Suggest correction - #7475 - 2017-02-24

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    DD: $4,000 12
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" conveyed this poet's grief over the death of President Lincoln

Show #7475 - Friday, February 24, 2017

2017 College Championship final game 2.


Viraj Mehta, a junior at Stanford University from Austin, Texas (subtotal of $8,482)

Gary Tse, a freshman at the United States Naval Academy from Ellicott City, Maryland (subtotal of $24,945)

Lilly Chin, a senior at MIT from Decatur, Georgia (subtotal of $20,400)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
(Alex: Selected for 2016 by various dictionaries.)
    $200 27
From the Latin for "it dwells", it's the natural home or environment of an organism
    $200 28
This purple-skinned edible is the star ingredient of baba ghanoush
    $200 26
The Cambridge Dictionary picked this adjective meaning having delusions of persecution
    $200 18
Arches National Park is on this river, which also flows through the Grand Canyon
    $200 29
At Rio 2016, he blamed his glacial time of 9.81 secs. in the 100m on the short rest period between the semifinal & final
    $400 11
In 1979 the U.S. embassy in this nation was taken over & 66 Americans held hostage
    $400 25
Of insectivores, herbivores or carnivores, the group whose food source is most likely to live to be fed on again
    $400 3
Petit-gris is a smaller French variety of these creatures with shells
    $400 23
Not merely "real" but this word meaning weirdly unreal, like a dream
    $400 17
This largest city in Wisconsin is an important port on Lake Michigan
    $400 5
In 2014 Jonathan Toews, Chris Kunitz & Sidney Crosby led Canada to gold in this sport
    $600 9
Japan gave the world the Sony Walkman & this 1974 Sanrio cartoon creation
    $600 14
In a parasitic relationship, this organism doesn't put out chips & soda; it provides nourishment unwillingly
    $600 24
They're the Spanish-named meat pies seen here
    DD: $1,000 1
Xenophobia, meaning "fear of" these
    $600 16
This ballpark opened in the Bronx in 1923; the new one, in 2009
    $600 8
Opponents flip over Kayla Harrison, winner of 2012 & 2016 golds in the 78kg division of this martial art
    $800 10
1978 saw the birth of Louise Brown, the first baby conceived this way abbreviated IVF
    $800 2
Lions, elephants & giraffes are found naturally in this type of biome with grassy plains, few trees & sometimes a final "H"
    $800 21
The hole truth is it's another name for Swiss cheese
    $800 20
Collins Dictionary:
This word with a useful suffix to indicate leaving
    $800 4
That's a Zia sun on the flag of this state
    $800 6
On the final shot of a round at Rio 2016, Kim Woo-jin hit the innermost gold circle to set a world record in this sport
    $1000 12
In 1978 Egypt's Sadat & Israel's Begin agreed to these accords named for a presidential retreat
    $1000 13
Fallen branches from these trees are key to nourishing marine ecosystems
    $1000 22
For an appetizer, steam these green soybeans & top them with salt
    $1000 19
Post-truth, edging out this 4-letter adjective meaning alert to injustice
    $1000 15
Graduates of this military college in Charleston, South Carolina fired the first shots at Fort Sumter to begin the Civil War
    $1000 7
The triumphant 2016 U.S. women's gymnastics team had 2 holdovers from 2012: Gabby Douglas & this captain

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Lilly Gary Viraj
$3,000 $2,800 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lilly Gary Viraj
$4,000 $6,600 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
Malcolm Gladwell's book about snap judgments is titled this eye-closing-&-opening action
    $400 22
It's the last word of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
    $400 26
Nestle knows this word for a beloved sweet substance comes from a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water"
    $400 28
The Lydian Lion from 600 B.C. was made from electrum, an alloy of mainly these 2 precious metals
    $400 30
Red Reznikov,
Big Boo &
Flaca Gonzales,
in close quarters
    $400 20
Like his Roman counterpart Neptune, this Greek god is often depicted with his trident & a dolphin
    $800 23
This trio of breakfast cereal mascots are known as ¡Pim! ¡Pum! ¡Pam! in Mexico
    $800 21
Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize for this novel that told of the hardships of the Dust Bowl
    $800 24
We bet Ken Jennings celebrates Jan. 4, the national day for this, from the Latin for "the place where 3 roads meet"
    $800 27
In 2012 Canada minted its last of these coins; many Americans would like to see the same here
    $800 29
Andre &
Jack Johnson,
finding their way comedically on ABC
    $800 19
This messenger god wore winged sandals called Talaria
    $1200 16
On a football team the person in this position, abbreviated L.S., does a lot of hiking
    DD: $4,000 12
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" conveyed this poet's grief over the death of President Lincoln
    $1200 15
Take to the river in this, from Eskimo meaning "boat of skins"
    $1200 9
You're looking at one side of a $1 coin; this monarch is on the other side
    $1200 18
Annalise Keating,
Wes Gibbins &
Laurel Castillo,
navigating the law
    $1200 3
She was ready to go to battle from the moment she sprang from Zeus' head
    $1600 10
You'll need some of the aromatic spice in their name to make a batch of these treats
    $1600 13
"The Left Hand of Darkness" is a sci-fi novel by this woman whose middle initial stands for Kroeber
    DD: $3,800 1
For sore muscles use a whirlpool bath to get some relief through this, from the Greek for "water" & "healing"
    $1600 8
Until 1971 a bob in London wasn't just a nickname but this, part of a pound
    $1600 17
A host of "hosts" on HBO:
Dolores Abernathy,
Teddy Flood &
Sheriff Reed
    $1600 4
The Eleusinian Mysteries were secret religious rites honoring this Greek goddess of agriculture
    $2000 11
Be careful around this critter aka an alligator snapper
    $2000 14
For this woman seen here, "One Writer's Beginnings" was in 1909 in Jackson, Mississippi
    $2000 2
"Cobra" comes from the Portuguese cobra de capello, meaning "snake with" one of these coverings
    $2000 7
Helvetia, the female personification of this nation, is depicted on its money
    $2000 6
Rebecca Bunch,
Paula Proctor &
Darryl Whitefeather...
sing out now!
    $2000 5
As the wife of Zeus, she was the queen of the Olympian gods

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lilly Gary Viraj
$20,400 $6,600 $3,600
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Astronomer who began his epitaph, "I used to measure the heavens, now I shall measure the shadows of Earth"

Final scores:

Lilly Gary Viraj
$20,400 $6,604 $0

Cumulative scores:

Lilly Gary Viraj
$40,800 $31,549 $8,482
Tournament champion: $100,000 + a trophy 1st runner-up: $50,000 2nd runner-up: $25,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lilly Gary Viraj
$17,200 $6,600 $7,400
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
13 R,
1 W
14 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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