Suggest correction - #2629 - 1996-01-25

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    $400 2
Che Guevara once served as president of the national bank of this country

Show #2629 - Thursday, January 25, 1996


Leigh Tomaszewski, a library aide from Burke, Virginia

David Bowen, a scientist originally from London, England

John Thiel, a psychiatrist originally from Adelphi, Maryland (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A little bit of everything.)
    $100 15
George met her at a 1941 Christmas dance, became engaged to her in 1943 & married her in 1945
    $100 26
TV wasn't the final frontier for this series; in 1979 it became "The Motion Picture"
    $100 6
Saintpaulia Ionantha is commonly called this geographical "violet"
    $100 9
This city's Alamodome is one of 8 home courts in the NBA to exceed a seating capacity of 20,000
    $100 1
The name of this Mary Shelley scientist is often confused with his ghastly creation
    $100 14
This branch of the Justice Department administers the National Crime Information Center
    $200 16
He chose Bush as his running mate though they disagreed on cutting taxes, abortion & the E.R.A.
    $200 27
This '60s TV comedy about the crew of the PT-73 sailed twice onto the big screen
    $200 7
Vanilla has been cultivated in this North American country for hundreds of years
    $200 10
From 1966 to 1986, this NFL team played its home games in the Orange Bowl
    $200 2
Like Quincy on TV, Kay Scarpetta in novels by Patricia Cornwell has this profession
    $200 20
This Denver newspaper was given a 1986 Pulitzer Prize for meritorious public service
    $300 17
As U.S. ambassador to this organization in 1971, Bush worked to keep Nationalist China from expulsion
    $300 28
In the movie version, she played Carol Brady
    $300 8
These creatures spread the seeds of plants like mistletoe
    $300 11
The opening ceremonies for the 1932 & 1984 Summer Olympic Games took place at this L.A. arena
    $300 3
In a Judith Krantz bestseller, Billy Ikehorn Orsini owns this title boutique
    $300 21
Some say that Jesse James was with this man & his gang when they raided Lawrence, Kansas
    $400 18
As president, Bush sent troops into Panama to overthrow this dictator
    $400 29
Subtitled "Fire Walk with Me", it brought back Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer
    $400 24
Varieties of this important cereal grain include emmer, spelt & common or bread
    $400 12
Built in 1912, Tiger Stadium & this Red Sox park are the oldest major league ballparks
    DD: $500 4
Howard Roark, the central architect in this novel, was supposedly modeled on Frank Lloyd Wright
    $400 22
This principality & Switzerland are joined in a customs union
    $500 19
Bush's father, Prescott, represented this state in the U.S. Senate from 1952 to 1963
    $500 30
"Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" was one of its segments on TV & in a feature film
    $500 25
Crocus is the Latin word for this expensive spice produced by a type of crocus
    $500 13
This London stadium has been the site of cup finals in soccer & of Live Aid
    $500 5
She's the matriarch in "The Grapes of Wrath"
    $500 23
Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is Illinois' busiest; this airport is second

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

John David Leigh
-$100 $2,200 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John David Leigh
$700 $5,100 -$900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1959 Georges Vanier became the 1st Roman Catholic Governor General of this North American country
    $200 7
She's the subject of Andy Warhol's 1962 "Marilyn Diptych"
    $200 5
The red stripe on Indonesia's flag stands for courage; this color stripe stands for purity
    $200 26
In 1995 3 actors presented "The Compleat Works of" this playwright "Abridged" in just 105 minutes
    $200 13
Christian Nelson of Onawa, Iowa patented this chocolate-coated ice cream bar in 1921
    $200 25
Only 2 inches long, the smallest bird is a species of this
    $400 2
Che Guevara once served as president of the national bank of this country
    $400 10
An X-ray of his "Blue Boy" has revealed the figure of a small dog that was painted out
    $400 8
Angola's flag features a segment of a cogwheel & this large knife used to clear underbrush
    $400 14
At the 1889 Paris Centennial Exposition, 1/4 of the American exhibit space was devoted to his inventions
    $600 3
On June 6, 1523 Gustav I was elected king of this country at the Diet of Strangnas
    $600 18
In 1481 Botticelli led a group of painters in frescoing this newly erected Vatican chapel
    $600 9
The words "Semper Fidelis" appear on the flag of this armed services branch
    $600 23
This comic's wife Camille co-produced the Tony-nominated play about the Delany Sisters, "Having Our Say"
    $600 15
While fighting for his patent for the cotton gin, he made arms for the U.S. government
    $800 4
John Bradshaw was president of the court that condemned this English king to death in 1649
    $800 19
His portrait of the Duchess of Alba in a Maja costume is at NYC's Hispanic Society of America
    DD: $3,000 11
The 11 stripes on this African republic's flag represent the signers of its 1847 Declaration of Independence
    $800 22
Mercedes Ruehl played the lusty Serafina Delle Rose in the 1995 revival of his play "The Rose Tattoo"
    $800 16
The British inventor of the mechanical seed drill, or a British rock group featuring Ian Anderson
    DD: $1,700 6
Ludovico Sforza, a duke of this city, was so dark he was nicknamed Il Moro, "The Moor"
    $1000 20
In 1797 Ingres entered the studio of this "Death of Marat" painter
    $1000 12
While no longer linked with Egypt, this country still uses the flag of the United Arab Republic
    $1000 21
Ed Begley Jr. starred in this "American Buffalo" author's 1995 play "The Cryptogram"
    $1000 17
These French brothers developed the 1st popular color photographic process, introduced in 1907
    $1000 24
One of Ireland's national pastimes is this stick & ball game similar to field hockey

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John David Leigh
$6,400 $12,300 -$700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This state capital is on the site of a cross erected by Capt. Christopher Newport May 24, 1607

Final scores:

John David Leigh
$1 $7,300 -$700
2nd place: Broyhill Millwood Creek Bedroom Set New champion: $7,300 3rd place: Tasco Telescope & Accessories

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John David Leigh
$8,600 $10,100 -$700
16 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
30 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
4 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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