Suggest correction - #7579 - 2017-07-20

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    $200 26
Jerome Valeska's laugh in the "Blind Fortune Teller" episode had many wonder if this villain had arrived in "Gotham"

Show #7579 - Thursday, July 20, 2017

Justin Vossler game 1.


Doug Groshart, a mechanical engineer and musician from San Luis Obispo, California

Justin Vossler, a high school history teacher from Homer, New York

Deborah Elliott, an educator from Cleveland, Ohio (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $76,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
"I believe in miracles, where you from? You sexy thing":
    $200 21
Adjective used officially to describe a species that is more than threatened with going extinct
    $200 11
A duchesse bed is a canopy bed that doesn't have these--not 4, not any
    $200 26
Jerome Valeska's laugh in the "Blind Fortune Teller" episode had many wonder if this villain had arrived in "Gotham"
    $200 1
This British port on the River Mersey was founded in 1207 when King John granted a charter
    $200 16
14th c. knight Sir John Hawkwood served England, Florence, Pisa & Milan as this type of paid soldier
    $400 7
"Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goalposts of life, end over end, neither left nor to right":
    $400 22
Old-growth types of these are typically older than 200 years & have dense canopies
    $400 12
This type of sofa includes a piece such as a chaise completing an "L" shape
    $400 27
"The clown was put on Earth... to introduce me to the sweet language of murder"--Dandy, on this: "Freak Show"
    $400 2
This Asian country on the Mediterranean is 40% Christian
    $400 17
A 2007 biography of this young French warrior & saint calls her a pawn, ultimately sacrificed
    $600 8
"Baby baby baby oh, like baby baby baby no, like baby baby baby oh, thought you'd always be mine":
    $600 23
This term used of settlers in the Old West is also used for members of the first species to populate a new area
    $600 13
The office chair evolved in the mid-19th century, as seen here, when this British scientist fastened wheels to his chair
    $600 28
Maybe the Governor on this AMC show was a big "Futurama" fan, what with keeping all those human heads in tanks
    DD: $1,000 3
This island whose name means "Big Light" represents around 35% of the area of the Philippines
    $600 18
Don Juan Enguera, bishop of Vich, was a "grand" this, holding the line against heresy in Spain
    $800 9
"Hi! My name is (what?), my name is (who?), my name is Slim Shady":
    $800 24
These "feminine" beetles come inside for winter & excrete a yellow residue when scared, so leave them be till spring
    $800 14
When painting this "knotty" wood, knots won't show if you putty creases--use 2 coats of primer & 2 coats of latex
    $800 29
"I was following my path... God led you to me", said the Trinity killer to this fellow title serial killer
    $800 4
This Swiss lake is also known as the "Lake of the Four Cantons"
    $800 19
This learned 17th century Swedish queen was known as "The Minerva of the North"
    $1000 10
"If you really need me, just reach out & touch me, come on sugar, let me know": just
    $1000 25
This trout species named for a small body similar to a stream has battled back from acid rain deposition in U.S. streams
    $1000 15
Taking its name from a Turkish architectural feature, this 5-letter couch often has 1 arm & a partial back
    $1000 30
On HBO's "Oz", this Oscar winner found his tempo as a neo-Nazi who oh-so-casually threatened his cellmate's family
    $1000 5
The ridge crest of this tallest Canadian mountain is about 10 miles across
    $1000 20
This English king's greatest achievement was Westminster Abbey, consecrated in 1065 just days before his death

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Deborah Justin Doug
$2,400 $2,200 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Justin Doug
$6,200 $5,800 -$200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
From the Latin for "two footed", this term is used to describe & distinguish early humanoids from 4-6 million years ago
    $400 21
Robert Alda in "Rhapsody in Blue"
    $400 26
You need 3 "M"s to spell this kind of stamp issued to honor something special
    $400 1
The ninth one says people retain rights that aren't enumerated in the U.S. constitution
    $400 11
He died on April 2, 2005 & was canonized a little more than 9 years later
    $400 16
Exodus 1:1:
"Now these are the names of the children of ____, which came into Egypt"
    $800 7
A gorilla is a hominid; change the last letter in "hominid" to get this specific term applying to our ancestors
    $800 22
Bill Shirley in "I Dream of Jeannie"
    $800 27
It's the postmark that indicates a stamp has been used
    $800 2
The anointing of the sick is one of these
    $800 12
After 13 years & $2.7 billion, in 2003 scientists finished the project of fully mapping this
    $800 17
Song of Solomon 2:1:
"I am the ____ of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys"
    $1200 8
Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa has evidence of human use of this 1 million years ago, perhaps the earliest use found
    $1200 23
Hugh Grant in "Impromptu"
(Judy Davis as George Sand)
    $1200 28
The Philatelic Beacon is a newsletter for those who like to collect stamps that depict these structures
    $1200 3
In the photo here, it's the residue that stays behind in the bottle
    $1200 13
This Wikileaks founder avoided extradition to Sweden by staying in the Ecuadorian embassy in London beginning in 2012
    $1200 18
Revelation 17:3:
"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast... having seven heads and ten ____"
    $1600 9
The oldest Homo sapiens fossils date from 195,000 years ago & were found in this Horn of Africa nation
    $1600 24
Fernand Gravet in "The Great Waltz"
    DD: $1,000 29
Every collection knows the French identify their airmail labels with this 2-word phrase
    $1600 4
An obstacle
    $1600 14
Colloquial name for the Massachusetts health system signed into law in 2006
    DD: $2,000 19
Lamentations 4:9:
"They that be slain with the ____ are better than they that be slain with hunger"
    $2000 10
This early "upright man" pioneered the use of tools & hunted game 2 million years ago
    $2000 25
Kevin Kline in "De-Lovely"
    $2000 30
An FDI stamp is one of these, a term commonly associated with new stamps
    $2000 5
A wall to hold back water; you can walk along the famous London one seen here
    $2000 15
A 2011 tsunami caused a disaster at this Japanese nuclear power plant
    $2000 20
Daniel 3:23:
"And these three men...fell down bound into the midst of the burning ____ ____"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Justin Doug
$13,400 $13,600 $3,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1932 a 4,700-pound piece of the object that gave this capital its "small" name was moved to city hall

Final scores:

Deborah Justin Doug
$25,400 $27,100 $3,400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $27,100 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Deborah Justin Doug
$13,400 $13,800 $3,400
19 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $30,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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