Suggest correction - #7574 - 2017-07-13

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    $600 10
The pitcher begins his delivery with one foot touching this part of the mound

Show #7574 - Thursday, July 13, 2017


Jill Staunton, an office associate from Springfield, Illinois

Terry Hanlon, a graduate student from Charlottesville, Virginia

Gavin Borchert, a writer and editor from Seattle, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
Even better than a no-hitter, it's the rare feat of pitching the whole game & not allowing a single baserunner
    $200 1
In this poem, Lewis Carroll warned us, "Beware the jubjub bird, and shun the frumious bandersnatch"
    $200 17
In the nursery rhyme, the one of the 3 men in a tub who doesn't work in a food-related job
    $200 6
Lifetime Achievement, 2016:
this satirical newspaper that had already won 27 Webbys
    $200 13
According to Plutarch, an argument over who had seen more vultures led Romulus to kill him
    $200 26
Vocalized like Drake / prepped gifts for Christmas
    $400 8
In September 2014 this Yankee drove in the winning run in his emotional last home game of a 20-year career
    $400 2
"A wonderful bird is" this, "his bill will hold more than his belican"
    $400 19
This animated trio behind novelty songs, TV shows & movies consists of Alvin, Simon & Theodore
    $400 7
Breakout of the Year, 2006:
this pioneering social networking site that later got flattened by Facebook
    $400 14
Thomas Paine wrote, "I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and" this title
    $400 27
A word for the cursed / stopped the river from flowing
    $600 10
The pitcher begins his delivery with one foot touching this part of the mound
    $600 3
When first seen, this title bird was "perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door"
    $600 20
The books that make up the "Hunger Games" trilogy are "The Hunger Games" & these 2
    $600 9
Best Political Website, 2009: this one founded by an Athens-born woman
    DD: $2,000 23
An 1860 debate at Oxford between Bishop Samuel Wilberforce & biologist Thomas Huxley centered on this book
    $600 28
Saw something / quoted from a literary work
    $800 11
In 2015 this Washington Nationals O.F. nicknamed "Bam Bam" hit 42 home runs & was the NL MVP
    $800 4
"And a good south wind sprung up behind"; it "did follow, and every day, for food or play, came to the mariner's hollo!"
    $800 21
Demolished in 2001, this venue was formerly home to the Pirates & Steelers
    $800 15
Best User Experience, 2013: this site with 337 million blogs but no "E"
    $800 24
An argument for the separation of political powers was put forth by this future president in The Federalist No. 51
    $800 29
Turned poker chips back into real money / hid something in a safe spot
    $1000 12
Playing for the Dodgers, Chan Ho Park was the first MLB player from this country
    $1000 18
John Keats called this bird immortal; "Thou wast not born for death"
    $1000 22
All atoms are composed of these 3 basic types of particles
    $1000 16
Person of the Year, 2014:
this anonymous one-named man for Instagramming some of his outdoor art
    $1000 25
In 1713 the fight over who invented calculus was submitted to this society; unluckily for Leibniz, Newton was its president
    $1000 30
A bell sounded / an apple, skinned

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Gavin Terry Jill
$2,400 $3,400 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gavin Terry Jill
$4,800 $7,600 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 12
I see in my mind's eye that Vincent Price hosted a show about psychic powers with this 3-letter abbreviated title
    $400 21
In 1883 Jan Matzeliger created a lasting machine--it stretched a shoe over a form & attached it to this bottom part
    $400 25
This job is also called dockworker or stevedore, but it contains more letters than either
    $400 3
"Head" to the huge national memorial also known as "The Shrine of Democracy" in this state
    $400 7
In jalapeno-flavored Stoli Hot
    $400 1
This painter of the Sistine Chapel was still alive when Vasari wrote a biography of him, a first
    $800 13
Submitted for your approval, this award-winning writer & producer briefly hosted "Liar's Club" in the 1960s
    $800 22
During WWI he equipped a new lab for antisubmarine research on Eagle Rock Mountain near West Orange, New Jersey
    $800 26
Jesse Owens & Richard Wright were sons of this kind of rent-paying farmer
    $800 17
The Mississippi flows 2,350 miles southward from its source, Lake Itasca, in this state
    DD: $3,000 8
First mentioned in records from Barbados around 1650
    $800 2
He left all his works of art to the city of Oslo, which built a museum to house them
    $1200 14
Also famous for "Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives", this chef has hosted "Grocery Games" & "Minute to Win It"
    $1200 23
In 1959 this corporation introduced the first office copier based on Chester Carlson's instant copying technique
    $1200 27
Celebs open to contact from fans are called "very" this
    $1200 18
Rising nearly 1,800 feet in the Ozark Plateau, Taum Sauk is the highest point in this state
    $1200 9
Made from various agaves &, unlike tequila, sometimes has a "worm" in the bottle
    $1200 4
(Alex presents the clue from the Norton Simon Museum.) Very few artists were as expressive in the use of colors as this man, whose "Odalisque with a Tambourine" was inspired by a trip to Morocco
    $1600 15
Known for broadcasting and podcasting, in 2016 he started hosting "The Wall"
    $1600 24
In 1679 Denis Papin invented the steam digester, the forerunner of this very "P.C." kitchen appliance
    $1600 28
Term for the use of agents like smallpox or Ebola to kill others
    $1600 19
Wahoo! You'll find that city along with Ogallala & Fairbury in this state that dominates Iowa's western border
    $1600 10
Distilled from wormwood & has a high alcohol content, usually 110 to 144 proof
    $1600 5
In "Golconda" by this Belgian artist, men in overcoats & bowler hats fall from the sky like rain
    $2000 16
This longtime CBS News anchorman once helmed the game show "It's News to Me"
    $2000 29
In 1835 German chemist Justus von Liebig became the first to create a mirror by coating the back of glass with this metal
    DD: $9,801 30
The Latin for "cross" gives us this term for extreme pain
    $2000 20
The Spoon River of "Anthology" fame is a tributary of the river named for this state
    $2000 11
An apple brandy from the Normandy region of France
    $2000 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the "Gray Tree".) You can see the visible world starting to be reduced to lines and rectangles in the "Gray Tree" (1911), by this Dutch painter, who soon got into pure abstraction

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gavin Terry Jill
$19,800 $199 $13,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

He holds the record for time between acting nominations for the same role, 39 years between 1976 & 2015 films

Final scores:

Gavin Terry Jill
$9,800 $396 $0
2-day champion: $29,400 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gavin Terry Jill
$17,600 $8,600 $13,000
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $39,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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