Suggest correction - #7651 - 2017-12-11

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    $800 13
This Lebanese capital was built on 2 hills that are part of a triangular peninsula

Show #7651 - Monday, December 11, 2017


LaKedra Pam, a physician from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Charlie Santiuste, a relationship manager from Charlottesville, Virginia

Ben Raphel, a healthcare data analyst from Boston, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
Here's this breed looking characteristically continental
    $200 16
They say this synonym for fawning "will get you nowhere" but right now that's not true at all
    $200 1
Martin Luther nails his theses to the door:
the country
    $200 11
2011 winner "The Shore" tells of a friendship shattered by "The Troubles" in this U.K. country
    $200 12
In the fantasy world of "Red Queen", a young peasant woman discovers she has the power to wield this, like Zeus
    $200 22
A 5-time winner of a trophy called the Rosewater Dish
    $400 4
A county of northern England lends its name to this breed
    $400 17
To provide for one's needs, or specifically food for a wedding
    $400 2
The Wright Brothers first take off under power:
the year
    $400 14
He produced the 1959 winner "The Golden Fish", 9 years before entering his "Undersea World"
    $400 13
The 2016 edition of "Disney Bedtime Favorites" includes a story starring this long-eared friend of Bambi
    $400 23
It's the British equivalent of our Milky Way candy
    $600 8
Like the Lhasa apso, this lion dog with a 2-word name is originally from Tibet
    $600 18
Pandering lackey that's a froggy relative
    $600 5
The building of the white tower begins around 1078:
the city
    $600 15
The man himself narrates 1972's this painter's " American Dream" & the DVD is sold at his Mass. museum
    $600 27
The play "Harry Potter and" this young person comes in a rehearsal script edition
    $600 24
A diet very heavy in seafood can lead to this condition
    $800 9
The working dog seen here was first bred to herd cattle in this U.K. country
    $800 19
"I" know this 7-letter verb means to be permissive with a child's whim
    $800 6
The Thirty Years' War:
the century
    $800 21
1963's winner, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", aired on U.S. TV as an episode of this show
    $800 28
In Anna Dewdney's last book about the quadruped with this double name, he visits his gram and grandpa
    $800 25
It's "the classic guide to understanding the opposite sex"
    $1000 10
With a nose second only to the bloodhound's in keenness, this breed was developed as a hunter, I reckon
    $1000 20
Yielding to belligerent demands of a foe, like Britain's 1938 policy toward Hitler
    $1000 7
The 1847 Battle of Buena Vista:
the country
    $1000 30
A 1947 Short Subject Oscar went to "Climbing" this mountain on the border of Switzerland & Italy
    DD: $2,400 29
This 2-word title of Chelsea Clinton's book about determined women was coined by Sen. McConnell about Sen. Warren
    $1000 26
Singer who moved to England from his native Zanzibar in 1964

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Charlie LaKedra
$1,400 $1,000 $4,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Charlie LaKedra
$5,200 $3,800 $9,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
After his marriage to fellow painter Lee Krasner, he began his large canvases onto which he poured or dripped paint
    $400 11
Hurray for some guy named Alex who once visited this Boston bar
    $400 6
It's pictured on the back of a nickel
    $400 22
This drug, AKA acetylsalicylic acid, fights pain by inhibiting chemicals that activate nerve endings
    $400 12
The largest peninsula in the contiguous United States is occupied by this state
    $400 17
Carcharodon carcharias is the scientific name of this creature
    $800 2
A statement against war, this giant painting was commissioned for the Spanish Pavilion at the 1937 World's Fair
    $800 28
The Regal Beagle on this sitcom was almost a second home to Jack Tripper, Janet & Chrissy
    $800 7
It was for department store owner Edgar Kaufmann & his wife that this architect designed Fallingwater
    $800 23
Not carbonic acid but this is the simplest of the phenol family of disinfectants
    $800 13
This Lebanese capital was built on 2 hills that are part of a triangular peninsula
    $800 18
"I am looking forward to your arrival on Halloween night", wrote Linus to this entity on an animated TV special
    $1200 3
Here's "Red Hills with White Shell", a 1938 painting by her
    $1200 27
When Peter Griffin gets off his couch on this show, it might be to head to The Drunken Clam
    $1200 8
From about 1776 to 1779, she lived in the Philadelphia house seen here
    $1200 30
Milk protein contains the 9 of these organic compounds that are essential in the human diet
    DD: $4,000 14
This large Siberian peninsula is home to more than 125 volcanoes as well as numerous geysers & hot springs
    $1200 19
With more than 30 species, this "hazy" U.S. mountain range is called the "Salamander Capital of the World"
    $1600 4
The basic style of the color field paintings by this Russian-born man is 2 or 3 soft-edged rectangles of color
    $1600 26
Miss Kitty poured suds at the Long Branch Saloon on this long-running western
    $1600 9
In 1889 a member of this family began building a little country home in N.C., the 250-room Biltmore House
    $1600 29
H2SO4, this corrosive stuff, exists in cloud form on Venus
    $1600 15
The peninsula on the much larger Arabian Peninsula, it's been fully independent since 1971
    $1600 20
You can see it on the back of the $1 bill, but the Department of State keeps possession of the real one
    $2000 5
The 2015 movie "Woman in Gold" is about a legal fight over portraits, including the one seen here, by this Austrian
    $2000 25
As this "Next Generation" alien bartender, Whoopi Goldberg worked in the Ten-Forward Lounge
    DD: $3,000 10
Her last home was a 14-room boardinghouse in Arkansas known as Hatchet Hall
    $2000 24
Leafy green vegetables are a good source of this B vitamin whose name is from the Latin for "leaf"
    $2000 16
Oshima Peninsula is the southernmost part of this northernmost of Japan's 4 main islands
    $2000 21
Edward Bulwer-Lytton coined this phrase for the masses, contrasting them with a guy who bathes

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Charlie LaKedra
$2,800 $12,400 $23,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Taiji, the Great Ultimate, is the source of this pair that's represented by the colors orange & azure respectively

Final scores:

Ben Charlie LaKedra
$0 $21,208 $24,801
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben Charlie LaKedra
$6,800 $15,400 $21,600
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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