Suggest correction - #4134 - 2002-07-18

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    $1000 21
A flokati is a handwoven one of these from Greece; a flossa is from Scandinavia

Show #4134 - Thursday, July 18, 2002


Ron Ellison, a graduate student from Yardley, Pennsylvania

Kate Quillian, a computer programmer and analyst from Alpharetta, Georgia

Amy Ellis, a pharmacologist from Rockville, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,001)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the...)
(Alex: Insects are all... aren't they?)
    $200 7
The 2 most populous state capitals are Phoenix & this Hoosier city
    $200 26
Group name for Messrs. Jagger, Richards, Jones, Wyman & Watts
    $200 1
Straight arrow Eliot Ness
    $200 6
Schaus' Swallowtail, a species of this insect, is at risk due to pesticide use to control mosquitoes
    $200 12
In a ballroom it's the platform for the musicians or for Dick Clark
    $200 20
Society is divided into 5 groups in this futuristic novel: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas & Epsilons
    $400 8
In August Illinoisans attend the State Fair in this capital
    $400 27
Gin, dry vermouth & an olive make up this classic drink
    $400 2
Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella
    $400 13
Although there are about 2,000 species of these "white ants", only 2 live in Europe
    $400 17
A minbar is part of a room in a mosque; add a letter & you get this part of a hotel room
    $400 22
They're the last 5 words of the song that begins, "O say can you see..."
    $600 9
You can see & hear one of the world's largest pipe organs at the Mormon Tabernacle in this city
    $600 28
Susan Sarandon & Geena Davis had an eventful outing as this title screen pair
    $600 3
Postapocalyptic survivor called the Mariner
    $600 14
Due to their long snouts, these cotton destroyers are sometimes called snout beetles
    $600 18
A long horizontal piece of wood attached to the wall for storage; people talk about a product's "life" on it
    $600 23
The only Major League Baseball team that fits the category
    DD: $600 10
In 1786 it was chosen to replace Charleston as its state's capital
    $800 29
Formed on April 4, 1949, it now consists of the U.S. Norway, France & 16 other countries
    $800 4
New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison
    $800 15
A giant species of this "100-legged" insect grows to 12 inches in length & eats lizards
    $800 19
These decorative items may be cafe, Priscilla or tieback
    $800 24
You may feel like a matador after having one of these drinks made with Kahlua & tequila
    $1000 11
During the 1920s this city named for a president became the headquarters of the Progressive Party
    $1000 30
He identified 4 perfect women: Asiya, who reared Moses; Mary; his own wife Khadijah; & his own daughter Fatima
    $1000 5
Catcher Crash Davis
    $1000 16
Just like chickens, some insects have this muscular organ in the digestive tract to grind food
    $1000 21
A flokati is a handwoven one of these from Greece; a flossa is from Scandinavia
    $1000 25
This 1987 animated tale tells the story of household appliances that go in search of their owners

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Amy Kate Ron
$3,200 $2,400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Kate Ron
$6,000 $4,000 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
James Boswell wrote "The Life of" this lexicographer
    $400 1
To a Dutchman a bitterballen is a spicy one of these (Pass the Alka-Seltzer)
    $400 18
Herschel Bernardi opened on Broadway in 1968 in this role made famous by Anthony Quinn in a 1964 film
    $400 8
3 different teams from this state were No. 1 in the final AP college football poll during the decade
    $400 13
Mode of transportation seen on handicap access signs
    $400 23
Open "a can of" these & you'fe either got trouble or you're fishing
    $800 7
Complaining the Rump Parliament had just sat there too long, he dismissed them in 1653 with "In the name of God--go!
    $800 2
To duchess these, mash them with butter & eggs
    $800 19
On Feb. 10, 1949 Lee J. Cobb originated this "Death of a Salesman" role on Broadway
    DD: $1,531 9
In 1995 the Rockies won 11-9 in the first official game at this mile-high ballfield
    $800 14
(We'll get this clue in San Francisco.) Each cable car comes equipped with three of these: the wheel, the track, and the emergency slot one
    $800 24
According to the old saying, it's the type of person who sees the glass as half full
    $1200 28
In 1496 Pope Alexander VI appended the honorific "The Catholic" to this royal pairs names
    $1200 3
It's the potent potable often found in sukiyaki
    $1200 20
This Cockney flower girl takes elocution lessons from Professor Henry Higgins
    $1200 10
The stylish Carlos Valderrama, seen here, represented Colombia in this world sport
    $1200 15
A howdah is usually found on a camel or one of these
    $1200 25
Matthew 9:17 says not to put new wine in these
    $1600 29
This Dutchman who ground his own lenses for microscopes gave the first accurate description of red blood cells
    $1600 4
Kitfo is an Ethiopian dish of chopped beef served in what the French would call this style, raw
    DD: $2,000 21
He's the resident milkman in the village of Anatevka
    $1600 11
In an NFL playoff game, Frank Reich, replacing Jim Kelly, led this team from a 35-3 deficit to victory
    $1600 16
Pronounced as one syllable, it means "brooded"; pronounced this way as 2 syllables, it's a powered bike
    $1600 26
Meaning the situation has completely reversed, it would be okay if you had 2 left feet
    $2000 30
With "Opus Magus", you can "bring home" this 13th c. British friar & philosopher (no relation to Francis)
    $2000 5
From the Latin for "sleeve", it's a pasta tube stuffed with cheese & baked in tomato sauce
    $2000 22
When his "Le Misanthrope was first produced, he played the role of Alceste; his wife played Celimene
    $2000 12
This Seattle player was the only guard to be NBA defensive player of the year in the '90s
    $2000 17
We hope you don't over-"taxi" your brain in identifying this
    $2000 27
When the spotlight was on his back-up group, Tony Orlando discovered this familiar saying was true

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Kate Ron
$11,600 $4,800 $24,131
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This country of more than 100 million people is home to the Kanuri, Edo & Igbo ethnic groups

Final scores:

Amy Kate Ron
$9,599 $2,100 $23,962
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $23,962

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Kate Ron
$11,600 $5,000 $23,000
17 R,
2 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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