Suggest correction - #7555 - 2017-06-16

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    $1000 5
In 1841 many expected this VP to become a sort of acting president, but he moved into the White House & took the big job

Show #7555 - Friday, June 16, 2017


Peter Guekguezian, a Ph.D. student in linguistics from Fresno, California

Melanie Glassco, a curriculum development program manager from Atlanta, Georgia

Debb Johnson, a retired teacher from Columbia, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,700)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the type of workplace that's central to each show.)
    $200 1
This Indiana man:
"1 word sums up probably the responsibility of any Vice President, & that 1 word is 'to be prepared'"
    $200 21
This seasoned coating mix from Kraft comes in varieties like crunchy pretzel & Parmesan crusted
    $200 26
Set sail on your vacation with this corporation, CCL
    $200 11
"Six Feet Under"
    $200 6
This nation was once a province known as East Pakistan & before that, East Bengal
    $200 16
"Things to Do With Your Hands That Men Like": "Shake hands with his ex-wife" & "section his" this breakfast fruit
    $400 2
This Indiana man signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a governor but soon also signed a revision
    $400 22
This rhyming synonym for "unwaveringly loyal" is also colorful
    $400 27
LUV is the symbol for this airline that's headquartered off of Love Field in Dallas
    $400 12
"Those Who Can't"
    $400 7
East Cape is the easternmost mainland point on this island, the world's second largest
    $400 17
Not tonight! In 25 "Thoughtful Things to Do for a Man in the Bedroom: "Never mention your backache or" this "after 7:30 PM"
    $600 3
Last night I dreamt of -mandering again & of this man who became veep in 1813
    $600 23
What the French call un haricot vert, we call this vegetable
    $600 28
They've toyed with the idea of merging, but for now, these 2 rivals remain MAT & HAS
    $600 13
"Fawlty Towers"
    $600 8
It's home to Michigan State University
    $600 18
"Things That are Tacky": forgetting to buy your man vermouth, stamps & this item such as barbasol or foamy
    DD: $1,000 4
In 1980 this ex-veep defended himself in a political memoir called "Go Quietly... Or Else"
    $800 24
It's the derogatory slang term for a tattoo on a woman's lower back
    $800 29
Oprah might have texted "WTH" after shares of this stock, WTW, dropped more than 50% in 2016
    $800 14
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"
    $800 9
The area seen here; a Cal State campus in Hayward is named for it
    $800 19
Commandment 7 says thou shalt not commit it, but a section in "The Libidinal You" is "A Philosophy of Considerate" this
    $1000 5
In 1841 many expected this VP to become a sort of acting president, but he moved into the White House & took the big job
    $1000 25
The Flex 2 is a tracker from this company
    $1000 30
Any way you slice it, CAKE is the symbol for this restaurant chain
    $1000 15
"The Knick"
    $1000 10
Ambeno, an enclave surrounded by Indonesia, is part of this country that gained its independence in 2002
    $1000 20
"But I wouldn't be caught dead without my bra" is not a good enough response when discussing "women's" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Debb Melanie Peter
$600 $2,000 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Debb Melanie Peter
$3,000 $4,600 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 9
Spoiler alert! In "Return of the Jedi", Luke sets this man ablaze in a funeral pyre
    $400 26
Early-onset this most common form of dementia usually begins in one's 40s or 50s
    $400 1
Whoever eats this "silly" bird "on Michaelmas Day, shall never lack money his debts to pay"
    $400 4
When capitalized, this term refers to the Pleistocene glacial epoch that started creeping over North America 2 million years ago
    $400 21
Sydney Carton takes the place at the guillotine of the condemned Charles Darnay in this Dickens novel
    $400 16
Plumed antipodean pictured here
    $800 10
Attend the tale of this 2007 title barber who throws Mrs. Lovett to a fiery death in a furnace
    $800 27
Research suggests that doing this before bed, especially hatha or nidra, may help you sleep better
    $800 2
Sweaty palms aren't great, but this kind of palm means you'll be getting money
    $800 5
This conquistador brought the first cattle to mainland America during the conquest of Mexico
    $800 22
Later declared innocent, in 1895, this man, unjustly convicted of treason, was shipped off to Devil's Island
    $800 17
That's quite a this lengthy persuasive speech, but I'm still not buying
    $1200 11
As he's called "The Human Torch", Johnny Storm of this title group is kinda perfect for the category
    $1200 28
Because it spreads to other organs, the most serious form of skin cancer is this deadly 8-letter type
    $1200 3
The story of Narcissus may have sprung from the superstition that to see this was unlucky
    $1200 6
Around 1000 A.D. this man explored the east coast of North America, sighting Newfoundland
    $1200 23
Susan Sarandon starred as Sister Helen Prejean & Sean Penn was the condemned man in this movie based on the nun's book
    DD: $3,000 18
She's the mother of Silas Randall Timberlake
    $1600 12
This actress was no "Angel" as a young girl who set folks a-smolderin' as a "Firestarter" in 1984
    $1600 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) Glaucoma can result from a buildup of clear fluid in the eye, which creates high pressure & destroys this nerve that connects the eye to the brain
    $1600 14
Having one of these insects of family Gryllidae near the heart in a home was a sign of luck in olden times
    $1600 7
By about 9,000 B.C., many large animals in North America were extinct, including this "breast tooth" species
    $1600 24
He wrote from experience of "that little tent of blue which prisoners call the sky" in his "Ballad of Reading Gaol"
    $1600 19
Yiddish word for a born loser
    $2000 13
Trying to light a cigar, blind hermit Gene Hackman sets Peter Boyle's thumb on fire in this 1974 comedy
    $2000 30
Chronic acid reflux is also known by this 4-letter acronym
    $2000 15
Also known as heliotrope, this green gem with distinctive red spots is used in amulets to protect against the evil eye
    DD: $4,000 8
In 1663 this English king established a colony in eastern North America; it would eventually become 2 colonies
    $2000 25
This Norman Mailer book tells how convicted killer Gary Gilmore lobbied for his own death by firing squad
    $2000 20
A major German port, it was the site of a major 1918 mutiny

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Debb Melanie Peter
$9,200 $7,800 $17,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Scholars think this 1810 piano piece was dedicated to Elisabeth Röckel or Therese Malfatti, a student of the composer

Final scores:

Debb Melanie Peter
$4,200 $100 $18,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $18,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Debb Melanie Peter
$7,400 $11,800 $17,400
15 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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