest--6 weeks--in 1980: "Lady" by Kenny Rogers & "Call Me" by this group
    $1600 19
In a novel he puts on his mask to fight Gonzales, leaves, pulls off his mask & comes back to jest with Gonzales
    $1600 27
Put these 4 letters before "fiction" to get this style in which the author refers to the artificiality of the work itself
    $1600 17
France got Alsace & Lorraine in the Peace of this, ending the Thirty Years’ War in 1648
    $1600 9
It's Latin for "cleaned slate"
    $2000 6
“Paid in Full” was the 1987 platinum debut album of Eric B. & this MC seen here
    $2000 20
Sudbury, England unveiled a statue of this "Blue Boy" homeboy in 1913 & reenacted the unveiling in 2013
    $2000 28
Ellen Glasgow coined the term "Southern" this to describe works by writers like William Faulkner
    $2000 18
Philip V was eventually your big winner in the War of the Spanish Succession, ended by the Treaties of this, "U" know
    $2000 10
It was the movable sanctuary of the Israelites in the desert

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Peter Tracey Amy
$12,600 $11,400 $17,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 10 countries the Danube touches, this one is alphabetically last & is the only one that doesn't end in "Y" or "A"

Final scores:

Peter Tracey Amy
$23,600 $1 $8,799
2-day champion: $51,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Peter Tracey Amy
$12,600 $13,400 $15,200
15 R,
0 W
21 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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