Suggest correction - #1043 - 1989-03-01

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    $100 3
In Northern Ireland, 100 new pence equal 1 of these

Show #1043 - Wednesday, March 1, 1989


Elaine Golden, a law student from Newtonville, Massachusetts

Richard Sprow, a college English professor from Newcastle, Pennsylvania

Chris McKillop, a management consultant from Toronto, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,801)

Jeopardy! Round

1850s HITS
    $100 3
In Northern Ireland, 100 new pence equal 1 of these
    $100 23
Type of flower named for Michel Begon, a French governor of Santo Domingo
    $100 17
All foods contain this liquid that aids in absorption, digestion & regulation of body temp.
    $100 2
To make mulled wine, you spice it, sweeten it & do this
    $100 11
1854 song Stephen Foster wrote for his wife Jane before their marriage became a nightmare
    $100 12
You'd be embarrassed to find one showing beneath your skirt or falling from your paycheck
    $200 4
Whether you're in Zimbabwe or Hong Kong, 100 cents add up to 1 of these
    $200 27
The Song of Solomon says, "I am the rose of Sharon and" this flower "of the valleys"
    $200 18
Widely practiced styles of this are aromatherapy, reflexology, shiatsu & Swedish
    $200 5
If you want to turn a black Russian into a white Russian, add this
    $200 22
"I gave my love a cherry that had no stone, I gave my love" one of these "that had no bone"
    $200 13
In New York City these institutions are designated by a number following the letters P.S.
    $300 1
In India, 100 paise equal 1 of these
    $300 28
The babiana gets its name from a Dutch word for this type of monkey that eats the bulbs
    $300 19
Suntan lotions are numbered according to their SPF, which stands for this
    $300 7
In a pousse-cafe, these float in different colored layers in a tall glass
    $300 24
Wagner wrote it as part of Lohengrin which premiered in 1850, & brides have been walking to it ever since
    $300 14
A role in which Kathleen Turner got married, or a girl to whom Buddy Holly sang a love song
    $400 6
If you're in Japan & have a yen for a yen, you'll need 100 of these
    $400 29
Cowboys hate this "crazy" flower which can kill horses & cattle if they eat it
    $400 20
Green leafy vegetables & tomatoes are the best sources for this vitamin that helps blood to clot
    $400 9
The brand of vodka that "Leaves You Breathless"
    $400 25
According to the song "Good Night Ladies", "Merrily we" do this "o'er the deep blue sea"
    $400 15
Bentley's "The Process of Government" is a classic text in this college subject
    $500 8
100 centimos will get you 1 bolivar in this country, Bolivar's homeland
    $500 30
This sweet little yellow flower is also called the crowfoot
    DD: $500 21
Additive said to cause "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome", it's been removed from baby food products
    $500 10
It puts the pink in a pink lady
    $500 26
This gondolier favorite, written in 1850, glorifies Saint Lucy
    $500 16
David Letterman's musical sidekick

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Chris Richard Elaine
$2,100 $1,000 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Richard Elaine
$3,300 $2,200 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
"Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much," he said in a 1942 radio speech
    $200 11
To a little girl, it's a hat; to an Indian, a war headdress; to a Londoner, the hood of a car
    $200 3
Unimak, Umnak & Unalaska are the 3 largest islands of this chain
    $200 19
Dial Corporation has bought this detergent from U.S. Borax & Chemical Co., hee haw
    $200 1
Italian for "air", it's a song from an opera & title of a 1988 opera film
    $200 21
Jack Palance, Dyan Cannon & Will Rogers have theirs in front of Frederick's of Hollywood
    $400 8
This Illinois native went west for a "wild" time touring with Buffalo Bill & scouting for Custer
    $400 12
It's the deliberate destruction of hair roots using electric current
    $400 5
The only 2 island countries in the Middle East are Cyprus & this island in the Persian Gulf
    $400 20
The world's largest oil storage tanks belong to ARAMCO & are in this country
    $400 17
When Toscanini premiered "Turandot", it was performed incomplete, just as this composer had left it
    $400 25
For over 18 years this singing cowboy owned the studio we're standing in
    $600 9
Once a U.S. attorney for Washington, D.C., he's better known as a patriotic lyricist
    $600 13
Pianism is a fancy word for this
    $600 2
Known for their sagas, the people of this island country are among the most literate in the world
    $600 22
DATs have arrived from Japan; stereo buffs know the initials stand for this
    DD: $2,000 18
Meaning "on with the clown suit", it's the name of the song in the following:
    $600 26
May 16, 1929 in the Blossom Room of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
    $800 10
This "Father of the Constitution" was also its last living signer
    $800 15
A ewer isn't a ram; it's one of these in the shape of a vase
    DD: $3,000 6
The American & Canadian parts of this are separated by Goat Island
    $800 23
RJR Nabisco dropped its ad agency after the agency publicized Northwest Airlines' banning this
    $1000 14
He was nearly 80 in 1960 when he stepped down as president of the United Mine Workers after 40 years
    $1000 16
Don't use your currycomb to make curry powder; you're supposed to do this with it
    $1000 7
Geographers divide this Asian country into 3 parts: the Greater & Lesser Sunda Islands & the Moluccas
    $1000 24
The Ivory Coast is the world's biggest producer of these beans
    $1000 27
Adolph Zukor founded this movie studio & was its chairman of the board emeritus when he died at age 103

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Richard Elaine
$11,700 $4,400 $3,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

de Maupassant & Dumas fils were among those who signed a protest against building this landmark

Final scores:

Chris Richard Elaine
$14,550 $1,800 $1
2-day champion: $27,351 2nd place: Whirlpool I-Level microwave range & Capri lighting system 3rd place: Classic Rose Donatello tea set

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Richard Elaine
$9,500 $4,400 $5,400
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
4 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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