Suggest correction - #1768 - 1992-04-15

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    $100 15
You might call Martin Van Buren a real "straight arrow" because he was this sign

Show #1768 - Wednesday, April 15, 1992

Bruce Simmons game 3.
Missing player introductions and part of Final Jeopardy!


Jack Pitney, a college teacher from

Catherine Menser, a pharmacist from Houston, Texas

Bruce Simmons, a grad student from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $31,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
Chinchillas almost became extinct because of the demand for this
    $100 8
The 1939 sequel to "Angels with Dirty Faces" was called "Angels" do this to "Their Faces"
    $100 1
We all scream for Augustus Jackson, who invented a type of this fun food
    $100 15
You might call Martin Van Buren a real "straight arrow" because he was this sign
    $100 28
This 1957 million seller by Harry Belafonte is also known as "Day-O"
    $100 6
It's a place to park your airplane
    $200 19
Like the flounder, the halibut has both of these on one side of its head
    $200 9
MGM won a special 1942 Academy Award for this series of Mickey Rooney films
    $200 2
Inventor & draftsman Lewis Latimer drew up the papers on this Bell inventions
    $200 18
Even though this was John Quincy Adams' sign, we'd never describe him as "crab"by
    $200 26
Eddie Cochran told us "There ain't no cure for" this
    $200 10
"Hair of the dog" is taken as a remedy for this
    $300 23
These rodents' tails are long enough to shade them, so their name comes from the Greek for "shadow tail"
    $300 12
In "Anchors Aweigh", Gene Kelly tripped the light fantastic with this cartoon mouse
    $300 3
1 of the 3 patents he held was for cosmetics; he didn't patent all the peanut products
    $300 20
Since this was Rutherford B. Hayes' sign, we assume he was well-balanced
    $300 27
In this Johnny Horton hit, "We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'"
    $300 11
It's the type of look worn by a browbeaten or defeated person
    $400 24
The ancient goddess Bast had the head of one of these animals sacred to the Egyptians
    $400 13
Vivien Leigh can be seen in long shots in 1954's "Elephant Walk" even though this actress replaced her
    $400 4
In 1899 George F. Grant invented this device to hold up small dimpled balls
    $400 21
We've had 2 Virgo president: this one weighed an unmaidenly 350 pounds
    $400 29
Do this & "whisper in my ear, baby, words I want to hear, tell me, tell me that you love me too"
    $400 16
To be completely candid in expressing one's feelings, or to live without inhibitions
    $500 25
Some Danes put straw-covered wagon wheels on their roofs to encourage these good luck birds to nest there
    $500 14
Burt Lancaster made a striking film debut in "The Killers", based on a story by this author
    $500 5
In the 1920s Garrett Morgan created an automated one of these & a lot of drivers stopped & took notice
    DD: $2,500 22
With the exception of Reagan, every U.S. pres. born under this sign, including Lincoln, died in office
    $500 30
This No. 1 hit by the Teddy Bears was inspired by the inscription on the grave of Phil Spector's father
    $500 17
A contest in which the outcome is uncertain until the last moment

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Bruce Catherine Jack
$2,200 -$200 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Catherine Jack
$7,600 $700 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
At the end Cleopatra took 2 of these & called the country into mourning
    $200 5
Most people who read the Cork Examiner live in the country's province of Munster
    $200 25
This largest Utah lake is a remnant of the ancient freshwater Lake Bonneville
    $200 10
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down" here
    $200 7
In 1804 Haiti declared its independence from this country
    $200 26
This type of interest is paid on both the principal & interest earned previously
    $400 2
According to Enobarbus, its poop was beaten gold
    $400 12
In 1899 London's Morning Post sent Winston Churchill to Africa to cover this war
    $400 24
This Ohio city stands on land Congress gave Ebenezer Zane for clearing a road
    $400 11
In Genesis 4:9, he asked, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
    $400 8
This little European grand duchy sent troops to aid South Korea in the Korean War
    $400 27
Among stock investors, it's nicknamed the "Little Board"
    $600 3
In Act 2, scene 3 the soothsayer warns Antony to leave this city
    $600 18
Los Angeles lost its No. 2 daily when this paper folded in 1989
    $600 23
A 4.3-mile bridge over Chesapeake Bay was opened in this state in 1952
    $600 15
This Philistine's armor weighed about 125 pounds & the head of his spear about 15 pounds
    $600 9
In 1934 China's last emperor, Pu Yi, became Emperor of this Japanese Puppet state
    $600 28
As indicated by the initials, a "P & L" state summarizes these 2 items
    $800 4
This Caesar, not Julius, appears in the play
    $800 19
This, not Pravda, was the official newspaper of the Soviet gov't after the Russian Revolution
    $800 21
Washington Island sits in this Great Lake near the entrance to Green Bay
    DD: $3,000 16
This Old Testament book named for a queen explains the origin of the feast of Purim
    $800 13
In 1946 Bosnia & Hercegovina were combined as one of the six constituent republics of this country
    $800 29
It's the term for the reinvestment of an IRA or CD at the time of maturity
    $1000 6
Cleopatra refers to these days "when I was green in judgment"
    $1000 20
It's estimated that one out of every four adults in this country reads the Helsingin Sanomat
    $1000 22
This state has the most counties — 254
    $1000 17
It was 2 1/2 cubits by 1 1/2 cubits by 1 1/2 cubits & was topped by 2 golden cherubim
    $1000 14
The Apollo program ended in 1975 after a docking mission with this Soviet craft
    DD: $5,000 30
Named for a N.Y. congressman, this pension plan was established in 1962 to benefit the self-employed

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Catherine Jack
$14,000 $1,900 $6,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

His exact birthday is unknown, but it's believed to be Sept. 29, 1547, the feast day of San Miguel

Final scores:

Bruce Catherine Jack
$14,999 $3,700 $8,500
3-day champion: $46,899 3rd place: N/A 2nd place: a trip for 2 to the Bahamas Princess Resort & Casino

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bruce Catherine Jack
$12,000 $4,700 $6,500
32 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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