Suggest correction - #7700 - 2018-02-16

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    DD: $2,200 19
"Vlad the Impaler: The Real ____ ____"

Show #7700 - Friday, February 16, 2018

Rob Worman game 3.


Vinay Kadiyala, a resident physician from Albany, New York

Gianna Durso-Finley, an executive director of an educational foundation from Lawrenceville, New Jersey

Rob Worman, an escalation manager from Edina, Minnesota (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,499)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In Saint Paul, Minnesota.)
    $200 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Como Park Zoo.) While endangered, it's hard to estimate how many snow leopards are left in the wild, because they inhabit such remote regions of Asia; however, some have been spotted & may be making a comeback on this highest mountain from which they disappeared decades ago
    $200 2
It = mc2
    $200 14
Mount Mansfield in the Green Mountains
    $200 26
In 2017 Emmy voters hit the button, spun around & chose this as the best reality competition show
    $200 10
William was the first name & "Boss" was the nickname of this man who made his name selling vacuum cleaners
    $200 23
Sophocles: "Oedipus ____"
    $400 25
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Como Park Zoo.) Because of global warming & the reduction of sea ice in the Arctic, scientists predict that polar bears could go extinct by the year 2100; today it's estimated that there are only 20 to 25,000 of the bears left in the wild, with 60% of them inhabiting this country
    $400 4
In the dictionary it comes before -ball, -bar & -shirt
    $400 15
Black Elk Peak in the Black Hills
    $400 12
The company of this pump inventor uses his last name, not his first; otherwise, you'd be hot-tubbing in your Candido
    $400 22
"Pericles, ____ of Tyre"
    $600 1
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Como Park Zoo.) Like other baby giraffes, Violet, who's 5 weeks old, was close to 6 feet tall when she was born, and her spot pattern is as unique to her as these impressions are to humans
    $600 5
In the U.S. foods that have been certified kosher are most often marked with a K or this letter in a circle
    $600 16
Driskill Mountain in Bienville Parish
    $600 9
Linus, not Eli, was the first name of this Connecticut lock maven
    DD: $2,200 19
"Vlad the Impaler: The Real ____ ____"
    $800 3
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Como Park Zoo.) It's a symbol of good luck, but luck may have run out for the Panamanian golden frog, likely extinct in the wild due to pollutants, forest clearing & a deadly skin disease caused by this type of organism related to molds & mushrooms
    $800 7
In "The Scarlet Letter", Hester Prynne is forced to wear this letter on her dress
    $800 17
Cheaha Mountain in the Talladega National Forest
    $800 11
British pottery maker Josiah, of this last name, was an abolitionist who produced a popular anti-slavery image
    $800 20
"Richthofen: Beyond the Legend of the ____ ____"
    $1000 6
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Como Park Zoo.) Contrary to what the movies portray, humans are rarely attacked by this giant water boa that thrives in the Amazon & Orinoco river basins & can grow up to 30 feet long
    $1000 8
It was the middle initial of vice president John Calhoun
    $1000 18
Black Mesa in Cimarron County
    $1000 13
The "Father of the Modern Drugstore" was born Charles Rudolph this, with no 's on the end
    $1000 21
Bellow: "Henderson the ____ ____"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rob Gianna Vinay
$2,400 $3,000 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rob Gianna Vinay
$5,400 $4,400 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You give us the character that they chum around with.)
    $400 21
Albrecht Dürer's "Praying Hands" is actually called "Hands of" one of these disciples of Jesus
    $400 4
Prices are a steal at Chor Bazaar, "Thieves' Market", in this city of India--"old", not "New"
    $400 1
In 1817 ground was broken for this, derisively called "Clinton's Big Ditch"
    $400 25
A short prose tale such as "Death in Venice"
    $800 22
This art of beautiful handwriting is seen in the Book of Kells as well as much Islamic art
    $800 28
Meriadoc Brandybuck & Peregrin Took
    $800 5
Visiting this city? The Rumelihisari fortress at the narrowest part of the Bosphorus is open to the public
    $800 19
The Insurance HOF enshrined this British scientist, not for comet insurance, but his work on mortality tables
    $800 2
1971 events at this prison east of Buffalo were one of the bloodiest clashes between Americans in the 20th century
    $800 24
Sung without instrumental accompaniment
    $1200 26
Here's a sculpture of this Hindu deity breaking his tusk to throw at the moon
    $1200 10
Sallah, an Egyptian excavator
    $1200 6
The U.S. embassy in Berlin is just south of this landmark dating from around 1790
    DD: $2,000 13
In 2011 both The Wiggles & Kylie Minogue were inducted into this country's Recording Industry Hall of Fame
    $1200 3
Established in 1619, this representative body in Virginia originally had 22 members
    $1200 16
First name of the woman seen here; her website offers delicious recipes
    $1600 27
Guido di Pietro took his name Giovanni da Fiesole when he became a friar in 1423, but as an artist he's known by this name
    $1600 11
Brick Tamland & Brian Fantana
    DD: $2,500 7
The dunes of Echoing Sand Mountain near Dunhuang, China are best traveled riding this, luotuo in Chinese
    $1600 14
Interviewers in the Radio Hall of Fame include Studs Terkel & this longtime "Fresh Air" host
    $1600 9
Interior Secretary Albert Bacon Fall was convicted of bribery in leasing out oil reserves in Elk Hills, Buena Vista & this site
    $1600 17
Coleman sells a lantern using this type of candle, with a pleasant aroma & reputed mosquito-repelling qualities
    $2000 23
Here's the writing on the wall--Rembrandt painted Belshazzar's feast from chapter 5 of this Biblical book
    $2000 12
Azamat Bagatov, an obese Kazakh film producer
    $2000 8
In the 12th century this French region produced perhaps the most powerful woman in Europe; today, it produces Dordogne walnuts
    $2000 15
This computer game in which pioneers often die of dysentery is in the World Video Game Hall of Fame
    $2000 18
To protest taxes, Shays' Rebellion included a 1787 attack on the federal arsenal in this city in western Massachusetts
    $2000 20
It precedes "zoster" in the name of a virus that causes shingles

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rob Gianna Vinay
$17,800 $4,000 $19,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

Some residents of the place with this name came from Kensington Gardens, where they had fallen out of their perambulators

Final scores:

Rob Gianna Vinay
$32,800 $4,100 $14,400
3-day champion: $54,299 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Rob Gianna Vinay
$15,400 $4,000 $18,800
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
7 R,
1 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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