Suggest correction - #7512 - 2017-04-18

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    $1600 9
It's the big ballet leap being performed here

Show #7512 - Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Ani Gupta, an economist from Berkeley, California

Kimberly Bond, a writer and stay-at-home mom from Cumming, Georgia

Jamie Newland, a loan coordinator from Chicago, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
"In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war"
    $200 13
The name of a land agent gives us this tactic for refusing to buy a company's products
    $200 12
Frank Sinatra's epitaph is this song title (but not "And babe, won't that be fine")
    $200 6
The most populous on Lake Erie
    $200 1
Part of a tradition dating back centuries, a toji is a master overseer of the creation of this fermented beverage
    $200 7
New-in-town alcoholic writer Nicolas Cage decides to have his last ride in Vegas in this 1995 film
    $400 27
"Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem"
    $400 14
As a verb, it means to stop the flow of blood; as an adjective, steadfast or loyal
    $400 18
The central nave of the National Pantheon of Venezuela is dedicated to this liberator of South America
    $400 22
A "saucy" place on the Blackstone Canal
    $400 2
Untappd is an app used by drinkers of this beverage to keep track of what they drink & to share notes on taste
    $400 8
Fiance Nicolas Cage had a rough plane ride over Vegas in this 1992 film
    $600 28
From his second inaugural address: "I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished"
    $600 15
It's the holiday-themed term for a hidden bonus in a film or computer game
    $600 19
In 2016 this basketball coach of the Lady Vols was laid to rest in Mount Carmel Cemetery in Tennessee
    $600 23
Named for a "Mad" major general
    $600 3
One story says that this cocktail got its name from the Italian vermouth manufacturer this & Rossi
    $600 9
Newly paroled Nicolas Cage had a rough plane ride into Vegas in this 1997 film
    DD: $1,000 29
"My fellow citizens: the world and we have passed the midway point of a century of continuing challenge"
    $800 16
A few pages after bagel, you'll find this somewhat similar onion roll
    $800 20
When Spenser was buried near Chaucer at Westminster Abbey, the concept of this area was begun
    $800 24
Down south, "the birthplace of California"
    $800 4
A tax-dodging "ring" during the Grant administration was named for this liquor
    $800 10
A security guard exposition called this "Mall Cop" character back to duty in a Vegas-set sequel
    $1000 30
"I have just taken the oath of office on the Bible my mother gave me just a few years ago"
    $1000 17
It's the long word specifically for a 150th anniversary
    $1000 21
Edith Piaf is among those buried in this Paris cemetery
    $1000 25
Served by Gerald R. Ford International Airport
    $1000 5
Admiral Edward Vernon is known as the father of this 4-letter rum drink for sailors
    $1000 11
In "Lost in America" the Desert Inn doesn't have as much heart as this actor hopes after his wife loses the nest egg

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jamie Kimberly Ani
$3,800 $0 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jamie Kimberly Ani
$4,000 $2,200 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: GIve us the name of the playwright who wrote both of the items in the clue.)
    $400 26
In 2016 Cleveland's hopes died as this team won it all for the first time since the year Grover Cleveland died
    $400 21
John J. Astor IV built the St. Regis, wrote a sci-fi novel & designed a turbine engine before his fatal trip on this ship
    $400 1
The 7 subspecies of this goose include Hudson Bay & Vancouver
    $400 16
No medieval British castle is complete without one of these dug around it
    $400 6
"Race 'n' Chase" was the working title for this video game series
    $400 15
"American Buffalo" & "Glengarry Glen Ross"
    $800 27
Babe Ruth was the first to wear No. 3 for the Yankees; this man was their first No. 4
    DD: $2,000 22
Her profile says it all: "$2.9 billion... producer, entrepreneur, personality, philanthropist"
    $800 2
Around 1520 Spanish explorers introduced this largest native North American game bird to Europe
    $800 17
At Kimberley, South Africa, you can visit "The Big Hole", dug for the purpose of finding these
    $800 7
The 5th Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer" for a capital crime except on "indictment of" one of these
    $800 14
"Tartuffe" & "The Imaginary Invalid"
    $1200 28
Before they were named for their hosiery, this American League team was known simply as the Americans
    $1200 23
Ted Turner took a $7 billion hit after this company merged with AOL in 2001 but rest easy; Ted's still doing okay
    $1200 3
"The Joy of Cooking" says this fowl was once served "under glass" to keep it moist between oven & table
    $1200 18
Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban was an early practitioner of this type of warfare named for what was dug
    $1200 8
Epilepsy can involve this French-named type of seizure with severe convulsions & loss of consciousness
    $1200 13
"Ghosts" & "The Wild Duck"
    $1600 29
In 2012 Miguel Cabrera got on his horse & became the first hitter to win this distinction since 1967
    $1600 24
In the 1920s & '30s this camera man gave away $75 million, which was more than half his fortune
    $1600 4
Gulls will follow flocks of the common Merganser type of this to steal its prey
    $1600 19
Britain's Anatomy Act of 1832 halted this practice that involved some digging, presumably at night
    $1600 9
It's the big ballet leap being performed here
    $1600 12
"An American Daughter" & "The Heidi Chronicles"
    $2000 30
Wins above replacement is a statistic in this field of baseball statistical analysis
    $2000 25
@jack is the handle of this Twitter CEO
    $2000 5
In the 1950s breeder Te Makowsky took the chicken with this British geographic name & made it "rock"
    $2000 20
Isaac & Abraham dug wells in this town of southern Israel whose name means "seven wells"
    DD: $2,000 10
It makes sense that this Colorado city is found where the Gunnison & Colorado Rivers meet
    $2000 11
"True West" & "Buried Child"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jamie Kimberly Ani
$15,200 $5,400 $8,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The U.S. Navy's photonics mast has replaced this familiar device

Final scores:

Jamie Kimberly Ani
$14,399 $10,799 $799
2-day champion: $29,899 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jamie Kimberly Ani
$16,000 $5,400 $7,800
24 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $29,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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