Suggest correction - #7658 - 2017-12-20

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    $200 4
To another place, like "In A Manger", title-wise

Show #7658 - Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Justin Bourassa, a high school English teacher and coach from Medford, Massachusetts

Remy Timbrook, a children’s librarian from Oakland, California

Kate O'Connor, an insurance salesperson from Florence, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
A year before the Lumiere bros.' first film, this man's Kinetoscope put moving pictures on a screen during a vaudeville show
    $200 16
This product is "2 all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun"
    $200 25
Gymnast Viktor Lisitsky won 5 silver medals for this country, but no gold or bronze
    $200 10
Mr. C is flying down I-15 to a 5,000-room hotel in this seat of Clark County, 'cause Santa's feelin' lucky!
    $200 4
To another place, like "In A Manger", title-wise
    $400 29
Frank Sinatra Dr., Gerald Ford Dr. & Dinah Shore Dr. are a short drive from the airport of this California resort city
    $400 2
This group of guarantees went into force as a single unit on Dec. 15, 1791
    $400 17
"We are" this insurance company whose ads feature J.K. Simmons & a snappy 7-note riff
    $400 24
In 2010 German Winter Olympian David Moeller injured himself doing this to his silver medal
    $400 11
Santa's heading up I-95 on his way from Winter Haven to this city of NFL Jaguars
    $400 5
In the English lyrics of "Adeste Fideles", "O come let us" this word meaning to love
    $600 27
This disco queen was No. 1 in 1979 "Lookin' for some hot stuff, baby this evenin'"
    $600 3
In the late 1700s, navigators could find longitude with a new compact type of this instrument, named for covering one-sixth of a circle
    $600 18
"The best part of wakin' up is" this "in your cup"
    $600 21
Michael Phelps first gold medal of his record 23 was at the 2004 Games in this city
    $600 12
Santa hops off I-90 & onto Route 85 to go to this S.D. city where Wild Bill Hickok was stopped from being a good boy permanently
    $600 7
Clothing or garments, donned with the "fa la la"-ing & so forth
    $800 26
Graceful gazelle of the Kalahari noted for its leaping ability
    $800 6
People with allergies could breathe easier in 1937 when Swiss doctor Daniel Bovet discovered the first of these
    $800 19
"Every kiss begins with" this, but the real hero in one ad was the delivery dog that balanced a gem box on its nose
    DD: $2,000 23
Olympic gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games were inlaid with this gem
    $800 13
Santa hops on Route 12 to hit Kill Devil Hills, Nags Head & perhaps to enjoy a night in Rodanthe in this state
    $800 8
It's Latin for "hail", Maria
    $1000 28
To go out of consideration, or collapse next to a Longfellow inn
    $1000 15
Following World War II, this man's leadership spurred the recovery of a continent and blocked the spread of Communism
    $1000 20
"Plop plop, fizz fizz" plopped into existence for this product in the '70s & Sammy Davis Jr. did a version, baby
    $1000 22
At the first Olympics in 1896, winners received a silver medal & this natural symbol of peace
    $1000 14
On I-59 out of Hattiesburg, Santa's confused! Route 15 goes from Louisville to Philadelphia all within this state?!
    $1000 9
Merry gentlemen, it means away from the correct path, as in "to save us all from Satan's power when we were gone" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kate Remy Justin
$3,000 $1,600 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Remy Justin
$4,800 $1,000 $10,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response beginning with an "S".)
    $400 20
Carthage, a Phoenician colony, wouldn't leave this empire alone, leading to the Punic Wars & the end of Carthage
    $400 30
"Kipling Sahib" details the author's birth in this country, being sent to England, hating it there & going back
    $400 1
Nouns not masculine or feminine are termed this gender
    $400 6
Rodent-fearing Winston Smith shuddered through this 2007 Pixar movie featuring the voice of Patton Oswalt
    $400 10
This late-Jurassic creature was probably not popular for horsie rides
    $400 13
I say "phooey!" to this word for nonsense that rhymes with phooey
    $800 21
After invasions in the 7th century, Phoenicians were forced to convert to this religion or pay a jizya
    $800 24
God bless us, every one who reads "The Man Who Invented Christmas", about this author
    $800 2
"We saw the Grand Canyon flying over the USA" contains a misplaced one of these
    $800 7
If Little Miss Muffet could give a negative Metacritic score to this 1990 John Goodman film, she would
    $800 11
8-letter adjective meaning moving at a speed below Mach 1
    $800 14
It means nonsense; put "de" before it & you expose false claims
    $1200 22
In 64 B.C. Phoenicia was absorbed into this province just north of Judea
    $1200 26
"Eden's Outcasts" tells how her dad's transcendentalist utopia failed and how her writing paid the bills
    $1200 3
A qualifier is an adjective that limits the meaning of a word; this is one that limits the amount or extent of one
    $1200 8
Olaf the Snowman confessed he found this 1962 David Lean epic "hard to watch"
    $1200 12
A fundamental elementary particle, this flavor of quark is the third lightest
    $1200 15
As food, it comes in a honeycomb type; as an opinion, it's nonsense
    $1600 23
The word for the good book comes from this Phoenician town that was captured by Crusaders, who named it Gibelet
    DD: $2,000 25
Chapter 5 of Philip Nel's book about this author is "The Disneyfication of" him: "Faithful to Profit, One Hundred Percent?"
    DD: $2,600 4
Parataxis is the joining together of phrase or clauses without the use of these grammatical uniters
    $1600 9
Dorian Gray hated the first part of this 2008 Brad Pitt movie, but it grew on him over time
    $1600 16
It's the fluid remaining after the solid portion of blood is removed
    $1600 18
Per the City of London, "Residential waste shall mean garbage and" this
    $2000 29
Sailing for this empire at the Battle of Salamis, Phoenician ships fared poorly & there was many a beheading
    $2000 27
"A Rather Haunted Life" is the subtitle of a book about this "Hill House" novelist
    $2000 5
Like "crowd" or "troop", it's a noun that is singular in form but denotes a group
    $2000 28
The Wicked Witch of the West experiences mortal terror when viewing this Kevin Costner movie from 1995
    $2000 17
The visible one is the wavelengths from about 400 to 700 nanometers
    $2000 19
Foolish chatter can also be called this other double "T" word

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Remy Justin
$10,800 $10,400 $11,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

This country's last 3 queens abdicated in favor of their children

Final scores:

Kate Remy Justin
$21,600 $9,300 $1,199
3-day champion: $61,800 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kate Remy Justin
$10,800 $9,400 $12,200
15 R,
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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