Suggest correction - #2463 - 1995-04-26

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    $1000 7
Nationality of the master neoplasticist Piet Mondrian

Show #2463 - Wednesday, April 26, 1995


Brenda Beck, an actor from Los Angeles, California

Bill Schantz, a software support manager originally from Glen Ullin, North Dakota

Darlis Wood, a librarian from Berkeley, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
This "Wizard of Menlo Park" served as president of the Naval Consulting Board in World War I
    $100 8
William Shatner portrayed Lucius in a 1955 Canadian production of this play; Lorne Greene was Brutus
    $100 25
This long, tapering, orange root vegetable contains more sugar than any vegetable except the beet
    $100 6
The Montana-Wyoming border passes through this national park
    $100 1
It's the American equivalent of a British barrister
    $100 18
The 15th c. poet Francois Villon claimed, "There's no good speech save in" this French city
    $200 14
At his inaugural on March 4, 1933, he said, "Our greatest primary task is to put people to work"
    $200 9
The Old Vic's 1937 production of this play featured ballet dancer Robert Helpmann as Oberon
    $200 26
The "heading" type of this green vegetable somewhat resembles the cauliflower
    $200 7
Lake of the Clouds, these New Mexico caverns' lowest point, lies 1,037 feet below the main entrance
    $200 2
It's the person who designs or arranges the dances for a theatrical production or ballet
    $200 19
Heywood Broun called this Illinois city "a double Newark"
    $300 15
On May 20, 1927 he left for Europe with 5 sandwiches & a quart of water
    $300 10
Helen Hayes & Maurice Evans co-starred in a 1940 production of this play named for a holiday
    $300 27
The red type of this berry grows on erect canes; the black type, on arching ones
    $300 23
The mailing address of this national park is Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738
    $300 3
A wainwright is a person who makes or repairs these
    $300 20
Pindar called it "O bright and violet-crowned and famed in song, bulwark of Greece... divine city!"
    $400 16
As president-elect in 1980, Ronald Reagan appointed her U.S. Representative to the United Nations
    $400 11
In 1935 Laurence Olivier & John Gielgud alternated in the roles of Mercutio & this title character
    $400 28
Sir William Gage brought the greengage variety of this fruit to England around 1725
    $400 24
The waters of this Arkansas park are at a uniform 143 degrees F.
    $400 4
It's a woman in charge of a child's upbringing & education, or an obsolete term for a female ruler
    DD: $1,300 21
According to a 1910 toast, it's "Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots and the Cabots talk only to God"
    $500 17
This explorer of the American west & U.S. senator was nicknamed "The Pathfinder"
    $500 12
Peter O'Toole played this shrew tamer in 1960; Alan Bates, in 1973
    $500 29
Dwarf green curled is a variety of the Savoy type of this vegetable
    $500 30
Somes Sound, the only fjord in the lower 48 states, is in Acadia National Park in this state
    $500 5
Often employed by the government, they establish land & water boundaries & compile data for mapmakers
    $500 22
Samuel Johnson said, "When a man is tired of" this city, "he is tired of life"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Darlis Bill Brenda
$1,400 $1,300 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Darlis Bill Brenda
$2,700 $2,200 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Eds who have written something.)
    $200 1
Harlow Shapley estimated that this, the Earth's galaxy, was 100,000 parsecs in diameter
    $200 25
This "common" illness is actually caused by any one of about 200 viruses
    $200 3
This country's empress dowager Tz'u-hsi was known for the dramatic style of her painting & calligraphy
    $200 17
Made public in 1852, this Mormon practice was abandoned about 40 years later
    $200 13
Oslo's Holmenkollen ski jump still remains from this 1952 event
    $200 8
E(dward) E(stlin) Cummings wrote the scenario for "Tom", a ballet based on this Harriet Beecher Stowe novel
    $400 2
In 1918 he was promoted from assistant to head football coach at Notre Dame
    $400 26
A diving injury & a slap over the ear are 2 common ways that this membrane becomes ruptured
    $400 4
This "Blue Boy" artist's wife Margaret was believed to be an illegitimate daughter to the Duke of Beaufort
    $400 18
This religious leader is the incarnation of Avalokiteshvara
    $400 14
This Rome landmark is one-third of a mile in circumference & almost 150 feet tall
    $400 9
At the age of 66 this Tarzan creator became a war correspondent for the Honolulu Advertiser
    $600 22
In July this Russian emperor was executed at Yekaterinburg
    $600 27
Walter Reed's experiments confirmed Carlos Finlay's theory that mosquitoes spread this disease
    $600 5
In the early 1400s Donatello apprenticed at Ghiberti's workshop in this city
    $600 19
Sacred mountains in this religion include Mt. Kirishima & Mt. Miwa
    $600 15
Scotts Bluff National Monument in western Nebraska is a landmark on this pioneer route
    $600 10
He won a Pulitzer for "A Delicate Balance", but not for "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
    DD: $1,000 23
Transylvania passed from Austria-Hungary to this country in 1918
    $800 28
Folic acid deficiency is a type of this disease defined as a decrease in hemoglobin or red blood cells
    DD: $1,100 6
Born in Malaga in 1881, he was the son of artist Jose Ruiz Blasco, but used his mother's maiden name
    $800 20
It's the predominant form of Islam in Iran
    $800 16
The "Circle" named for him lies at the southwest corner of NYC's Central Park
    $800 11
He wrote "If Jesus Came to Boston" as well as the better-known "The Man Without a Country"
    $1000 24
This British press lord founded the London Sunday Express
    $1000 29
Those intolerant of this milk sugar may still be able to eat fermented milk products like yogurt
    $1000 7
Nationality of the master neoplasticist Piet Mondrian
    $1000 21
Pope Gregory IX was friends with the founders of the first mendicant orders, St. Dominic & this man
    $1000 30
A popular tourist site in this country is the Kolmarden Zoo, one of Europe's largest, in Ostergotland
    $1000 12
His travel books were overshadowed by the popularity of poems like "The Owl and the Pussycat"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Darlis Bill Brenda
$8,500 $8,300 $3,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

The meridian of Cape Agulhas, Portuguese for "needles", is the boundary between these 2 oceans

Final scores:

Darlis Bill Brenda
$100 $8,099 $3,300
3rd place: American Harvest kitchen appliances New champion: $8,099 2nd place: Trip to Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Darlis Bill Brenda
$8,500 $10,700 $3,100
21 R,
3 W
28 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
8 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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